Eilidh Evans

Eilidh Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 1/2" Sturdy Elm Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Hold on, don't stray ,
Sooner or later, all those skies will fade ,

Say Hello to
Eilidh Murray Evans!
Pray for the lonely view ,
And we pray for solitude ,

Eilidh Murray Evans

Eilidh - Eilidh is a feminine name of Gaelic origins. It is thought to be a Gaelic variant of either of the name Eileen or Ellie. Eileen is the Gaelic form of Aveline which come from Latin origin and means 'Bird'. Ellie is a pet form of Eleanor which is of French origin and itself a variant of the Greek Helen meaning 'Bright'. Eilidh is mainly used by Scottish parents.
Murray - In Irish the meaning of the name Murray is: Lord of the sea. The name Murray is also a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Murray is: From the sea.
Evans - In English the meaning of the name Evans is: Son of Evan. Evan is the Welsh form of the Hebrew John, meaning God has been gracious, or God has shown favour. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Evans is a Shakespearean baby name.

As the last child her parents decided to have, they decided to go far deeper in naming her, they'd both gotten the preferred child, and Eilidh was very much an addition to the family, she was an accident, the other two pregnancies had been planned to a degree. Eilidh was unplanned and when they found out that Mhairi, her mother was pregnant they decided this would be the one name that they name properly, spend time thinking about it, pouring over baby name books and throwing things back and forth, it was only on the morning that Eilidh was born that they managed to figure it out, they'd been up in Scotland visiting Mhairi's parents and Mhairi's mother told her that if they'd had another girl they would've named her Eilidh because it's a strong Scottish gaelic name, and both Eilidh's parents fell in love with it, and when she was born, they realised it was perfect.
Murray is the surname of her mother. While Eilidh's parents are married, Mhairi has always known that she didn't want her children to lose part of who she was. Which was why all three of them share the same middle name of Murray. It's not that interesting, and Eilidh can never understand why her mother chose to do that rather than make the name something like Murray-Evans, which makes a little more sense. Eilidh has never minded having her middle name being something that she shares, but she doesn't think she'll ever understand the motivation that caused her mother to chose that sort of name, in that sort of fashion to have as a middle name. Eilidh doesn't really ever tell it to people, so it loses a little of it's importance. Or the importance that her mother was trying to give it by making sure that all of the kids had it. And explaining to them that it was her maiden name.
Evans is her father's name, and it is an old family name, which is incredibly common. She has always loved her surname. While it is so popular and many people do have it, she has always enjoyed it. It has never bothered her that she knows little of how her family came to get that specific name, and is more keen in the fact that she'd really want to be able to keep it. She hasn't ever given much thought to what she'll do about it if ever she was to marry. Mostly as she doesn't want to have to give it up. Evans is a big part of her life, and she would rather keep it than change her surname to something else.

With such a short name Eilidh doesn't really have any nicknames, some people call her Ellie, but she doesn't particularly like it because it isn't close to how her name is pronounced. She loves her name a great deal, far more than she'll ever let on, but, she hates when people shorten and give her a nickname that doesn't sound like her actual name. She isn't too nickname it would be. She doesn't enjoy them in the slightest and wishes that people that did insist on giving her one would just stop. She doesn't know how to tell them most of the time, Eilidh is still growing in confidence. Which means that it could take some time before she does anything about it. She'll just let herself get angry about it.

Eilidh is 11 years old, she enjoys birthday's, Eilidh enjoys being the centre of attention, she likes getting presents from her parents and friends. She always like having a large birthday and inviting everyone. She doesn't usually have a party at the family home, because of the fact that her parents are magical and there are a lot of magical objects in her house, but she always is sure to do something, to out somewhere, she'll spend time with her family and also with her friends. Eilidh is the type of person to drag her birthday out until it lasts an entire week or weekend. She just really loves being the centre of attention

29 September 2027, very late in the evening, around 11:30pm, she was about three weeks early, and was born in Edinburgh, Scotland rather than in England. Mhairi has always been pleased that at least one of her kids was born in her home land rather than in England. Eilidh was born healthy, if a little small, but she was fine. There were few complications and she was born healthy, her mother spent a couple of days in the hospital before extending her vacation in Scotland. Just to give herself and Eilidh a little bit of a rest before heading back down to England.

