Dresses, Makeup and Galore

Angie Vanderbilt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Fairy Wing Core
When Angie left the Student Lounge she basically ran to her room and got her sketch book and her tote bag full of make-up. Hardly anyone knew she had her own sketch book of hairstyles and make-up designs. Sometimes she was blessed enough to get a fashion idea every once in awhile. Angie made her way to the towers and and opened up the door that would lead her to the North Tower. She sighed as she started to climb the stairs. "I still can't believe Andrea is going to the Yule Ball with me." Angie said to herself in disbelief. Angie pushed another door open that lead to the room inside of the tower.

Angie was hyped up. She needed to calm down. Since it was dark out there wasn't much light coming into the room. "Lumos," Angie said and a light appeared at the tip of her wand. She went and sat down by the window. She took out her pencil and started brainstorming possible hairstyles for the ball.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry if it seems a bit rushed.
Andrea Kelize was sighing non-stop when she got to her room in the Gryffindor Girls Dormitory. Andrea and her new friend, Angie decided to attend the Yule Ball together even though Andrea is totally against this. Unfortunately, Hariah Meadow, Andrea's best friend and roommate, wasn't there so she hadn't had anyone to share her problems with. If only Angie wasn't that sensitive and if only she wasn't a Hufflepuff (it's not like Andrea has anything against Hufflepuff, that is), Andrea was surely problem-free at this time of day. Andrea grabbed the dresses and put them in the bag. The two had decided on meeting in the North Tower so Angie can try them since she doesn't have any clothes to wear. After successfully putting the clothes in her backpack, Andrea zipped it zipper, put it on her back and headed out for the North Tower.

Andrea's current destination wasn't far from her next destination, though since it's only a corridor higher where the Gryffindor House is. As she was walking, she was thinking of one particular question and it was "What am I going to do in the Yule Ball? Dance? But with whom? Angie? She's a girl for Pete's sake! Gosh, I am so stupid. Why did I even enter myself in this dilemma in the first place?". Yeah, she's that far gone with the Yule-Ball-thing. She doesn't have any intention of telling Angie that though. She intended on keeping that a secret for herself to think and to find a solution whenever she get bored. When Andrea was only a few steps away from the Towers, she saw Angie holding a sketchbook and sketching something. "It's probably a dress. Or maybe a girly thing" She thought, rolling her eyes. When she entered the room, she saw that Angie was drawing a hairstyle. Andrea didn't know why though since she's no fan of art and she's definitely not Angie's babysitter to know such things. "Hey!" She greeted, putting her backpack on one of the benches next to Angie.
Angie didn't hear Andrea come in resulting in her jumping a bit when Andrea spoke to her. "Oh, hey. Do you have the dresses?" she asked closing her sketch book. "Let me see them!" she said excitedly. Angie set her sketch book to the side next to her tote bag full of makeup.
Andrea was a bit startled when Angie jumped when Andrea spoke her words. She was so fed up by her drawing that she hadn't noticed Andrea come in which results her jumping. "Whoa. Settle down. I'm not a ghost. You don't need to jump or anything." She sarcastically said. "Anyway, yep. Got the dresses. I've brought the yellow one too in case the black is too big for you" She added. Andrea took a seat next to Angie and put her backpack down. She began reaching uncomfortably into her bag since it's quite small. "Here's the black one" Andrea said, grabbing a a black dress from her bag and laying it neatly onto her lap, "And here's the yellow one." She added, reaching out to her bag again and grabbed a yellow dress with lace upon it's shoulders. "They're mostly mini dress. I hope you don't mind. I don't wear them since I'm no fan of clothes that are showy so I took the red one. Hope you like short clothes, though." Andrea said, looking a bit uncomfortable. It really is a bit awkward to her to provide someone her clothes since, as it look, Angie is rich and she's not.
"The yellow one is so pretty, and it is my house colors too! But, the black one is really pretty too. Which one do you think is prettier on me? she asked. She took the dresses from Andrea's lap and put each one in front of her for about ten seconds each. "Do you think we should do our nails too?" Angie asked.
