Emmeline Casey

Emmeline Casey

Active Member
A pretty cool one that hopefully works well.
Please ask questions! I'll give you cookies if you do!

Full Name: Emmeline Elizabeth Casey. Nicknames are Emma, Em, Emme, Emily, Emmy, Lina or E. She will introduce herself as Lizzie sometimes, she doesn't like people to know her name.
- Birth Date: 20th of June
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance:
- Hair: Her natural colour is blonde, and she has never dyed her hair. Her hair is stick-straight, and usually wet because she is usually swimming.
- Eyes: Light blue, big and round. Her eyes give away how she feels about things, and she knows this well.
- Height/Build: Emmeline is 5"5 but looks very tall from a distance. She is quite slender and willowy.
- Other: she has light freckles on her shoulders which she hates and a tiny birthmark shped like a Christmas tree on her left shoulderblade.

- Parents: Daniel Casey (wizard) and Cleo Sydney (muggle).
Daniel teaches his son Angus and Emmeline magic and Cleo is a vet.
- Siblings, if any: Wizard brother Angus (13) and Muggle sister, Kimberly (10)
- Pets, if any: No pets, but Kimberly has a pet hamster called Kidasha.
- Area of Residence: Emmeline, Angus and Daniel live in New Zealand, about a mile away from Brightstone, and Cleo and Kimberly live in Brisbane, Australia.
- Blood status: Half-Blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): N/A Emmeline is hoping for Gryffindor if she gets into HNZ
- Best school subjects (And why): She is good at potions, but she doesn't like it much.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Anything including spells!

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Something free like a bird, maybe a magpie. Emmeline likes sparkly things.
- What would their Boggart be? Emmeline's Boggart would be her ex-best friend, Cassie coming back and stealing her best friend, Alexis. This is currently happening, so then her Boggart would be having to go to HNZ and not knowing anyone. It would be a lot worse for her if Angus didn't get accepted into HNZ and she did.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Something that could fly and be free. Or something that could easily mount a broomstick :r:
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself not caring so much about who she was, not who she wants to be.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? A powerful memory, not happy in any way thought, the time when her parents announced they were getting a divorce, and that Emmeline would be moving to NZ and possibly attending a boarding school.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,

I still haven't unpacked. We've been in this house for nearly a month, and i refuse to 'settle in' as Dad puts it. Everything is so wrong, Alexis has stopped calling. I really hope Cassie hasn't told her not to talk to me. If so, I'm boarding a plane and going right back to Aus! Angus is being annoying, and he and Dad haven't even noticed I go to Brightstone every day now. I hate this place, it feels so alien!

There are too many cardboard boxes in my room, it suffocating! I'm going to Brightstone, I can be Lizzie there, not Emma. Lizzie is such a better version of myself, she doesn't care what people think or how she looks. I wish I could be Lizzie instead of stuffy old Emmeline.
Hey. I have some questions:

From what you've written, and your age, it seems you and Angus will not be entering HNZ as first years - is that correct? What years will you be going into and why didn't you start in first year?

Why do you hope for Gryffindor?

You don't seem to get along with your brother. Why would it be worse if you were at HNZ without him?

Why don't you want to be a witch? (I read another RP where you told your mother that)

Does it bother you that you are bad at spells, and why don't you like Potions if you're good at it?

And the final question:
When will you give me my cookies?
Yay!!! Questions!!! :woot:

From what you've written, and your age, it seems you and Angus will not be entering HNZ as first years - is that correct? What years will you be going into and why didn't you start in first year?
OOC: That's correct. Emmeline will be in third year, and Angus will be in fourth. They didn't start Hogwarts when they were eleven, because they were very close to their parents and didn't want to go to a boarding school. They still don't want to, but they have no choice after the divorce. Daniel has to get a job to support his family, so he doesn't have the time to homeschool them.

Why do you hope for Gryffindor?
IC: I hope to be in Gryffindor because it seems like the best house. I value bravery, and I guess I can be brave sometimes!

OOC: Emmeline and her alter ego, Lizzie, would do well in Gryffindor. Emmeline is a curious, reckless person and she's very stubborn. She does value bravery above most other traits, and she is fiercely loyal to her friends.

You don't seem to get along with your brother. Why would it be worse if you were at HNZ without him?

IC: I hate him most of the times, but sometime he can actually be nice. I found out not long after the divorce that he was just as upset about moving as me, maybe more. I'd hate to be at a new school without anyone I know, even if the one person I do know is my idiotic brother.

Why don't you want to be a witch? (I read another RP where you told your mother that)

IC: I don't mind being a witch too much, but I'd rather Mom was a witch too.

OOC: Emmeline feels deserted by her mother, because Cleo doesn't know how to react to the witch in the family.

Does it bother you that you are bad at spells, and why don't you like Potions if you're good at it?

And the final question:
When will you give me my cookies?

*sigh* Here's your cookies! =))
Yay cookies!

Tell me more about Lizzie and why Emmeline has an alter-ego
Tell me more about Lizzie and why Emmeline has an alter-ego.

'Cos she's weird. Nah, Lizzie is like a better version of Emmeline, according to her. Emmeline is usually shy, Lizzie is loud. Emmeline is very self-concious, Lizzie doesn't care what people think about her. Emmeline thinks she is dull and boring, but when she's 'Lizzie' she can escape.

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