Early one morning, with a thunderstorm looming.

Sydney Benoit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Hickory Wand 15 1/4 inches Essence of Dragon Scale
Sydney had no clue why on Earth she was up so early. It was Ten in the morning on a Saturday and she was up and wandering aimlessly about the castle. Her shoes making a familiar clacking noise against the castles stone floors. She walked over to one of the large windows in the corridor and observed the weather, There were leaves blowing around and the grounds were deserted, Chances are it was pretty cold out there at the moment, She looked down at her outfit which was definitely not cold weather friendly and decided against going outside, deciding instead to head down to the Great hall to get some breakfast instead, since she was already up for some odd reason.

But halfway there she was stopped by an odd sight, she turned back towards the nearby window and walked over to it. She turned her head up to the sky and looked for what was blocking the sun so strongly, surely there wasn't a solar eclipse going over France any time soon was there? She noticed it was nothing more than a very large dark could that has made it seem so dark. It would probably start raining soon, a horrible thunderstorm from the looks of clouds in the sky. She laughed at her own momentary loss of logic and suddenly food didn't seem so important anymore, so she decided to stay there by the window and study the sky.
The deep rumble of thunder echoed around the castle, sound bouncing into the corners of small rooms and reflected around corridors.
Antoine had been heading to the hall for breakfast, his trusty guitar not with him today. But he was stopped as he realized how dark it was and he turned to look out the window but his view was blocked.
Antoine watched for a moment, the girl at the window: He knew her. Of course he did. Antoine had always like Sydney even if it had been just as a fellow student in their early years.
But his attraction to her had grown and now Antoine would spend hours beneath the large singular tree of the grounds, humming a song about her and playing his guitar. He had also written poetry about her and was beginning to think himself pathetic- even if he was an old-fashioned romantic.

The Yule Ball was soon and this thought crossed Antoine's mind; an excuse to speak to this wonderful girl he had so often longed to speak to without having to mention their lessons.
He walked towards her through the empty corridor, his footsteps echoing behind him until he reached her, standing only a meter or so away.
"Some nice weather we have today," he smiled through his sarcasm. He spoke, of course, in French- his mother tongue.
"It-it's been hectic around here since the TriWizard Tournament." He was embarrassed by his stuttering and he knew it would only get worse; he was inexperienced in talking to girls- the theory of it was simple enough but in practice, it was terrifying.
It wasn't long after Sydney had settled herself to leaning against the railing of the window that the first signs of the storm were approaching. A loud clap of thunder rang out and nearly shook the foundation of the castle, causing her to jump. This was definitely going to be a horrid storm. She was now glad she had woken up early for a change because had she woken up to that she probably would have fallen out of her bed, and she certainly didn't feel like having a major headache with a thunderstorm raging. She wondered how far away the storm was, looking at the condition of those clouds her guess was not that far away. She saw a bolt of lightening off in the distance and counted the seconds until another clap of thunder rang out. Not even a kilometer away. She loved Thunderstorms, she always felt calm during them. Just sitting and watching rain slap against the window and the thunder lulled her to sleep if it wasn't too loud, but that definitely wasn't the case today.

