Dusty makes cupcakes!


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Another crazy day, when everyone just needed everything. Dusty was getting a bit sick of all these requests, althrough he could still handle the crazyness from the students and even Hogwarts Staff. Dusty, with his little legs, was on his way to kitchen to finally make something very eatable for someone... well, the first one, that'll enter the kitchen right after him. Dusty was starting to make little cupcakes, with all kind of flavours. Serving people was definately the thing, Dusty was living for. While someone lives for applause, Dusty lives for making and serving. As simple as that.

His hands was moving and moving, nothing could stop Dusty from making cupcakes. His plans was to make a Strawberry one, Blueberry one, Banana one and a-lot-of-flavours one. When a lot of people couldn't make themselves something to eat, Dusty was really good at it and he definately didn't regret that. Dusty loved making food... and sometimes eating it too, because it was soo yummy!

When Dusty finally finished doing, what he does at his best, he took a seat and waited for someone to enter the kitchen. Someone, who wanted to eat and someone, who could be an experimental bunny, as they call them.

Stella glanced at her map before looking back up at the empty halls in front of her. Yup, she was definitely lost. Frowning, she stuffed her map into her pocket and started searching for a prefect or staff member. Surely, someone would be down here. After a bit of wandering, the Hufflepuff found a door. Well, that was better than nothing. Hopefully, someone inside would be able to help her.

The first thing that hit her when she entered was the smell. It was obvious she'd found a kitchen of some sorts. Lingering traces of past meals combined to form a scent that reminded her of the canteen at her old school. Wrinkling her nose, Stella strode forwards. There would probably be workers in the back.

A plate of brightly coloured cupcakes drew Stella's attention, and she turned around to find a small, green creature staring back at her. She yelped and leaped backwards, accidentally knocking over several small spice jars. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" The Hufflepuff quickly got on her knees, starting to gather the plastic containers. "You, um, startled me." She'd seen creatures like the one sitting in front of her before. However, it had only been brief glimpses when she had gone shopping for school supplies.

As she gathered the spice jars, Stella peeked at the green man again. She was starting to feel a bit faint.
He didn't have to sit for too long. Dusty got up, when he saw that girl enter the kitchen, but right after she koncked over few spice jars. - Nooooo! Dusty shouted and wished to help, but the girl seemed to like it doing on her own. But that was good - less work for Dusty Crusty! He loved making rhymes for his own word. - I'm soo soo sorry, haven't you ever seen a house elf? Dusty couldn't just resist but ask. But that definately wasn't bad - talking with someone was definately what this house elf needed today, a little break from everything.

-Do you want to try my just-made-cupcakes? Dusty asked and went closer to her with his plate of brightly coloured cupcakes, still having four of them
- Blueberry, Banana, Strawberry and a-lot-of-flavours ones. - You can take one or you can try them all! I don't care, just, please, please, tell me - how they taste! That's what Dusty wanted to know the most. It was his mission to make something veery eatable for students, because they had hard days during lessons. They had to learn something, they probably never heard in their life.

Dusty was starring at the girl and waiting for her response... how much she will take? and do they taste okay? were the questions, that Dusty wanted to know answer to.
Okay, so the creature spoke English. Stella supposed that made sense. They were in New Zealand after all. It wouldn't make sense if he-- the creature was a he, right? Whatever, she'd just go with that-- spoke Chinese or something. English was the most logical option. After she had finished gathering up the jars, Stella stood up and leaned against the counter, trying to compose herself. Just focus on one thing at a time. First, his question. "No, not really," Stella admitted. "I mean, I've seen a couple from a distance but never this close."

The house elf approached her, carrying the cupcakes. "Oh, you made these?" she asked, a bit surprised. "They're really pretty." The Hufflepuff offered a small smile. She had probably hurt the creature's feelings when she had screamed and made a fool of herself, and now she was determined to make it up to him.

