Dreams of running and hiding

Melanie Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Melanie sat, cross legged, on the grass. She was weighing her options. She had really just met Ryan so it could be weird to move in with him and let him adopt her. Then again, he was really the only adult she trusted, he was basically the only person in the world she trusted as well as Jerrod.

The other option, apart from him adopting her, was for her to go into the system and she knew she wouldn't be able to last well in there. Plus Ryan promised to train her and teach her. He was already looking out for her as well.

As she was thinking she was oblivious to the world and blocked out the people looking at her. It seemed a gossip person had over heard her conversation with Ryan in Brightstone and had spread it round the school that she wasn't even wanted by her family. Now almost everyone stared at her and her hand-me-down clothes. She could see people wanting to come and talk to her but opting out. She had been surprised that Jerrod hadn't mentioned it. But right now, Melanie ignored them and concentrated on her decision, not noticing the one person brave enough to come and speak to her first.
Penelope took a deep breath. She didn't like gossip, mostly because people had made up rumors about her when she lived in France. But nobody could lie about something that big, could they? Penelope didn't think so.

She walked over to the girl who was the one that everyone was talking about. "Uh, excuse me," she said. "I'm Penelope Fournier. I-well, I want to know if-uh, if what people are saying is true. About you being abandoned by your family. I mean, I want to know if people here would make up something like that."
Melanie looked up at the girl that had approached her. Her eyes flashed at the thought of the gossip, of course someone would find out. "You really don't want to talk to me about that." She had a feeling that this Penelope girl wouldn't leave it alone and Melanie was not in the mood to be generous.

If the Penelope girl mentioned the 'incident' again she would probably kill her. Or at least try to, she'd do the best she could before someone stopped her. Melanie had only spoken to Ryan about this but, of course, stupid girls around the school had heard and couldn't keep it to herself. She had only hoped that this would've happened when she was in a better mood.
Penelope knew she shouldn't, but she wanted to help in some way. "But, it must be horrible," she said. She sighed. "That didn't come out how I meant it. Look, I just want to help."

She really hoped that this wouldn't get ugly. She never liked fighting, especially when she was the victim.
Melanie looked over to the girl through the strands of hair that covered her face. "What part of shut up didn't you get?" She growled before the anger overpowered her. This school was ridiculous, nobody knew what was good for them and everyone underestimated what she was capable of. Her vision became clouded with red as her fist flew into the girls face. The action was automatic, she didn't think about it, but she didn't regret it either.

Melanie watched the impact of the punch on the girls face before standing up. "Do you get it now?" She yelled at her and she kicked out her foot to the girls stomach. "How about now?!" Melanie needed this, she needed an outlet. It just so happened that poor Penelope was in the wrong place at the wrong time and saying the wrong things. Luckily for her, however, Melanie was tired and hadn't slept for days so she didn't have the energy for a proper beating.

Sorry for the late reply
Penelope was ready to run away, or just get away from this person when the girl growled at her. She stumbled backwards, dazed by the punch to her face. Her nose went numb. "You'll pay for that," she muttered, not knowing how, but hoping a professor would come. She couldn't walk away, just couldn't. That would be showing that she was afraid. And that wouldn't help.

Penelope fell over as the girl kicked her in the stomach. She held her stomach, lying on the ground. She was fighting tears, and she was able to keep them in. You're going to survive, she thought. You'll be okay. You can't fight back, that's wrong. But you can't run away, that will make it worse. Just try not to die. She gulped, trying to prepare herself for the next hit.
Thinking about his soon to be wife Vicky, he was wanting to just have a good day today. Just wanting to have a nice walk, get some fresh air, and to get some rest from teaching lessons. The year had just started and already it was pretty busy for him, though he didn't complain because he sat out the first semester of this year and it was rather pretty boring. Staying busy kept him on his feet and kept him with on going tasks, which he didn't mind, because he just didn't want to sit around gathering dust. Walking towards the lakefront, he remembered that his favorite spot was the lake front when he was in school. Those were some of the good days of his life where he truly enjoyed being a teenager, and now, he was getting married and was about to start a new life. Adventure was something Rais always had passion for, and starting a new life was like starting a new adventure for him.

