Empty House

Will Connors

OOC First Name
When Will thought of home he thought of a place full of love, people, warmth and happiness. It was clichéd but so very true to him that when he thought of the place he lived in, he did not think of it as a home. The apartment in Paris was anything but full of such things, it was cold and brooding and the walls dripped with tears and grief. The twenty one year old's life had become his nightmare, he no longer a young man full of hope for his future who spent nights out with his friends or listened to loud music and kissed too many girls. No, now he felt as though he had aged ten years or more in just a few months. That house that he lived in with his girlfriend was the last place he wanted to come back to at night and the first thing he wanted to leave in the morning, and he could not deny that it was effecting his relationship with Riley in ways he couldn't quite comprehend. Robbed of his youth, Will now spent each day training and attending meetings with the press along with the rest of his Quidditch team members and at night he found excuses to hit the gym for an extra workout or to drink alone at the Hog's Head. It wasn't fair on Riley, he knew it, but suppressed any thought or remorse for he still couldn't face her. Beth had been half his too, so hadn't it been half his fault she was gone? Half of his genetics were to blame, or perhaps he hadn't been attentive enough during Riley's pregnancy, like he wasn't being attentive right now. Each night when he arrived home, the twenty one year old would sift his way through the museum of unopened baby gifts collecting dust and past the plates of food with only single bites taken from them and towards the couch. Only at the apartment a few hours each night, Will would sleep on that couch, getting to bed after his girlfriend and rising well before her too. Truth be told he hadn't seen or heard from Riley properly in a week or more. At the beginning he had tried to care for her, he had held her and stroked her hair until she fell asleep or told her it wasn't her fault or tried to get her to laugh along to a cartoon on the television, but after months of trying he had given up. She refused to speak of their deceased daughter, so that was the way it was going to be.

Though Will missed the old Riley ever so much. The beautiful and bright young intern who had interviewed him and laughed at how blonde his hair was and swore it had to be dyed, the strong young woman who played seeker and could train harder than him. The young woman who used to look into his eyes and smile, a true smile filled with happiness that he had longed for, just as he had longed to kiss his girlfriend now and not feel the chill of her chapped lips and paled skin. Will remembered only how Riley used to act, how she used to look and smile, he refused to believe the gaunt and grief stricken young woman he was co-habiting with was his girlfriend and that the apartment filled with ornaments that suggested an infant lived there belonged to them. That night Will had spent at the gym, yet again dreading returning home in case he had to face another bout of Riley's tears which he knew he did not have the energy to console. But something in him had told him she needed him, that she loved him and trusted him and that he was throwing that all away by not being there for her. Though it was already dark out, Will left immediately and headed towards his apartment, grateful that Riley never left the house these days, so he would find her right there waiting for him. His keys turned in the lock and he turned a blind eye to the mess piling up around the perfectly preserved gifts and the pink blanket perched atop the rocking chair, "Riley?" he called out, poking his head around the corner to the living room before making a track towards the bedroom he no longer slept in. "Riley, honey," he called once more, "I'm...home" he said with hesitation at the last word, though he did not know that his words were falling on deaf ears. But it seemed that his blonde girlfriend was nowhere to be seen, or heard. Will began to fear for her as he looked out the bedroom window, noticing how dark it had gotten, and also that her sneakers were missing from their place in the wardrobe. Being that she was not currently of sound mind the young man's mind could not help but conjure images of her wandering that dark Paris streets alone, cold, and afraid.

The best thing that Will could do was to stay and wait for her in the apartment, which she would no doubt find her way back to, as searching for her would only create more trouble and panic for them both. But the prospect of sitting in the apartment he had once called his bachelor pad seemed so foreign and frightening. He could no longer remain in the bedroom he had shared with his girlfriend so happily before, so he wandered towards the spare room they had turned into a nursery for the child they had been expecting, but which had never come. The white crib complete with pink trimmings and a knitted bunny rabbit was the centre piece to the room which looked like a museum exhibit, or perhaps more like the scene of a crime in which the young couple had been robbed of their hearts, future, and more importantly their daughter. The freshly painted walls and set of drawers adorned with a musical box stared back it him as his fingers brushed the crib which his daughter had been to sleep in and a chill ran down his spine. Riley would have killed him if she had known he had disturbed even one piece of dust in the room she had so carefully been preserving as though if she waited long enough the day of her child's birth might come around again. Taking a forbidden seat in the rocking chair, Will's fingers clasped the quilt that Frances had poorly sewn for their daughter and he began to cry, his hand clenching around it and moving to cover his mouth and muffle the sounds of his whimpering for the girl he would never see grow. No, this place was not home, but it had once meant to be, and could still feel that way if only he and Riley could muster the effort to move on. Hearing a knock on the door Will leapt from the seat, fearing as well as hoping it was Riley as he rushed to the door and flung it open, wiping the tears with the back of his sleeve. Standing before him was a bright and beautiful looking young woman with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Blinking for a moment it seemed to him that a year had not passed, and standing before him was his healthy and happy girlfriend Riley.

Shaking his head though, Will had to dismiss this thought, for standing before him was in fact Riley's twin sister Kalani, her usually shorter blonde hair lengthened with extensions but her features just as bright as they always were. "Please, come in." Will offered politely, knowing she would excuse the state of the place for she knew better than anybody the current circumstances. Hovering, the twenty one year old waited for the young woman to explain her late night visit, failing to mention to her that the sister she probably hoped to see was currently missing out in the streets of Pairs.

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