At the house elf's request, Stella reached for the red one and peeled off the wrapper. The house elf had mentioned that she was welcome to try them all, which was definitely an appealing offer, but she thought it best to start with just one and make sure his baking skills were at least adequate. Definitely not red velvet, Stella thought as she took a small bite and a fragrant strawberry flavour filled her senses. "This one's really good." The Hufflepuff took another bite, finding that the sugar was helping with her light-headedness. "I've never had a strawberry cupcake before."

After Stella had finished the cupcake, she pointed at the multicolored one still on the platter. "What flavor's that one?"
That girl has never seen house elf in a close point of view - but that was okay, everything came to happen for the first. - Oh, I'm Dusty, by the way. Dusty through, he'd at least introduce himself to the young girl, seemed to be that she's first year, because of her not having any previous interaction with elves.

Then the girl started talking about cupcakes and even asked, if Dusty made them - did she really think, that Dusty isn't a good chef? Of course he is and all Hogwarts New Zealand knew it - even the Staff could admit it. - Yes, of course! After saying that, Dusty gave one of them elf smiles that might seemed pretty creepy, but that was the nicest he could do. - Thank you! And Dusty smiled once again...

The house elf was getting happy, because she was probably going to try at least one of them, because she was reaching for the one. She took the Strawberry one and that definately was a progress for Dusty. And her comment... You could see a little spark in Dusty's eyes - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Dusty got even more happy and couldn't thank her enough. - Well, now you had, ha! He gave out a little laugh, that may sounded a little weird too.

- That one? and Dusty pointed to the multicolored cupcake - It's a Blueberry, Apple and Preach one. He said and waited for the girls response.

Stella nodded as the house elf introduced himself. Dusty. What a strange name. She wondered if he had given it to himself as she couldn't think of anyone who would give their child a name like that. "I'm Stella."

Dusty confirmed that he had indeed made the cupcakes himself, acting as if it was something that she should've known. Did he work in the kitchens? Wait, did house elves even work? Stella wasn't too sure why house elves were inside Hogwarts, but then again, there were ghosts in the castle, and they didn't really do anything except float around and occasionally chat with the students.

With each compliment, Dusty seemed to grow happier and happier until it appeared as if he would positively burst with excitement. Although his smile was a bit unnerving, it made Stella feel better. She wasn't really sure why, but he seemed to value her opinion, which wasn't something she was used to.

Blueberry, apple, and peach? The Hufflepuff wasn't sure those three flavors would go well together. However, Dusty had managed to make an exceptional strawberry cupcake, so perhaps the multicoloured one wouldn't be too bad. Stella took the cupcake and tore off a piece, trying to ensure that there were equal amounts of each colour, before popping it into her mouth. The flavours didn't clash as much as she had thought they would, but she still preferred the strawberry one. "I like the blueberry and apple, and the icing on this one is sweeter. Maybe add a little less peach next time? It's still really good." Once she had swallowed her next mouthful, Stella asked, "Are you down here often?"
-Stella? That's a really really nice name! Dusty said and gave a little smile. That girl was definately what he needed today. Those compliments after compliments - Dusty was really feeling like at one moment he would burst up with excitement - but that wouldn't be too bad, would it?

Stella's face didn't seem to think that the last cupcake would be yummy for her - althrough, at the end - she still liked it! Dusty did his job well, just as always. - Thank you! I'll be sure to do that! he said.

-Oh yes! And what are you doing down here? Dusty said and waited for a response.
"Thank you," Stella replied, smiling slightly. She had never really thought of her name as nice or particularly interesting. Just boring and vaguely old-fashioned.