As he was walking towards the lake front, he couldn't help but notice two students talking to each other. More specifically, two girl's were arguing and it seemed that one of the girl's took her anger out by hitting the other student. Rais wasn't going to stand for violence and wasn't going to let anyone get away with it. As he saw one girl hitting the other one, Rais started to walk towards them and as soon as he reached the girl's, he grabbed the student's hand that hit the other student. "I suppose you have a good reason for hitting this student?" asked Rais. Rais was in a calm mood, and he liked to handle situations in a good manner, instead of causing a lot of trouble. "Now, would one of you tell me what is going on?" Rais took a small pause as he looked at the girl who was committed the rule breaking, and said, "Hogwarts does not stand for violence and I will now allow it." Rais gave his attention to the other girl and as he kept his hand clinched on the girl who broke the rules, he helped the other girl who was the victim help get up. "Are you alright?" asked Rais with concern.
Melanie laughed at the girl on the ground. "How? How will I pay for that? What can you do to me?" She raised her fist, intending to punch her again, and jumped when she felt a hand grabbing her own. Her eyes closed in anger when she heard an adults voice. They had been caught. "Yeah, actually, I do have a good reason." Melanie spoke back to the professor who was holding her.

Melanie made up her mind, she would go to Ryan. Not only would she stay with Ryan but she would leave this school. She only had one friend here but there were rumours, he was hanging around with a gryffindor. He had effectively abandoned her. "She spoke out of line Sir and wouldn't use common sense when I told her to shut her mouth." Melanie spat out the word sir.

Melanie tried to make the teacher to let her go but his grip was tight. She needed to leave, she wanted to leave. She wanted to get as far away from this prison of a school as she possibly could. Ryan understood her, he didn't yell at her for using her instincts and punching people. He wanted to help her control them, teach her how to use fighting to her advantage. Here they did nothing to either help her stop or help her fight, they just punished her. "She'll be fine, let me go!" Melanie struggled in his grip.
Rais listened to the defending statement by the girl who broke the rules, it seemed as if the girl was really stubborn and at the same time, there may have been some troubles in her life. Feeling the energies around the girl, it seemed that her anger may have been coming from a different source, and she was taking out her anger on another student. "Listen to my words carefully." said Rais as he moved in front of the girl. "You are Melanie I believe correct?" asked Rais. He knew a lot of the student's names around Hogwarts since he spent his first semester just flicking off dust, he thought it may be a good idea to get to know some of the students during the first semester instead of wasting time. "She spoke out of line? Who gave you the authority to judge who can speak out of line and who can't?" Rais paused for a second and continued, "No one gave you the authority. I am going to turn you over to the Headmistress for punishment and will be deducting points from your house." said Rais in a calm manner. As he heard Melanie saying that she wanted to let go, Rais debated himself if he should let go of her or not. For now, he decided that he would let go of her and if she tried to do something, there are other ways for Rais to handle the situation. "Fine, I will let you go, but you are to follow me to the headmistress's office. Understood?" explained Rais coming to a decision.
Melanie continued to twist her wrist in his hand while he spoke. "Yeah, I'm Mel. What's it too you?" She glared at the professor. She was now deciding how to get out of this hell, she wanted to run straight away. Luckily she had her school bag on her which had her parchment and quill and books in it. It even had some food in it from earlier when she didn't want breakfast so took some bread for later.

"I gave myself permission when she started telling me how horrible my life must be because of my own personal business she had no right to even know about let alone bring up to me especially after I told her to shut her stupid face." Melanie was breathing heavily from her anger, she scoffed when he mentioned their headteacher. "Yeah, sure. Ryan will get me off the hook. He'll be taking me out of school and teaching me things that will be useful in life."

Melanie waited for the professor to have turned his back and started walking before she picked up her school bag and ran in the other direction, towards the forest. She had a head start and ran as fast as she could. Mel listened out for the footsteps that would be following her and, when they came, she swerved suddenly to lose him. She continued this until she reached the forests edge and swerved among the trees.

Eventually she stopped, she knew they wouldn't follow her in here. It was supposedly too dangerous. Melanie sat on a fallen tree trunk and sighed. After a short time to get her breath back she opened her bag and got out her writing equipment.</FONT></COLOR>
Dear Ryan

I have thought long and hard about your offer and I decided to take you up on it. Also, I don't know if this is too much to ask of you, but can you please find a way of getting me out of here?

I hate this school, the people in it and the professors especially. I'm currently hiding out in the forest because of some stupid flying professor. I understand if it's too much to ask.


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It was then that she noticed the tears falling from her eyes and onto the page. Melanie folded up the page and took out her wand, summoning her bird. Melanie attached the letter and gave the owl instructions. As she watched it fly away Mel felt her eyelids drooping and slowly she lay down on the mossy ground and fell into a dreamless sleep brought on from the stress.
Penelope looked up when the next hit didn't come. A professor had come and helped her up. She stood up, too scared to speak. She saw in relief that the professor had a grip on Melanie.

She was afraid to say anything against the girl when she was still there. She built up the courage to say quietly, "I was trying to make sure she was okay. Not trying to harm her in any way."

Penelope stared in amazement as the girl ran off, making an escape. She took a seat, letting out a sigh of relief as the professor went after the girl. She had survived. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. She just had a bruise on her stomach and her nose was numb still, but it was fine.

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