Because Eilidh is young she is just a student


Name: Mhairi Evans
Birth: 15th March 1996.
Relationship: Mother.
Occupation: Professor.
Blood status: Mixed-blood

Name: Jeremy Evans
Birth: 29th March 1996
Relationship: Father
Occupation: Ministry official.
Blood status: Muggleborn

Name: Kalvyn Evans
Birth: 28th April 2022
Relationship: Brother
Occupation: HS, Ravenclaw
Blood status: Mixed Blood

Name: Ailsa Evans
Birth: 30th November 2024
Relationship: Sister
Occupation: HNZ, Gryffindor
Blood status: Mixed Blood

Father - Jeremy Evans, Muggleborn wizard, attended Beauxbatons. Born in America on the 29th March 1996, works at the ministry in London. A hard working man, with brown hair and green eyes like Ailsa. Jeremy was born and raised in America, his parents died when he was still quite young, and his eldest sister took the family under her wing at this point and took charge of it all. The family was very close, but when it was discovered that Jeremy was like his sister and was of magical there was a divide between those with magic and those without it. However, he attended school in France, and loved it. He was mostly taken care of during the holidays by Elliot and the pair grew to be very close, but obviously they grew apart too as they grew up. Jeremy had always loved animals, and pursued a career in that field, which drove him away from England therefore Mhairi but eventually he moved in with her. He had intended to return to America and stay with his sister a while, but due to the fact she was pregnant with her second child he moved in with Mhairi, and the pair grew incredibly close. They started dating shortly after, sort of falling into it, and then one night Mhairi got pregnant, they had been planning to marry, and while he hadn't proposed a lot of the plans were ready to go, so they were easily able to get married. It was this point that Jeremy chose a move stable job that allowed him to be close to his small family. Jeremy was a smart wizard, but he was overly academic, and always preferred the outdoors, much like Ailsa. He is very happy with his family, he wishes he was closer to the eldest two sisters, but he know that his being magic and them not has really driven them apart.

Mother - Mhairi "Murray" Evans, mixed blood witch, attend Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw. Born in Edinburgh Scotland, raised in Sussex on 15th March 1996. Works as a professor at the wizarding school in Iceland. An incredibly smart witch, brown, almost black hair with brown eyes. She is youngest of three children, and has two older brothers. She was always the baby of her own family, and was incredibly spoiled growing up, which she has tried to do with her own children. Mhairi was raised in Edinburgh for most of her life in the very wealthy magical area on the outskirts of the city. She was born into money and always resented the sort of position that it put it in. However, both of her own parents were self made people who didn't have much growing up and ended up making their fortune and provide their three children with everything they could want in life. Mhairi was always an incredibly bright girl, she had a natural curiosity about the world, but was humble and careful. She never attended primary school, and was home schooled until it was time to go to Hogwarts, where she really excelled. Hogwarts was an easy school for her, and she passed all her classes with ease, but decided that she didn't really want something dangerous or high pressured, so she chose to teach, loving how nice it was, and how good it felt to be able to teach the younger generation about things. She and Jeremy met by chance, when both ended up in Florish and Blotts during the last summer before their seventh year, they ended up fighting over one book in the store, and in the end split the price and spent the day together reading it. They kept in contact throughout the year and ended up meeting again after they'd both graduated. They went their separate ways until Jeremy moved back to the UK at 22 and ended up living with Mhairi and the pair grew close until she fell pregnant at 24, the couple got married later in the year, while Mhairi was still not really showing. Mhairi studied and eventually got a job in the magical school in Iceland, which was the point where the pair moved to Sussex to really start their family. Ailsa had been born early in that year.

