Ellie has *gulp* Spattergroit!

Ellie Sparks

Well-Known Member
Maple 12 3/4 Inches with Essence of Silver Thistle
Ellie made her way to the Hospital wing, scartching furiosly at her arms. Over the past few days, faint large purple spots had been appearing all over her body, and she had been awfully shaky! As soon as classes had finished she had been going straight to bed and it was a struggle for her to talk, it felt like her throat was closing in too and breathing was becoming hard. She hadn't really wanted to go to the Hospotal wing, as she didn't know what was up with her and thought the nurse might think that she was being a baby and had drawn the spots on herself! Also, the picture of her mum lying in a hospital bed with nurses around her, dying, was stamped in her mind. But she was scared for herself, she couldn't breath properly for crying out loud! Lost in her thoughts Ellie didn't realise she had reached the Hospital wing until she nearly bumped into the door. With a shaky hand she pushed the door open and stepped inside. There was no sign of anyone, and Ellie had heard Mr O'brien wasn't there anymore, but supposedly there was a new nurse, and Ellie hoped that was true! As she looked around the empty beds seemed to be taunting her, it was all so creepy. Ellie couldn't stand it and tears began to roll down her cheeks, before her knees gave away and she slid down the door, until she was in a sitting position on the floor, shaking like mad!
Piper had been reading a book on medieval illnesses in her office, when she heard someone enter the ward. Standing up quickly she sat the book down and bounded out of her office, nearly hitting someone with the door on her way out! Looking down she noticed a young girl slumped against the main door, with large purple spots all over her body and shaking furiously. "Oh God, Oh God!" Piper said in a panic, recognizing the symptoms. If she was right, the girl had Spattergroit, she just hoped she was wrong, but told herself she couldn't be, she had studied illnesses for several years and no other illness gave the victim purple spots but Spattergroit! "Sweetheart, what's you name? Who's your head of house?" Piper asked, bending down until she was at the girls level before pulling her up gently and leading her over to the nearest bed, were she sat her on it before pulling her legs up onto it too!
The new nurse came bounding out of her office and Ellie began to cry full out, the Nurse seemed awfuly worried as she led Ellie to one of the beds and lay her on it, which made her sure that something was definitely wrong!
Opening her mouth she tried to answer the Nurse's question, but she had to force a few coughs before her voice would work! "I, I, It's Ellie Sparks, and my h, h, head is Professor King!" She told her, her voice strained and crackly.
Piper bit her lip and waved her wand, making a plastic cup zoom all the way over to the sink and fill itself with water, before making it fly back and hover near Ellie.
"Drink, It'll make your throat a little better!" Piper told her, before running back into her office and grabbing some parchment and a quill.
Professor King,

I have one of your students, Ellie Sparks, in the Hospital wing.
She is extremely unwell, and i would really appreciate it if you could make your way over here, I think she'll have to be sent home!

Yours, Nurse Piper Clove!

She wrote a quick letter before whistling for her owl. Calpol flew off her perch quickly and landed on Piper's desk. After trying the letter to Calpol's foot, Piper carried her over to the small window in her office, "Take this to Professor King!" She told her, before watching her fly off out of the window, towards the window of Professor King's office.
Running back out to Ellie, Piper smiled bravely, "Professor King will come, is there anything i can get you?" She asked.

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