Andrea observed as Angie grabbed the dresses and put each in front of her and asked her if what is prettier on her. Andrea looked intensely at the dress and at Angie. She can't really tell the whole difference since she, herself, was no fan of fashion whatsoever. "This is a tricky one" Andrea said, while cupping her chin by her right hand and resting her elbow by her knee. "I don't know Angie. They both look good on you. I'm no fashion expert but I'll have to go with the black one. I picked that because it's simple and sparkly and well......it suits you" She explained. The black one was a form fitting black dress while the yellow one was a cocktail yellow dress and it's shoulders were covered with beautiful laces. Andrea removed her hand from her chin and began sitting straight (if you call sitting with legs down to feet in the chair also), and looked at Angie's sketchbook. It was left lying down on the chair so Andrea picked it up. "Hope you don't mind" She said, smiling sheepishly. She has to ask permission even if the Angie was her friend now. Andrea held the sketchbook in her hands and refused to opened it until Angie gave her the permission to do so.
Angie looked at each dress again. Though the the yellow one did represent Hufflepuff better, the back dress made her look exceptional. "Okay. I will wear the black one. Where is your dress?? Angie asked. She wanted to see what Andrea's dress looked like. It was probably really pretty. Angie saw Andrea pick up her sketch book. She asked if she could see it. Angie shrugged. "I don't mind." she said simply.
Andrea observed the dresses intensely. Her mother clearly has good sewing skills. The black was a pretty yet simple and the yellow was a lavish but fashionable. If Andrea’s the one who was borrowing, she’d borrow nothing. Yeah sure, they’re pretty but low cut? Nuh uh. Andrea hates low cuts. She practically despises them. Andrea’s dress isn’t low cut. The bottom hits her ankle and the shoulder hits her wrists. It was more of an ‘80s kind of dress but as long as it’s isn’t low cut or showy, Andrea would wear it. “Back in my room” Andrea lamely replied when Angie asked for her dress. She hadn’t brought it since she knows she was the one who’s going to wear it not Angie. As soon as Angie gave her the permission to look at her sketchbook, Andi quickly opened it and looked at the drawings. They were drawing of hairstyles, dresses, shoes and different kinds of girly things. “You have talent.” Andrea said, nodding as she flipped through the pages of Angie’s sketchbook.
"I guess. I don't show very many people my sketch book." Angie told Andrea. She sat down next her tote bag and got her nail polish kit out. Want to do nails?" she asked holding up the kit for Andrea to her.
Angie's drawings were very pretty. They looked like they were drawn by a fifth or a sixth year. They were very good. The hairstyles were very girly if you asked Andi but she found out soon that Angie loves girly things so, to her case, the hairstyles look pretty stylish. Angie doesn't seem to be convinced by Andrea's words. Andrea was shocked when she said she just guess. "You guess? Seriously, Angie. I am not kidding. You have talent! Your drawings are very good." Andrea said in mixture of awe and shock. Andrea put down the sketchbook when she finished looking at all the drawings. "Uh, do what?" Andrea replied when Angie asked her of she wants to do nails. She really doesn't have a single clue on what to do about nails. Hers was quite long now so maybe all she needs are a pair of nail trimmers to trim her long cuticles.
Angie sighed. "They're really girly aren't they?" Angie asked. Somehow, Angie couldn't bring herself to believe that Andrea liked her drawings. She got like this whenever someone looked at her sketchbook. Her mother had found her drawings once, and Angiegot so terrified. She has always been scared of people's opinions and of getting critiqued. Her mother said it was apart of life, that people would give you opinions that she didn't like. Angie saw it as a nightmare. "Do you really think they are okay Andi?" Angie asked sadly, looking her sketchbook.

Angie cheered up a little when Andrea asked what she was taking about. "Well we could just clip each others nails and put nail polish on, or we could just skip clipping each other's nails and just put nail polish on?" Angie suggested with a smile. Angie's nails were already clipped. All she was waiting to do was find time to but some nail polish on them. She thought this was the perfect time.
