Dyfan Venturino

Dyfan Venturino

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Dyfan Venturino
Date of Birth:
- February 27, 2011

Current Age:
- 15

Basic Appearance:
- Dyfan is the dark haired child in his family. He is tall, slighter taller then his triplets. Fleckles adorn his face and his unruly hair covers part of it most of the time.
- Dyfan is the old and mature one of the family. Most say he has the mind of a 70 year old but is in a childs body. As the olderst of the siblings he is the most protective of all of them. He also enjoys picking on his sisters. He is mostly the friendly one of the bunch and loves to explore the world.
- Father:
-Younger Sister: Alexa Venturino
-Younger Brother: Jace Venturino
-Youngest Sister: Raelene Venturino

- A family dog, Great Dane. Very powerful and overwhelming.

Area of Residence:
- Australia.

Blood Status:
- Almost Pureblood, they would need one more generation to be considered amoung the pureblood however with four children it is unlikely all would be able to marry into pureblood families.

- Mother is English/German but has lived in Australia all her life.
Father's family comes from Ireland/Scotland, however he has lived in many places growing up.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Travling with father.

Additional Skills:

- Very Wise.

- Someone picking on his siblings.

Describe your character in three words:
- Mature, Wise, Smart.
Favourite place to be:
- In the Library at home next to his sister reading a book.


Hogwarts House:
- n/a

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Graduate top of class and travel the world after graduation.
Best school subjects:
- to be detrimined

Worst school subjects:
- tbd

Extracurricular Activities:
- Book Club..?

- 2029

Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- Ministry Work, prehaps, anything to do with travel really.
Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
- A Rose

Your Animagus:

A page from your diary: Uhm, Journal.
Jace and I had a wonderful time today. Alexa just ignored us for the most part. Exploring the wizardy city was complete fun. First time we've been let free in one ever! I really do enjoy spending time with my brother. (And Sister)

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