Brother - Older, Kalvyn Evans, currently attending Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw. Born in Sussex on 28th April 2022.
Sister - Older, Ailsa Evans, currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor. Born in Sussex on 30th November 2024.

Eilidh's family is relatively large, on her father side, he had three older siblings, all of them female. The eldest of the family is Katelyn Gray who was never overly bright, but incredibly beautiful, she married Kevin Gray a doctor who works in a private hospital in Northern Georgia. They have two children, Thomas, and Erin. Neither of whom are of magical blood. Eilidh doesn't see them very often, and they do not know anything about the face that Ailsa is of magical blood.
After that is the second eldest of the family, Crystal Dzienny, who was not so interested in school, and much more interested in preforming arts and things like that. She is a very good singer, and now privately tutors kids who want to learn to sing, she married Jeff Dzienny, whose family own a restaurant that he now runs. They have three kids, Joshua, Eva and Harley. The family lives in San Diego California, and all three kids are of muggle blood, though for a while Crystal suspected that Joshua might be magical. All three are not very interested by education, and much more in the preforming arts like their mother.
Lastly, Elliot Archer, who Ailsa's family is closest to. She was a bright young witch who did very well in potions. She married fairly young, to a muggle, Branson Archer. The couple have two children, Tybalt and Lydia, they had a third older son, who died when he was 11. The family used to live in America, but have since moved to Australia.
Both of Ailsa's grandparents on this side are dead, they died in a car crash in 2005. The pair were very loving and caring, muggles and worked incredibly hard to provide for their family, but it had been driving at night, that the car had veered off the road, and crashed into a tree which killed the pair instantly.

Eilidh's mother has two older brothers, the older of the two, Calum Murray, is a mixed blood wizard who currently lives and works in England with his wife, Dove Murray he attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. They live in Manchester, but both work in the ministry in London. Calum works as part of the The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, and his wife, Dove "Longman" Murray who also works at Gringotts along side the goblins. They have two children, Nicole Murray, 24, currently finishing her studies to become a nurse after having spent a good many years travelling the world, and Kieran Murray, 20, who has gone to muggle university to study history.

The younger of the two brothers, Rhuraidh Murray, is mixed blood, who attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. He always bounced between jobs and places. He left school and became a healer, married his first wife in the summer of 2015 to a muggle. He never told her about what he did or the fact he was a wizard it was only after the birth of their second child that he told her, at which point she filed for divorce since the relationship had been crumbling and this was her way out. The two children they had split their time between the two houses, the oldest of the two, Aiden Murray, 20, who has decided to take a few years out, and is a round the world trip. The younger child, Joseph Murray, 18, who is in his final year of studies at Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin, intends to get a career in politics when he leaves school. Rhuraidh remarried in the winter of 2031, to a young nurse, Zara "Milner" Murray who worked in the same magical hospital as in in Edinburgh, where his family now live. They have two children, with a third on the way, likely to be born in the summer of 2037. Patrick Murray, 5 and George Murray, 3.
Both parents are still alive, but are currently living on the Isle of Man, and do not often leave their home.

Eilidh's parents have never wanted any pets, and so they've never had any. Eilidh has never particularly liked animals. She just thinks of them as a little bit silly, as if they actually help anyone. She'll tolerate her friend's pets, but she doesn't like them in the slightest. If they died that day right in front of her she'd struggle to be sympathetic towards her friends. Eilidh cares about her friends, but she's strictly about people. Eilidh's indifference towards animals stretches so far to the point where she's vegetarian. Eilidh has never wanted a pet.

Mixed blood, due to her having a mixed blood mother, and a muggleborn father.

Eilidh has never been bothered by blood status, though she largely relates that to the fact that she's been raised as a muggle. Magic was in their home, but this didn't stop most of her things being muggle items. She believes herself better than most people, but this isn't because of the magic she has. Eilidh has not problem with muggles and she has no problem with muggleborns. She thinks that fighting over blood is stupid, because there are bigger things to deal with. Eilidh has no problems with people of different blood and doesn't think she ever will.

