Dusty and Boring

Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate 💋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (28)
Diana was annoyed with Rose, her older sister. The Gryffindor had decided delivering roses would be 'good' for her, so she had signed Diana up without her consent. Diana had assumed they could at least deliver things together so she could pawn off her work to Rose, but her older sister had insisted there were too many roses to deliver for that. Now here she was, wandering the school to find people she'd never heard of. At least she could amuse herself by reading the notes, though they weren't exactly thrilling and filled with scandal and gossip as she had hoped. The girl she was looking for now was some Hufflepuff, and after asking around she had been directed to the library. It wasn't Diana's favorite place in the school, it was too stuffy. With a sigh, she went from table to table to ask about a Minerva. Wondering why she was bothering to deliver a flower to someone clearly boring enough to spend time in this awful place on a holiday.

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