🌹 Rose Giving Elio's admirers

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Teddy had been busy allocating roses with Audrey that he had almost forgotten that he had deliveries of his own to make before the dance. His first was a bouquet of an impressive seven red roses for Elio which he found really funny. He knew Elio was cool but he didn't realise he had such a fan club. He carried the bouquet down to breakfast and decided to draw attention to the delivery he was making and probably pay for it later, but he didn't mind, Ohhh, Elio,” he called loudly, making sure to draw as much attention as possible as he approached him. “A humble offering from your legion of admirers.” He presented the bouquet of red roses, badly holding back a laugh.

@Elio Boneheart
Sat in the Great Hall once again at the Gryffindor table with Mikael by his side, Elio's head shot up when he heard someone calling his name. Was that Teddy? He stared at the bouquet of roses in Teddy's arms and blinked in surprise at how many there were. A grin shifted up onto his face. "Teddy, you're hilarious," there was no way all of those roses were for him, but he appreciated the sentiment. Who on earth would send so many red roses honestly. He hadn't even sent one to Mikael. "Is one of these from you?" He asked Teddy with a cheeky grin.​
This day was a nightmare, Mikael decided. It had started early with Amory Raven delivering four red roses while he and Elio were in the Student Lounge pre-breakfast. He should have known it was only the beginning. Who the f*** sent his boyfriend red roses. And who the f*** did Pirrip think he was. Would he get in trouble for setting him them the roses on fire? Mikael sent one rose. Who the f*** sent a bouquet? And why the f*** is his boyfriend asking for a red rose. Yes, he’s just fuming and glaring right there at the stupid bouquet.
Teddy could feel the daggers Mikael was staring into the bouquet, which only made this so much more fun. “Elio, none of these are from me,” he said, as he slid into the seat across from them. “But naturally, I did arrange the whole event so I know exactly who sent each one to you.” He said casually but not offering any names as he handed them over, most had notes but a couple did not. He turned his attention to Mikael, still grinning. “You okay? You look like you need a hug.”

Mi Amor,
~ Weekend bf
i'm still the better choice. XOXO
I love you.
To the best big brother in Gryffindor!
No Note
No Note
Elio took the roses as they were handed off and started to go through them. "Oh look, we have the same boyfriend on the weekends Kael," he said, plucking the note off of the rose to show to his boyfriend. He had to assume it was one of their friends making a joke, though he wasn't sure which one. One of the twins maybe? Then there was the one from Theo and that one made him snort. He picked on the one from Mikael specifically and quickly broke off the stem, before placing the rose behind his ear. "How do I look?" He asked Mikael before he looked back to Teddy, because he wasn't sure of the last noteless roses, though he was sure he could figure out the winky face. Rhys' was obvious.

Edit: I had to add a little something because apparently Mikael is BLIND (and I have no reading comprehension)​
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"Don't come near me," Mikael warned Pirrip off with obvious hostility dripping from his tone. He took the note without even looking at it, and if he could have used wandless magic at the moment, he would have already burned it in his hand. As it was, he would have to settle for crumpling it and letting it drop on the floor. It was no matter. He'd already given Rose the other copy. And then he just watched as Elio read note after note, put one of the roses behind his ear, and asked him how he looked, and he could only think beautiful. But it wasn't something he would say out loud, not here. And so he just gave a curt nod before Elio turned his attention back to Pirrip - whom Mikael wanted to leave. Now.

EDIT: Because Mikael was NOT blind and it was definitely missing VERY IMPORTANT words
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"Looking very rosey." Teddy answered after Mikael didn't say anything. Teddy was sticking around and enjoying watching the scene in front of him. He grabbed himself a piece of toast and took a bite of it, shrugging at Mikeal when he said not to touch him then looking back at Elio reading through the notes. "You could make a crown for yourself Elio." Teddy suggested helpfully. Mikael would probably love that too.
Elio watched Mikael out of the corner of his eye, it was clear he wasn't happy about something though Elio couldn't say he could really put his finger on it. He'd been completely non-chalant about his own roses so he wasn't entirely sure he understood why he might be upset about Elio's. He laughed at Teddy and then pursed his lips in thought. "You mean out of all the roses? I could certainly try!" He looked over to Mikael, "Do you think Eury would want to help me make a crown out of all these roses?" Maybe even Hina since she was in the Wild Patch club. "Thanks Teddy," he said, smiling at him. He'd wisely chosen not to show Mikael the winking note, or the one obviously from Theo.​
Teddy Pirrip was not getting a clue. And if he was, then he was deliberately ignoring Mikael's glares and obvious want for him to go the f*** away. Elio, entertaining Pirrip's attention, was most certainly not helping Mikael's nerves. He really, really, really did not want Elio to keep the roses but it was obvious that he was not going to have any say in the matter. And he definitely did not want Elio to be wearing a crown of red roses from other people. It had calmed him enough to have Elio wearing the rose, but it was grating to know that he was even considering wearing the others. "Yes," he said through gritted teeth. "Shall we go find her then," he said as he stood, offering a hand to Elio who was currently smiling at the other stupid Gryffindor. They had to leave before Mikael killed a b****.

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