She was slowly brought out o her thoughts by the sound of footsteps, at first she thought nothing of it, people walked. Chances are it had nothing to do with her so she kept her gaze on the storm lingering in the distance, the wind had picked up, trees were moving as it passed and the lakes waters were very choppy. She heard a familiar voice speak to her in their native tongue and smiled, looking over at the source. Antoine Roux, he was in her year and while they weren't quite friends he was more than an acquaintance. They talked about classes mostly, sometimes about music.He seemed like an alright guy, and Sydney would admit she found him attractive. "Oh yes, Perfect day for a stroll around the lake." she answered, sarcasm evident in her voice, though the smile didn't leave her face. "Definitely, it's been more active than normal around here. Did you put your name in the Goblet?" she inquired, ignoring his stuttering as she stopped leaning against the window sill and stood up straight before him, instinctively taking a step closer to him.
"No. No, I didn't. I think I'd like to live a little longer." he replied, eyes twinkling. Antoine was trying to convince himself that there was nothing to be scared of when talking to Sydney and that she was just like him... Well, with the exception of her being female, highly attractive and a prefect. Antoine was none of these things.
"So, uh.. I hear there's a ball or something happening at some point this year.." Antoine rested a hand on the back of his neck, awkwardly:
This was it. This was his chance to ask her to the ball, to confess his true feelings for Sydney.
"Apparently we have to go with someone and.. Well, I doubt anyone wants to go with me."
Antoine nearly punched himself for not reaching the point fast enough.
"You see, the things is.. uh.." His cheeks reddened slightly but Antoine ignored them. "We've known each other a good while now and we've always got on fairly well- you have to admit." He was using random hand gestures as he spoke, his nervousness coming out via the slight shaking of his hands. "And, I mean, I know we haven't really hung out except for occasionally doing homework together but I've got to know you and like you and.. and.." His throat was dry and he swallowed hard. It was as if a lump was stuck in his throat.
"Would you.. Would you go to the ball with me?" He was silent for a moment. "You don't have to. I'm not going to force you but I.. well, I really like you and I-" Dare he say it? Dare he declare the feelings of all these years?
"And I think I love you."
When she heard his response to her question she laughed, "Me either... I may be several things, but brave is definitely not one of them." she admitted lightheartedly, she had flaws and she wasn't afraid of them. To strive to be perfect was pointless in the end. When he mentioned the ball she nodded, "It's in December right? Over the winter break I think..." she mused, not immediately getting what he was trying to say, odd for the usually observant Sydney. But as he continued to speak it soon became clear what he was trying to say, Sydney watched silently as he stood there, rambling and fidgeting as he tried to find the right words. A soft smile found it's way to her face, his actions were, for lack of a better word, adorable. But the storm decided to interrupt as another round of thunder roared throughout the building, drowning out the last few words he said.

The noise calmed down again and Sydney had to think for a moment, The rambling was cute on him but her rambling would just be bad, she didn't like for her skin to match her hair, which looked even more vibrant in the dim grey atmosphere of the castle and the sky. "I'd love to go the ball with you Antoine." she answered, she hadn't given it much thought but if she was going to go to the ball with anyone it may as well be him. "But, and i'm sorry to ask but what did you say at the end? I got to the part where you said you liked me and then the thunder drowned you out." she asked, taking another step towards him as the gap of distance between them was starting to close, she was maybe a foot or so away from him now. "Oh, and I kind of... like you too. If my going to the ball with you didn't already say that..." she trailed off, going a bit pink in the face as she did so. She hadn't really thought about it before, but Antoine was a pretty good guy from what she could tell, why not give it a shot?
Antoine couldn't repeat himself. The moment had passed, disturbed by the thunder. And he wasn't exactly known for his bravery.
"Oh," he said, thinking up something on the spot, "I was just saying that I.. That I need to buy a suit." It wasn't the best lie but it was all Antoine could think of in time before everything would have become even more awkward for him.
"Well," he said, hesitating to leave. "I.. I look forward to it. I'm sure we'll have a great time."

His instincts told him to make an excuse and leave but his heart told him to stay. To speak to Sydney a little longer. After all, they never spoke outside of class and if he didn't practice talking to her now then he would never survive the ball with her.
He would have to dance with her.
At this thought, Antoine's heart skipped a beat; he had no idea how to dance. None at all. He would have to ask someone about that when he wasn't within earshot of Sydney.
"So.. How have you been? - I mean, apart from all this TriWizard Tournament stuff." His attempts at conversation were feeble.
When he repeated himself to her she nodded, that made sense. Some people had a tendency to speak aloud to themselves when they needed to remember something and though she didn't know for sure, Sydney thought Antoine seemed like the type. So she didn't read much into it. "I'm looking forward to it too, It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I'm sure we'll have a ball." She stopped for a moment, blinking owlishly before letting our a small chuckle as she realized what she had said. "Well, I think you get what I'm saying, It'll be fun." she said, mildly amused.

