Emily Brookes

Emily Brookes

OOC First Name
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
The Basics
Character's Name: Emily Paulette Brookes
Emily: Rival; emulating
Paulette: Small, humble
Brookes: Lives near a stream or brook
Character's Birth date: 4 May 1992
Character's Age: 33
Hometown: Dunedin
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Wand: Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, but she always thought she was more suited to Hufflepuff
Attended: 2003-2010

Hair: Long brown hair
Eyes: Green eyes
Height: Average
Style: Tight jeans and t-shirts
Other Distinguishing Features: Scars on her arms, and one on her face.

A Little Deeper
Your Patronus: Lion
Your Patronus memory: Meeting Elspeth again
Your Boggart: Peter hurting Elspeth
Your Animagus: If she was an animagus she would be a squirrel
Mirror of Erised: Her whole family together again

Emily and Others
Friends: Peter doesn't like her to socialise
Relationship Status: Engaged
Pets: None

Likes And Dislikes
Strengths: Singing
Weaknesses: Peter
Describe your character in three words: Quiet, caring, sweet
Favourite place to be: Brightstone Village

She woke up one day, battered and bleeding by the side of the road, and couldn't remember anything. She knew about magic, and she had a card on her saying simply 'Love you Dad, from Emily Brookes.' She figured that as she probably wasn't 'Dad', she was Emily. She was in England, and has been living there ever since. She's a sweet person, but she's very timid and shy, and won't speak up for herself much. In the ten years since waking up by the side of the road, she has gotten engaged to Peter Williams, who she met soon after the accident. She recently gained her memory and visited her niece Elspeth, her only surviving family member, who now stays with her on holidays. However Peter sometimes hits her, but she is too afraid to leave him, because he threatens her and Elspeth. Also, she is pregnant, but is keeping it secret from him.


Peter Williams
Relationship: Fiancée
Age: 35
Blood Status: Muggle-Born

Elspeth Brookes
Relationship: Niece
Age: 13
Blood Status: Half-Blood
History:Emily's niece. Last time she saw her she was only two.

Patrick Brookes
Relationship: Brother
Age at Death: 25
Blood Status: Muggle
History: He met Justine when she became friends with his Emily. He married Justine when he was 22, and they had Elspeth when he was 23. When she was two, he died in a car crash with his parents and sister.

Justine Brookes
Relationship: Sister-in-Law
Age at Death: 34
Blood Status: Half-Blood
History: Married at 21, when she was already pregnant with Elspeth. She had Elspeth when she was 22. Her husband died when she was 24, and she was left to raise Elspeth on her own. She became extremely protective, because she didn't want to lose Elspeth. She died when Elspeth was eleven.

Samantha Brookes
Relationship: Mother
Age at Death: 45
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Had Patrick when she was 20, and Emily when she was 23. She died aged 45, in the car crash with the rest of her family.

Fred Brookes
Relationship: Father
Age at death: 47
Blood Status: Half-Blood (Squib)
History: He had Patrick when he was 22, and Emily when he was 25. Died coming back from his 47th birthday party. Justine had apparated back home with Elspeth because the car was full.

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