Elizabeth Burrows

Elizabeth Burrows

Well-Known Member
12 1/2" Cherry Wand with Essence of Wood Rose
Full Name: Elizabeth (Liz) Macey Burrows

- Birth Date: January 4th, 2010

- Current Age: 11

- Basic Appearance:

Elizabeth has dirty blonde hair to her shoulders that becomes wavy when humid; otherwise it’s straight. Her eyes are grayish-blue, like the sea after a storm, as her father often tells her. She stands around 5ft., and is rather tall for her age. She usually wears her hair down, but braids it from time to time. Freckles dot her nose and cheeks.

- Parents:

Patricia (Patty) Murphy Burrows: A witch, muggleborn. Kind and caring, but can be strict when appropriate. Tries to tell jokes, but no one laughs. Needs to work on sense of humour. All she wants for her kids is to lead them in the right direction, and help them be successful.

Salvatore (Sal) Burrows: A muggle. Loves his kids very much. He doesn’t mind magic; he just doesn’t understand it, so tries to leave all the magical stuff to his wife and daughter.

Other family members:

Grandparents on mother’s side: Louise and George Murphy

Her mother’s parents are both muggles, and they refuse to tolerate anything having to do with magic.

Grandparents on father’s side: Mary and Archie Burrows

Both have no idea that their daughter-in-law and granddaughter are witches. Tends to spoil the kids, excellent cookie bakers.

- Siblings, if any: Kyle, age 8. Has not shown any magical abilities yet, but their mother suspects they may come soon. His main goal in life is to annoy his older sister, and make her as mad as possible.

- Pets, if any: Elizabeth has a barn owl named Pierre that she took with her to Hogwarts, Kyle has a mouse named Alfred, and the family Siamese cat is named Margot. As you can tell, they’re not partial to “pet” names, like “Fluffy” or “Spots”.

- Area of Residence: Chicago, IL, USA

- Blood status: Mixed

- What would their Patronus be? A tabby cat

- What would their Boggart be? Being alone in the world. Or, as the Boggart might portray, all of her family and friends dying.

- What would their Animagus form be? A tabby cat, just like her Partronus.

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her muggle friends surrounding her, not rejecting her because she suddenly turned “weird” and started going to a private school

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Realizing for the first time that she was a witch, and her family celebrating with her.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Elizabeth sat on the couch and watched the clock on the wall. Tick, tick, tick. She shifted her sitting position, and looked toward the open window that the owl would surely come through. Any minute now…tick, tick, tick. Nearly an hour had passed, but still no owl. She began having doubts. What if she didn’t get accepted? Certainly there were better witches than she. Tick, tick, tick. Just when Elizabeth thought the clock was going to drive her insane, it came.
The brown speckled owl flew swiftly through the window and landed on the arm of the sofa, tawny eyes expectant. Elizabeth untied the letter from the owl’s leg and attached a coin in its place. The owl flew off, and she was left alone on the couch, grasping the letter. It felt as though the parchment envelope weighed one hundred pounds. She wanted to desperately open it and throw it in the trash at the same time. This letter would decide her fate. Delicately, Elizabeth opened the envelope and slid the letter out. She scanned it.
“MOM! I GOT ACCEPTED!” she shrieked. Her mother rushed into the room, followed by the rest of her family, and crushed Elizabeth in a bear-hug.
“I knew you would, honey,” she said.
“Congrats.” Elizabeth’s dad smiled. Kyle just sneered.
“I guess we should start shopping, huh?” her mother said with a grin.
“Let’s go.”

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Today wasn’t very eventful. I have loads of potions homework, which is never good. I should probably be doing it, but procrastinating is so much more fun. I like Hogwarts so far, excluding the homework bits. I’ve made a lot of new friends. They’re so different from my friends back home; they don’t think I’m odd. Yet.
I suppose it’s because they’re all witches and wizards too. It’s so nice to know someone magical besides Mom. Well, I think I’ll do my homework now. I probably won’t, but at least I’ll pretend to.
Hey Elizabeth, welcome to HNZ. Just a few we basic questions for you to answer IC or OOC - your choice :D

You live in America, why are you going to HNZ, instead of somewhere closer??

What house would you like to be in and why??

What subjects are you looking forward to doing/do you think you will do well in?

What subjects are you not looking forward to doing/do you think you will not do well in??

((It may not be a good idea to call your mum a mudblood as it's frowned upon, maybe it would be better to say muggleborn))
Thanks for the questions!

You live in America, why are you going to HNZ, instead of somewhere closer??

Although Elizabeth's mother went to the Hogwarts in Britain, Mrs. Burrows felt that HNZ would provide opportunities that the other Hogwarts lacked. What those opportunities were, she never said. Plus, Britain's Hogwarts never had enough room.

What house would you like to be in and why??

Ravenclaw. Elizabeth feels that her personality best fits this house, as she is intelligent, kind, and hardworking. She also wanted to be in this house because her mother was also in Ravenclaw. She looks up to her mother greatly.

What subjects are you looking forward to doing/do you think you will do well in?

Elizabeth is looking forward to potions, charms, and herbology. Potions interests her, in charms she can expand her magical knowledge (and finally be able to cast spells!), and she has always had an affinity for plants, for some reason. She's sure she will excel in Muggle Studies, as half of her life involves muggles (her grandparents, her friends, her father, etc.).

What subjects are you not looking forward to doing/do you think you will not do well in??

History of Magic is one. Although Elizabeth finds certain historical events fascinating, she thinks most of it is a bore. Also, divination. (Do first years take that class?) She thinks divination is pointless and a bunch of baloney.
Very good answers Elizabeth. To answer your question, No! First years do not take divination, you can chose to take it on at the end of your third year and the same goes for muggle studies.

You say you want to be in Ravenclaw, is there a house(s) you don't want to be in??
You say you want to be in Ravenclaw, is there a house(s) you don't want to be in??

Slytherin. Elizabeth thinks that she doesn't have the traits being a Slytherin requires; she also has no desire to be in that house.

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