The storm was overhead now, The rain was falling in sheets and the thunder cracked overhead with a blaring force, though oddly enough it seemed quieter than it had, she could still hear Antoine easily. She was just glad she had gotten away from the window, The wind was blowing bits of rain into the castle as these windows were more giant holes in the wall than actual windows. No glass, it was horrid when it was raining like this. But she focused her mind back on the guy in front of her, at the Yule Ball they would have to dance. She had danced before, at school things with a couple of her Muggle boyfriends in the past but never to something like the Yule Ball, where at least for the first bit of it the formal dancing was what was expected of them, she would definitely need to brush up on that subject a bit.

"Oh, I've been fine. Aside from the tournament not much exciting has happened lately, up to my eyeballs in studying for the NEWTs at the end of year but I suppose everyone in our year is. Have you started yet?" she inquired, curious if she had started a tad bit too early. "How have you been lately?" she asked, just remembering she hadn't, but before he could get an answer out the howling wind decided to change direction, blowing a fair bit of rain into the school and onto Sydneys upper half. The water was freezing and a bit of a shock to her system, she let out a small yelp and jumped forward. Stumbling over her heels and falling not so gracefully into Antoine. "Holy hell that rain is freezing!" she exclaimed. Now thoroughly embarrassed, red as a tomato, and a lot closer to Antoine than she had intended.
"Oh.. er.." Antoine had attempted to study once or twice but things had always distracted him.. Like writing more poetry about Sydney or another song he hoped to someday serenade her with. He wasn't planning on admitting his little obsession quite yet. Fortunately, the wind answered for him. He watched as the rain soaked Sydney and then she stumbled into him-
"Well, that just about sums it up." Antoine breathed before looking to Sydney. "Are you ok? Well- I mean, you're soaked to the bone and frozen and.." Was fate throwing him yet another opportunity? Should he take advantage of the situation.

Unable to decide upon his actions, Antoine simply added "Well.. This is cosy." He couldn't help the smile creeping onto his face. "You know, I.." Antoine began but his heart spoke to him and he looked down at Sydney. "Ah, to hell with it." He said to himself before planting his lips on hers.
Ok, not very gentlemanly but it was about time he stopped writing love songs and poetry and actually did something about these feelings he had. He only held the kiss for a moment or two, feeling that Sydney probably didn't want this but he might as well make it long enough to remember. He pulled away, red in the face and immediately apologizing. "Sorry.. I just.. You're just so very.. uh.. I.." He was stumbling over his words, madly trying to find an appropriate term to use. "You're just so very beautiful."
Sydney shivered as they stood there, her eyes caught his and time seemed to stop. when he asked if she was okay Sydney nodded. "Nothing a quick charm won't fix." she said, her voice unable to find it's normal volume. Another shiver and she instinctively moved closer to the warmth of Antoine. She was about to reach for her wand to cast a drying charm before he started speaking again, she nodded in agreement with him. This definitely was oddly cozy, desipte her current state. She had her wand out of it's holder that was settled on her hip and in her hand when he trailed off, Sydney looked back up at him. "Yeah?" she asked and before she knew it his lips were on hers.

Sydney was stunned for a second, by the time she had let it register and had begun to respond she suddenly felt cold again and realized he had pulled back and was now stammering out apologies a mile a minute. She quickly cast a drying charm on herself and haphazardly dropped her wand back in the holder, snapping it closed before she looked back at Antoine. "Antoine..." she said softly, a small smile gracing her face which was now luckily back to a normal color. She didn't quite know what she could say to make it clear she had liked the kiss. Well... once she had registered what was going on anyways, so instead of telling him anything, she decided to show him. She pressed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck, there was a heat to it that had been absent from his. She let it linger before pulling back "Apology not needed."

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