Early morning.

Sarah Xu-Marion

Well-Known Member
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
The early morning fog was exactly the type of weather Sarah was looking for. She was excited to go out in the cool, humid weather. She tore off her pajamas and slipped on a simple white dress. She ran out of her niece's house, tying her hair back into a messy bun. When she reached her destination, she slowed down to a walk. The sun was now barely rising, and the weather was cool. She had decided that she would take a break from Kari, and get a gift for Angela. She decided to shop early so that she could get it to her on time. Now she just needed a partner to walk with, but would she find anyone?
Mercy was going for a walk. A walk. A walk. W A L K. Doubleyou, Ayy, Ell, Kay. She was not going to let her compulsions get the better of her today, no sir-ee-bob-a-doodle. She dressed carefully, straightening every seam, putting on her white wig and carefully applying the makeup to match her dress, making sure not a hair or eyelash was out of place. After about three hours of primping and preening, Mercy reminded herself to STOP STRESSING and GO LIVE WHILE SHE STILL HAD A LIFE. L I F E, ELL EYE EFF EE, LIFE. She grabbed her parasol and rushed out the door, locking it four times before she was satisfied, and leaving the house. She strode along the street, enjoying the fog and determinedly not thinking about the moisture ruining her makeup and her clothes and her skin and-- NO. Ignoring the voices telling her eight million things that could go wrong, or had even already gone wrong, Mercy walked down the street, clutching her lace parasol tightly so it wouldn't blow away if there was a sudden gust of wind, and trying to walk confidently and at least look like she was enjoying the day.
It's not Like Sarah wanted to find Mercy, a girl who was almost opposite of what she was. But sometimes; things just happen. She looked around and say an adorable dress, fixed on a very gorgeous Asian woman, whom had white hair and a cute parasol. That would be her; If only Sarah knew about the girls freakish obsessions. She strode over confidently, and tried not to startle her; for she had a habit of doing such things.

"Hi there." She said in a calm, yet cheerful voice. She wore a nice white smile, and tried to stand tall; though at her height, that was difficult. She wondered what the girls reaction to her attitude would be, some people just ignored her. Others, like her boyfriend Kari, welcomed the kind hearted attitude. Sometimes though, she got taken advantage of. She hoped this girl was nothing like that.
Mercy had noticed the other asian woman the second she came into view. Mercy gripped her parasol tighter, attempting to walk like a normal person, unconcerned with anything, all the while watching the street's only other occupant, just in case she was a suicide bomber, or a crazy homeless person who rubbed themselves all over any passersby. When the woman came near Mercy she stiffened, clutching the parasol so tightly her knuckles turned white. She stood dead still, feet planted firmly together, glad of the extra height her platforms gave her over the other woman. At the other woman's deceptively pleasant greeting (for by now the myriad of potential terrors had taken over all Mercy's thoughts) Mercy jumped slightly, blinking wide eyes, and eventually responded in a shaky voice. "H... Hello."
The girl seemed quite tense, so Sarah gave a nice warm smile; watching the woman. He knuckles were white from gripping the parasol she held so tightly. Sarah didn't like that thew woman seemed so scared, even with such a height advantage. "I'm Sarah." She stated, however, she didn't extend her hand, just in case this woman was a mean person.
"Mercy." Mercy replied shortly, putting a lot of effort into making her voice not shake. That effort, however, made it sound like there was a wad of bread stuck in her throat, a sound that made her mouth go dry and her face heat up with embarrassment. Hands gripping ever-tighter, she shifted uncomfortably, resisting the urge to bite her lip. If she did, it could bleed, and then she would be covered with blood! And then naturally, this Sarah woman would want to help her, and what if she cut herself while she was trying to help, and her blood mixed with Mercy's blood, and she just happened to have AIDS, or some other horrible disease?? Mercy started shaking at the mere thought, and took a small step backwards, biting her tongue hard to ward off the horrifying thoughts.
Sarah could tell that this woman seemed very nervous. Though Sarah wasn't sure why. "It's nice to meet you, Mercy." She said with a grin. She hoped that her smile might calm this woman down, since it had that effect. The woman took a step back, and Sarah felt compelled to say; "I'm not a creep. You don't have to worry."

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