Dusty thanked her enthusiastically after she critiqued the multicolored cupcake, and Stella wondered if he ever got truly upset. The Hufflepuff finished the cupcake as the house elf answered her question before asking one in return. "I was just exploring the castle, and I got lost. I saw the door--" Stella gestured towards the entrance to the kitchen "--and figured someone in here would be able to help me." She paused before asking, "Do you know how to get back to the Hufflepuff common room? Or at least to the Duelling Chamber?" She could find her way back from there.
If there was a moment, when Dusty was never happy - then that moment was probably only, when he'll die. But Dusty weren't thinking about that way too much. Stella thanked Dusty, which made him a little bit more happier than he was. If Stella didn't came in today, probably, no one would - and Dusty would have to eat cupcakes by himself.

- Oh yeah, I understand! Dusty said and smiled towards her. - Well, I can show you the way to Hufflepuff Common Room or even Duelling Chamber, if you want. he said and waited for the girls response. Dusty knew where everything was in the castle, even the secret doors, than none would know...
Stella brightened when Dusty offered to help her. "Oh, yes, please. If you could show me how to get to the common room after we're done, that would be great." The kitchens weren't that bad of a place, and Dusty was pretty good company, but Stella preferred the cozy warmth of the Hufflepuff common room.

There were two remaining cupcakes on the plate, and Stella contemplated the two before going for the blue one. Blue was safer as it could only be blueberry, while yellow could be lemon, banana, or pineapple. Stella started to peel back the wrapper before suddenly stopping. "Have you made any cupcakes for yourself?" She didn't want to eat all of Dusty's cupcakes and leave none for him. "We can share the last two if you want."
Stella was definately the girl, who didn't had a map with her - just like most of first years did, but that wasn't bad - Dusty could help her, because he was serving for Hogwarts for a while. - Okay, sure! Dusty said and gave her a little smile

- No! I don't want to eat, it's okay! Dusty smiled again and waited for the girl to eat the rest of two cupcakes. Dusty tasted his own food more than once, so he didn't want to eat for a while. Maybe he wanted to, but he rather let Stella eat all four, because it was her first year at Hogwarts and Dusty had to show her, that he is very nice... Well, he was nice, but...
Stella sighed with relief when Dusty agreed to help her. "Thank you." Now she wouldn't have to wander around, looking for someone else to guide her out. She'd probably only get even more lost.

She found it a bit curious that he didn't want any since most people wouldn't turn down a chance to have a cupcake. Then again, he was an house elf. Maybe they didn't eat cupcakes? That wouldn't explain why he had made them. Stella decided that she was wasting time contemplating elven eating habits when she could just try another cupcake, so she bit into the blueberry one. "I think this one's the best one yet." She quickly finished it, savouring each bite.

Once she was done, Stella reached for the last cupcake, which she thought might be lemon. However, too late, she realized it was banana. Stella forced her mouthful down, wishing she hadn't taken such a large bite. "Oh... banana..." She attempted to twist her grimace into a smile although she was pretty sure she hadn't succeeded.
Dusty was really happy today. No one could change, what he felt at the moment and could feel at the next. It all was totally unpredictable, but this girl was so nice, that he couldn't help but almost burst of happiness. Dusty smile could prove it.

- Really? Why you think so? Dusty looked at her and wanted to know, why that one could possibly be the best one... maybe Stella liked blueberries?

That girl seemed a little suprised, when she noticed, that the last one is a banana one. - I'm sorry? You don't like bananas!? Dusty gave a suprise look and noticed, that the girl wanted to smile, but it didn't work so well...
Stella nodded, confirming that the blueberry one had been the best. "I'm not sure... It just works." He probably wanted more feedback than that, so Stella forged on. "The cupcake part's light, but not muffin-y, and it goes well with the frosting." She paused after her next bite and asked, "Where did you learn to bake?" The Hufflepuff was curious about Dusty and house elves in general. Did they have schools of their own?

While the blueberry cupcake had been quite good, the banana one left a lot to be desired. "Um, no, not really," she confessed. Stella didn't want to hurt the house elf's feelings, so she quickly added, "It's not your fault. I'm just it's just as good as the others. I just really don't like bananas." There was quite a bit left, so she held it out to Dusty. "Do you want the rest?"

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