Sussex, England, unlike her siblings Eilidh has never known any other place as her home.

Sussex, England

For Eilidh this is pretty simple, she loves spending time with her grandparents in Scotland, it's her favourite thing to do. She loves their home, and everything else about them. Eilidh has never once thought that it would be a bad thing to be with them. She's always one step away from just moving in with them. She loves Edinburgh and Scotland so much she would rather be there than in England. She knows that they live where they do for her parents work, but she thinks that's a silly reason to live anywhere.

FIRST HOME: Eilidh has lived in the same house her entire life. It's a small but spacious home on the outskirts of Sussex, with a huge garden and a lot of space for her entire family. She loves her home. She has her own room with an ensuite. She loves the space it gives her and the cool modern looking interior. She loves the way the entire house is and how remote it is, which allows her to be able to practice her flying when it is the right weather for her. It's the perfect home in her mind.

Too young to really know

Single, only 11 years old, too young

Too Young

Too Young

Too young

Too Young

Too Young

Too Young

To Come

Take cover in my arms ,
Away from everyone

Like most of her family, Eilidh has dark brown hair, she keeps it fairly long, below the elbow length. She loves her hair, it is in her mind soft and good to touch. She likes doing things with her hair, but most days she'll barely brush it, Eilidh thinks that her hair is perfect as it is most of the time when she wakes up in the morning and so will do nothing to it. She loves her hair, and thinks that it is one of the best features about it.

Eilidh loves experimenting with her hair, so it's been a number of different lengths and most recently she's been dying a blondish colour. While she uses muggle product and it causes her hair to lose it pretty quickly, she likes it a lot. It gives her usual dark brown hair, a much lighter look which she really enjoys. That's mostly when the dye has worn off somewhat and her hair is returning the dark colour. This is the shade that she likes the most. Eilidh really loves dying her hair and finds it endlessly fun, she doesn't understand why more people don't do it.

Like the rest of her family, Eilidh has brown eyes. She finds her eyes endlessly dull because she is surround by people with blue and green eyes. But, she's been beginning to enjoy them. She finds them boring to an extent yes, but she knows that she can't really do anything about it. Eilidh loves standing out and being different and her eyes don't really fit in with this, so has a slight dislike for them, which she'll eventually grow out of, or so Eilidh assumes.

Unlike her siblings Eilidh does not have birthmarks or distinguishable marks of any kind on her. She is completely free of all of that kind of thing. She doesn't have a scar on her. She is pretty pleased with this, but almost feels like it'll mean that something will happen much later that will cause her to have a really bad scar of some kind.

Since Eilidh is young, her body is small and slim. She does sports but at her age, all she can be described as is small,thin and not yet formed in any way. Most would say she has a tomboyish frame.

Much like the rest of her family, Eilidh's blood type is O negative. While she doesn't actually have concrete proof her parents told her that it would be very unlike for her to have any other kind of blood given her siblings and her parents. Because of this, Eilidh will often say with quite a lot of certainty that she is O negative, even if she doesn't know what that's important for or what it means.

Right Handed
Having always watched her older siblings write with their right hand, there was nothing in Eilidh's mind that didn't say that she too wasn't right handed. She has never differed much from her family and would've hated to have been something else in this. Eilidh is happy to be right handed, and hasn't ever thought to even bother trying with her left.

To Come

Having spent the most amount of time with her grandparents, Eilidh's accent is ever so slightly different from her family's, she sounds marginally more scottish than the rest of them. She's picked up her mother's accent more than the accents which surround her. She likes that, but knows that she'll likely lose it.

Eilidh can only speak english. While fairly studious she doesn't care much for languages and isn't interested in doing much else besides speaking english, so for this reason she has never bothered to apply herself in any class. Which is why she can't speak a word of french and has no issues with her lack of knowledge about the language.

Eilidh is only allergic to dust, most of the rooms she is in therefore have to be exceedingly clean, but she is only allergic to that one thing. Eilidh knows that of all the things to be allergic to and her brother being allergic to so much she is lucky to only be allergic to that. She doesn't mind it at all, and her allergy is not even that severe.