Andrea blinked when Angie asked her previous question. Angie looked like she didn't believe Andi. This just made Andi disappointed. "Yes, but so what? We're talking about talent here Angie. I see that you like girly things and I understand. Your drawings simplify yourself. You have to be proud of them" Andrea explained, her voice was a mixture of shock and disappointment. Andrea never had a talent involving art, as far as she can conclude. All her talents seem to be involved in sports and other stuff that body and mind are most needed that creativeness. Angie here has the talent Andrea never had. Andrea gnashed her teeth while waiting for Angie to reply. "Of course. They are more than okay if I base it on the talent" Andrea said.

The do the nails topic was making Andi confused more than ever. She didn't really know what Angie was talking about. Angie seemed to be glad Andrea didn't. Andrea threw Angie a sarcastic look.She didn't really know what Angie was planning on doing but she's quite sure she's not going to like it. "Nail polish? What's a nail polish?" Andrea asked. She didn't really have a single clue on what Angie was talking about. Nail polish? What in the hell is that? Some kind of liquid that polishes nails to look shiny or what?, she thought. Sure, Andrea is a Muggle Born but when it comes to girly things, Purebloods are even smarter than her.
Angie smiled and nodded. "You're right Andrea. Thank you," Angie said, getting back into her old happy mood. She had real confidence problems, and if she planned on being a hairstylist or fashion designer she had to have confidence in herself. She was scared of becoming one of those super rich and snotty designers that had talent, but flaunted it the wrong way. Angie laughed when Andrea asked what nail polish was. But first she decided to apologize."I am sorry for laughing Andi. Really I am." Angie apologized. She took out the red nail polish from the kit and shook it. "Give me your hand." Angie said.
Andrea shrugged when Angie nodded and thanked her. She really shouldn't have given Angie the lecture but she figured Angie won't come up to her senses unless someone she give the big L to her. Angie's happy mood seem to come back and Andrea was glad it did. She didn't want this awkward, nonsense one that complained about her great talent. Andrea is proud of her talent and she wants Angie to be too. Being exact and accurate were known attributes of her attitude and because Angie was her friend, she figured she would be like her too and that she expects her to be the same way. "You don't need to apologize. It's my fault for being the idiot not you" Andrea said flatly. Sure, she was a bit irritated by it but it's really not her fault. Andrea reached out to give Angie her hand when she asked for it. She didn't really know what the red liquidy thing is for but she gave it a go anyways.
"You are not an idiot! You're just, um...nevermind." Angie couldn't find the word she was looking for so she just stopped talking. She looked at Andrea's hand and, she opened the nail polish. Angie took Andrea's thumb, and with skill applied the red polish to her thumb's nail. "See? That is what nail polish is. Do you like it?" Angie asked. She really hoped that Andi thought it was nice. She expected her to be in awe for at least about two seconds.
Andrea rolled her eyes when Angie said she's not and idiot and barely finished what her mins assumed she would say. "I'm sure the "never mind" stands for "idiot" or maybe something more classy, "stupid" perhaps?" Andrea replied, sarcastically. Well, she didn't really have a choice but to play sarcastic. She is totally in the mood for it, why not now, right? Andrea observed as Angie opened the bottle cap and started painting her nails. "Well, whoever invented this "nail polish" is plain stupid. If it's for painting nails then it's name should be nail painting or whatever that has the word "nail" and paint in it." Andrea debated, shaking her head. "It looks nice, I guess" She said more calmly when she saw Angie was waiting for a reply.
"I can think of worst. But you are none of them." Angie said rolling her eyes. She continued to paint Andrea's nails with the red polish. Andrea said the person who invented nail polish was stupid. Angie laughed, "Okay Andi. Whatever you say." 'Nail polish has probably been around for a long time,' Angie thought in her head. Angie finished with Andrea's right hand and started on her left. "This color looks really pretty on you." Angie commented. Angie was probably going to paint her nails yellow of white. "Do you want a design on your nails too? she asked.
