Edea Fortescue-Bleakley

OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Edea Beatrix Fortescue-Bleakley. It's a mouthful. It's pronounced 'Eh-DEE-a'.

Date of Birth:
- November 3rd.

Current Age:
- Eleven.

Basic Appearance:
- Slightly above average height. Brown hair, fairly straight, kept very neat and tidy in a simple ponytail usually - sometimes spruced up with a ribbon. Hazel eyes, usually very seriously focused on something or other. She's not fast to smile but when she does, her whole face lights up, eyes especially, so you know she means it. Fair skinned - spends more time inside than out. Straight, large-ish nose over a pair of full lips. Dresses practically - t-shirts/jumpers and trackpants or jeans and comfortable shoes around the place, mostly, though will alter dress as occasion and company dictates.

- Edea is very reserved and quiet and sometimes it's hard to get a read on her personality, as she's so adept at adapting to her situations in order to be liked. In contrast to her loud twin, Edea prefers to stay indoors. She likes to read, and will read almost anything, rather than preferring to stick to one genre. She never seems to let on which is her favourite. She also plays the violin - averagely, as one would expect from an eleven year old, but she's far from terrible. Likes to draw, but that she's not very good at at all, and she knows that. There's a fire in her heart that is evident to those that know her, and she has a strong will and a determination to achieve her goals, but to most people, she's just the quiet, shy child who behaves well and always knows just what to say. She's intelligent and clever, not so creative, but she knows how to get by. She just wants to be accepted and have many friends, so she usually hides more individual aspects of herself unless they're absolutely required.

- Has a twin sister, Ashelia (Ashe). They have a fair bit in common but at first glance, it seems they're as different as night and day. Lives with her mother and father. The rest of the extended family is primarily in England, it is this branch of the Fortescue-Bleakleys who have established themselves in Australia, in a small wizarding community. Aunt Serah, her mother's sister, is the only other relative in Australia, and Reina and Serah's relationship is a little frosty - Serah resides in Sydney and only really visits at Christmas. She adores Edea, however (Ashe too, but is closer to Edea) and has offered for Edea to stay with her (to have some time away from Ashe in order to just relax and have the chance to be herself). As it is, it's just the four of them, with some friendly neighbours who are also wizards.

- A barn owl named Archibald (or Archie) and a dog named Max, that Ashe is closer to than Edea.

Area of Residence:
- Rural Victoria, Australia. Western side, near the Victoria/South Australia border.

Blood Status:
- Half-blood.

Interests or Hobbies:
- It's hard to get a read on Edea's interests, but they seem to be: reading, playing the violin, drawing and she has a special affinity for puzzles. Can also be seen playing with dolls on occasion but will never let anyone know about that fact, because she's obviously the mature twin who has outgrown childish pursuits. Spends most of her time inside but can sometimes be coaxed in to the great outdoors.

Additional Skills:
- Knows how to solve a Rubix cube. (They were given some muggle toys whilst learning the basics for a good education - reading/writing/maths etc.) Also knows how to bake a really nice chocolate cake.

- Able to get along with all sorts of people. Quietly determined and won't leave a job half-done. Is not inclined to argue or create drama. Thinks before she speaks.

- Does not let her own personality shine through as much as it should and struggles to make meaningful connections. Hides aspects of herself for fear of being 'uncool'. Not inclined to express herself and her feelings.

Describe your character in three words:
- Reserved, cautious, determined.

Favourite place to be:
- In her room - there's a large window that looks out in to the garden with a pretty, comfortable window seat that is a nice place to sit and read and relax.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Hopes to meet a lot of people and make connections. Hopes to become a successful witch, ideally a prefect and even Head Girl in order to have a lucrative, high flying career. Would like to make a name for herself as herself, not as a member of her family, not as 'that weird girl's twin' (as much as she does care about Ashe), but as Edea - even if she doesn't show that side of her to anyone.

Your Patronus:
- A jaguar. A solitary predator who keeps things in order.

Your Patronus memory:
- Getting applauded and complimented by everyone at the Christmas party soon after her 10th birthday for the violin recital she gave - being able to entertain everyone and being rewarded in praise made her feel ecstatic!

Your Boggart:
- As dire as it is - herself. The side she doesn't show - the one she's terrified of people seeing for fear they won't like her.

Your Animagus:
- A chameleon. Able to camouflage and blend in wherever she goes.

Mirror of Erised:
- Herself, standing tall and proud, adoration from everyone, Head Girl of Hogwarts, and everyone knowing her name. And her whole family being proud of her because she did something worthwhile, and she did it herself.

A page from your diary:
- November 3rd,

Well, today is my birthday. Our birthday. Ashe thinks this means she can make me play dragons and fairy princesses and whatever with her. We're eleven now! Just because she was born first means she thinks she can make me do whatever she wants. But it's embarrassing, and the other kids say it's silly, and I don't want Ashe to get made fun of, and I really don't want to get made fun of either.

Anyway. We're going to Hogwarts next year. I'm already nervous. I don't know what house I'll be in. I wonder if mum and dad will be upset if I'm in Slytherin or something? I hope not. I also hope I'm not in the same house as Ashe. She needs someone to look out for her but I also don't want to have to babysit her.

What if people don't like me? What if I'm bad at magic? Maybe I won't be able to do any spells and I'll get sent away as a failure. I couldn't live with that.

I won't let that happen.

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