Eilidh's style can be described as comfortable tomboy. She likes wearing clothes that her comfortable. She doesn't care much for being in style, because she knows she looks good in anything. She likes wearing loosing fitting sweaters, and shorts. She likes wearing skinny jeans of various colours though most of them she would prefer if the remain pale. She doesn't have much of a set style, she's more of a mix and match kind of person.

Marine Vacth

You'll be safe from dangers tonight ,
Wait for an oasis to arrive ,

Eilidh likes hanging around with friends, she likes being around people like her, she likes being able to do magic. She likes reading and learning, but will always try to hide it to appear cool to the people she hangs around with. She loves cherries and loves when cherry season hits. She enjoys going to the beach and playing sports with her friends. Eilidh likes travelling to new places and doing new things. She doesn't like limiting herself, so Eilidh is usually up for trying anything. She likes proving people wrong and being better than others.

Eilidh really hates being wrong, she hates when people actively try to prove her wrong. She hates when people try to hug her after they've been sweating too much. She hates the summer when classes get too stiflingly hot. She has no interest in being in class when that happens. She dislikes silly people, and those that try too hard. She hates having to work with people she doesn't know and she really dislikes when people try to tell her what to do or how to act.

At this point Eilidh has few goals, all she wants to do is get through magical school, everything beyond that can remain in the distant future.

Eilidh while she can act distant and macho, she loves her family dearly and would hate to lose any of them, so she'd likely see any of her family dead in front of her. It might even been in a way that Eilidh might've thought she could do something about it, but didn't. Eilidh loves her grandparents most of all, and she'd definitely see them dead, it is just her greatest fear, and she knows that they'll die long before she will and she doesn't know if she'll be able to handle it when it does inevitable happen.

Eilidh's patronus would likely be a Poodle.
The poodle is a group of formal dog breeds, the Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle (one registry organisation also recognizes a Medium Poodle variety, between Standard and Miniature), with many coat colors. Originally bred in Germany as a type of water dog, the breed was standardized in France. The poodle is skillful in many dog sports, including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding.

Getting her Hogwarts letter, as much as Eilidh loves Scotland her sights had originally been set on that school, she would rather follow her sister than her brother, and so has decided to go to Hogwarts New Zealand. She was exceedingly pleased the day she got her confirmation letter. She couldn't believe it, she thought it was just incredible. She keeps the letter neatly tucked away in her house and she had never been as happy as she was in that moment with the letter in her hand. It was just the best day.

Finding out that Ailsa was going to New Zealand to study magic, as much as Eilidh is now really looking forward to going to Hogwarts New Zealand too, she was honestly devastated when her sister said she wanted to go to school down there. She had always painted a picture in her head of the three Evans' at the same school at one point but this broke from it. There have been few hardships in Eilidh's life so far that this is definitely something she hates and she has never felt so awful or like this at all in her life.

Eilidh would is a fairly honest girl, she uses her honestly to make friends, but is careful to only admit what she wants to admit. This would then cause her to probably admit under the potion that she's afraid of living in her sibling's shadows. She has two older siblings and her older brother is very academically driven, whereas her sister is very sports driven. She feels like the odd one out of that equation.

Eilidh would see herself at Hogwarts with the head girl badge pinned proudly on her chest. She can't see which house she'd be in, but she sees herself with many friends and the best grades. Eilidh just sees herself in the best possible position for leaving school. Eilidh is a high achiever and she wants to come out on top always.

For Eilidh currently this would be the smell freshly cleaned surfaces, bouncy castles. She would smell ice cream, cake and likely cherries. She would smell a whole host of different fruits and sweets. Her favourite smells are usual things that are sweet, she loves sweets and candies. She would smell sea water and sea air, she would smell those things because she really loves beaches and all of the smells that go with it. Even the smell of fish and chips which she does associate with the beach.

