Tom was walking in the hall way, reading something when he bump into some. "Sorry." He apologize. He always bump someone when his busy reading a good book, walking or even just sitting, he always done wrong. Sometimes hurting someone.
Brendon was making his way back to his dorm silently with his head to the ground as usual to avoid any eye contact with anyone. Just then he felt someone crash into him, "N-no I'm sorry" he said in a timid voice. please don't hurt me he added in his head keeping his eyes to the ground.
"No, that's fine. It my fault anyway." Tom apologize again. "I should had watched where am going." He told the boy who he thinks a year older than him. Well, his late going here. Tom was 12 when he got here to study and now his 13, still a first year.
Brendon looked at the boy when he realized he wasn't going to push him around or anything, his green eyes slightly wide with fear, as usual when he was in a crowded area, "I-I'm Brendon" he replied quietly.
Brendon began looking around at the people at were walking by, he wanted to get out of here, "Y-yes" he replied quickly in the same scared voice. Brendon realized how pathetic he must look right now, but it didn't matter, he was terrified.
"Could i offer to escort you at your class?... You seems like cold or something?" Tom asked frowning, the weather was fine, not to cold, not to hot, its actually in between. Himself want's cold, but Brendon spoke like his cold.
"No I'm fine, crowds scare me is all" he replied before taking a deep breath trying to calm himself down but with no success. "If its on your way, I wouldn't mind walking with someone" he added remembering how the older kids liked to push him in the middle of people to watch him freak out, maybe they wouldn't if he was with someone.
"Ok. Come on." Tom told Brendon, he didn't mind walking with some after all. All the students here are his friends. "So, are you from Bulgaria?" He asked, starting a topic.
"Yes" he replied although he accent was american. His family had just moved here a few years ago. He liked talking in english though, it was easier. Brendon was glad to be with someone for once, it was nice not to be so alone. "where are you from?" he asked.
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