Open Dungeons and what?

Timothy Bledsoe

dorky · curious
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Timothy had heard that there were dungeons at Hogwarts because of a Slytherin saying it felt dumb their house was located there. Now the boy wasn't sure what would be locked away in a dungeon at a school but he knew he had to figure it out. He thought maybe an evil creature would be held there like a vampire or a werewolf or whatever fictional beast that apparently might not be so fictional. So the boy took a flashlight he had from home, his wand which was basically useless to him at this point as he had no way of knowing how to use it, and his own gumption to discover what might lay around on his own. Of course, he'd be fine if he were joined too.

When the boy had made his way there and it was fairly dark, he tried to turn the flashlight on for it to somehow not work even though he knew the batteries were new and placed correctly. He tapped it against his thigh a few times and sighed before putting it in his pocket. First no cell phones then this. It really seemed archaic but he couldn't judge as much as he wanted to because he really just didn't get it. Of course he was about to go into a dungeon so maybe it couldn't get more archaic than that in actual fact. The pre-teen picked up his wand and tried a spell, not sure if it was something at all, "Lighty lighty make it brighty." Nothing. "Ugh of course not," he responded to himself when it didn't work. It was so stupid that this was the world he was struggling to figure out. All he wanted was to see if there were any scary beasts or prisoners in the dungeon or if it was all for show. He hoped there was something actually there.
Lorenzo had just finished hanging out with a few friends and decided it was time to retire for the evening. He had a bit more studying he wanted to accomplish before he went to bed, and he was trying to be better about setting up a routine so he could feel well rested with everything going on. It felt a little chillier than usual as he made his way to the dungeons, and as he wrapped himself a little tighter in his cloak, he nudged somebody. “Oh, my bad,” he said, before realizing that the young boy looked slightly out of place. “Are you lost, or are you just looking around?” he asked gently.

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