Her mother's parents.
Because Eilidh's parents were working a lot and Eilidh got along really well with her grandparents she spent a lot of time with them. Eilidh has always looked up to them. In her mind it is amazing all that they've done with their live, the kind of family they've raised and everything else like that. Eilidh loves hearing their stories and listening to them. She finds it interesting and would give anything in the world to just live with them.

At this point in her life, Eilidh doesn't have any clear views regarding religion she is too young really to fully understand it all and to come to her own conclusions about it, so for now she follows her parents in that she does not believe in anything. Having been raised in a magical home she didn't think she needed to believe in anything other than the magic and so has never believed in any higher power.


Every adolescent Libran's fantasy is to find the Prince or Princess of their dreams. As their lives unfold, the experiences, false starts, dramas, broken hearts and disillusionment they encounter seeking this personal Holy Grail, often shapes their futures in the most extra-ordinary manner. Love and love-lost makes a big difference to the Libran although their often happy-go-lucky appearance against all kinds of odds may not reveal this as fact. Librans can switch off from the world around then and during these periods much more occurs on the deep innermost levels of the Libran's psyche, than their closest companions imagine. Many Librans after establishing a lifestyle that somehow falls short of their childhood dreams, manage to conjure up a most independent life and keep up an image of being dedicated to a "close relationship". They can escape into obscure role playing - and often this makes them extremely successful business people. When it comes to romance and love, Librans can be difficult to fathom yet in business many Librans discover they can not only be creative, but it provides an opportunity to express the more diverse sides to their personalities. Their charm can win jobs and provides powerful friends. But in both work and play, looking for peace and harmony, Librans often say "yes" when they should be saying "no".

To Come
Stay warm in the coldest June ,
We face the darkest truth

West Sussex Nursery and Primary School

Because both of her parents worked full time jobs, Eilidh started at the nursery of the school, which began when she was three years old, and she left the school when she was 11, when it was time for her to go to high school, or really in Eilidh's case magical school.

Eilidh's primary school did not have any houses. It had people sorted based on their year and nothing else. it was a very typical school, and it was only the high school part of it which had houses. This was mostly due to the high population of students, and the ability to then be able to play more competitive sports. Eilidh didn't mind not having houses in her primary school. It didn't really need anything.

Having started at the school when she was just three years old, Eilidh doesn't remember much about what she first thought of it. It was a pretty interesting school, though she is looking forward to leaving at the end of the year. Eilidh has enjoyed the school and has made many friends during her time at it. She thinks of it as the perfect first school, and would love to be able to stay at it a lot longer and be with her friends, but knowing she has to go to magical school makes her happy.

Eilidh loved maths, above all other classes in the school, Eilidh loved maths, she just thought it was this amazing class and that everything she did in it was incredible. To her it was the perfect class. The way it was taught, the fact it was so simple, and really the fact that she wouldn't really need to do it much more beyond primary meant that she wanted to learn as much as she possibly could in the small amount of time that she had.

Eilidh is a fairly studious person, she enjoys learning about things, even if it doesn't at first appear that she would, her least favourite class wasn't so much a class but it was a teacher, who was just very bad at teaching. Eilidh had her from when she was seven to when she was eight, and while Eilidh doesn't hate any classes, this was the worst year she'd ever spent and she hated everything during that year because the teacher was so awful.

Eilidh only skipped some classes and usually she had valid reasons for it. She actually enjoyed school and she couldn't exactly wander off most of the time. So the only times she skipped it was because she either really, really didn't want to go, or was too sick to go. A lot of the time if she didn't want to go her mother's parents would come pick her up from school and spend the day with her because they are both retired and of magical blood so believe that their kids don't have to go to muggle school.

Not unlike Ailsa, Eilidh took part in a few school clubs. She took part in the football club, the poetry club and the drama club. All of these clubs Eilidh loved being a part of though her favourite was the drama club. She just thought it was amazing fun all of the time and so that was what she did. Eilidh knows she'll be able to join other clubs at magical school but will miss the ones she's leaving behind.