Andrea's eyebrows raised up. Way, way up. She was a bit surprised of Angie's comment but of course, she knew she didn't really know any better. Of course, Andrea shouldn't be this judgmental but her day is just really out of the usual and it's causing something on her mood which later results into mood swings. "You can think of worst?" Andrea repeated. "Then if I'm not a stupid or an idiot person, what am I then? A moron?" Andrea asked Angie, not rude and not kind either. Andrea observed as Angie paint her nails with what she calls "nail polish". "Are you saying you agree with me?" Andrea wanted to know. The nail polish felt cold in Andrea's hands that's why she threw Angie a startled look when she first drop it. "I hope so" Andrea replied. She's not really sure if red is the color for her but she always liked red. "Design? What do you mean design?" Andrea asked.
Angie stopped painting Andrea's nails. She was on the middle finger of Andrea's left hand. "Nevermind Andrea, okay? Forget I even said anything." she said seriously to Andrea. She was tired, and that meant her mood started to change. She was getting crabby and snappy. She didn't want to snap at Andrea and she hoped that Andrea didn't take what she said that way. Angie quickly finished Andrea's last two fingers. "Done and I kind of agree with you." Angie said and gave a small smile. "Like a flower or a smiley face or something." Angie said. She took out the yellow and the white. Angie was going to paint her own nails yellow and white.
Andrea smirked. She was sure Angie was starting to loose her temper. Andrea hoped she wouldn't though since she's afraid if Angie will she might lose hers too and it would definitely result into fighting. Andrea's day was fine and she didn't want punching to occur but if Angie really will let go of her temper, Andrea will have no choice but to break her nasal cartilage. Andrea's father often teaches her how to punch people. You know, for self-defense and all. "Shoot" Andrea simply replied when Angie told her to never mind what she said. "Shoot" is the word she often uses in exchange for the words like "Sure", "Fine" and "Whatever". When Angie finished painting Andrea's nails, Andrea quickly withdraw her hands to observe them. "Well, if you do, then why do I get the feeling you just forced yourself to agree with me?" Andrea asked, with both eyebrows raised. "Uh no thanks" Andrea said when Angie explained what she meant by the design. The polish is already a big nono of Andrea and she did not want the innocent things to be victimized by her temper too.
"I don't know. Are you sure you don't want a design?" Angie asked and started shaking up the yellow nail polish. She started planning out what she wanted to do with her nails. She was going to have every other nail yellow and every other nail white. Then on her middle finger she'd do a butterfly wing in gold design polish. She would make sure that her middle fingers would have white nail polish on it. Angie started to apply the polish on her nails with much focus. Especially when she started painting the butterfly wing on her middle finger with the gold polish.
"I'm sure" Andrea said, sounding very convinced in herself. She didn't want any design on her nails especially flowers and smileys. Andrea observed as Angie put those nail polish in her nails. She seemed to like the yellow and the white one. Andrea didn't disapprove of the color she'd pick though yellow seems wrong with black. Andrea didn't told Angie about this though since she din't want to correct anyone who has more girly information stored in her mind than her.
Angie finished both her hands. "Perfect." she thought in her head. She showed Andrea her newly done nails. "What do you think? It doesn't go with the dress, but it is very pretty, especially the butterfly wings."she said. Angie was sure Andrea didn't care about her nails, but she didn't want to make it seem like she was ignoring her. She wasn't mad at Andrea she was just a little fussy since it was getting late in the night. Angie pulled her hands back so she could observe them herself. "Sorry if it seems like I am mad at you Andi. I am just getting a little fussy cause of the time." she apologized sincerely to Andrea. She felt bad for snapping at her. Especially since she is lettting her borrow a dress for the Yule Ball.
Andrea observed as Angie finished painting her nails. They look pretty nice as Andrea might point out. "Well, it looks nice on you." Andrea replied awkwardly. Her nails indeed look pretty good but Andrea really couldn't point it out well since she's no expert when it comes to fashion and whatnot. After a few seconds or so, Andrea back off and took a seat on one of the benches. She looked around the room to observe it. For no particular reason, really. She just wants something to do. "I knew that" Andrea said lamely. Well, she was lying a bit but of course she didn’t want to break anyone's nasal cartilage with nails that were painted red but she has to admit, the blood that the broken nasal cartilage sure goes with her nails now but Andrea just wasn't in the mood for it.

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