Eilidh is the only one of her family to achieve a position while at muggle school, she in her final year was made Junior Prefect, which is a room given to the final year students at the primary school. Eilidh was popular at the primary school as well as involved within the school. She loved everything about it and was very pleased to have been made prefect.

Take comfort in this calm ,
A long way from where we've come ,
<COLOR color="black">

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Mermaid Scale Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: A complex wand capable of the most advanced magic, Elm does not often make a mistake or fuddle a spell - it is highly dependable to a well matched master.
Core: As a core, mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Not yet

Will attend Hogwarts New Zealand

Not Started yet


Not yet sorted

Eilidh had heard stories about this place, she had heard many great things about it, and yet here she finally was, at long last, finally going to get sorted and beginning this magical adventure. Eilidh wasn't particularly looking forward to the whole class aspect, she like going to classes enough but without her old friends she was a little bit annoyed, or frustrated, since she wasn't going to have anyone to sit with just yet. She'd have to sit next to someone random who was probably dull or just not talkative which wasn't what Eilidh wanted. She was however really looking forward to this sorting process. She had heard story after story about it, about both her mother having done the process, her two siblings and her two cousins. Now it was her turn, the youngest of their little band of wizards within the family. Eilidh didn't particularly care about the rest of them. All of the rest of her family were in her mind just people that existed and that as she had been informed, if ever she got married they would have to be invited. But, Eilidh wasn't lingering on that silly thought when the moment of truth was truly upon her. She wondered as she entered the hall with her fellow classmates where she might be placed, where she might end up, her cousins had been Gryffindor and Hufflepuff respectively, her sister was a Gryffindor, her brother and mother, Ravenclaws. She didn't know where she might end up, her brother was academically inclined, but she wasn't as actively academically inclined, she did well, but never stood out as a top pupil. She wasn't sure if she was brave, or chivalrous or whatever strange trait was attributed to that house. As much as houses were important and it did help define her life for the next seven years, Eilidh wasn't so fussed about it, as long as she got sorted, and all eyes were upon her, she wasn't exactly going to start complaining.

Eilidh was stood with the rest of her class, staring up at the old hat which she knew would sing as the headmistress introduced and began the ceremony, only pausing to let the hat sing it's song. Eilidh decided that since she was just waiting around she could just listen along, the girl couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic was required for the hat to work, how powerful a wizard must one be to create and enchant a hat to be able to see into people's minds and then decide on a house. Eilidh glanced around at her fellow classmates exchanging nervous smiles with those that seemed to be trying to show their courage. Eilidh wasn't feeling quite that confident, and usually she didn't get nervous getting up in front of people, she loved the sound of applause directed at her. There was no greater victory than applause directed at her or something she had done. She looked back at the headmistress who then began speaking once more, telling them what to do for those ones within the crowd whose first taste of magic this was, she couldn't help but feel sorry for those poor people, just sprung into this kind of world, no knowledge no nothing, it was always better to know a little something. Her father had been a muggleborn and from the stories he told of going to the school for the first time, it was a truly strange experience. Eilidh spent the first few names fixing herself, ensuring all the strands of the below the shoulder length curly light brown hair were perfectly in place, the black skirt neat, the knee high socks the same height, just ensure all of the little things were in the right place for her big moment, for her time to get up in front of the whole school and be sorted.

Evans, Eilidh

The headmistress managed to say it with ease, in the last few month Eilidh had heard all variations of her name, but she was glad the headmistress had correctly said, Eh-lay. She pushed through the crowd and then walked to the front, walking to the sorting hat with confidence, sitting down on the stool and looking out for the first time out at the crowd of students all staring up at her. She didn't care where she ended up, she would work hard wherever, she would be the certain of attention wherever she ended up. The sorting hat was placed on Eilidh's head and then she waited.


First Year


2047 most likely



None Yet


Not Yet

Not Yet

Not Yet

Sooner or later ,
all those skies will fade
Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it, just shot me a PM and I'll get you the code!
Lyrics: Sooner or Later - Adrian Lux feat. Kaelyn Behr

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