Drama for Hemi

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Hemi Te Rua

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Curved 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

I've just joined the site with a character called Hemi Te Rua who has just been sorted into Gryffindor and is now looking for some friends/enemies/misc. to RP with.

Admittedly, I haven't developed him much but what I can tell you is that he's a boisterous kid who is very keen to explore Hogwarts. He is a muggle born with absolutely no idea about magic so Hemi could do with someone who is willing to show him around and help him out in his first week. On the flip side, he is new to magic and open to the possibility of meeting someone who exploits his naivety.

I'm open to any year, house or gender to roleplay with, although nothing romantic as he's only 11!!!

Reply here or PM me if you are in any way interested in roleplaying with a newbie

P.S. If your character is also a first year Gryffindor boy and wants to share a dorm, I posted up an open thread for exactly that here.
Hey there!

If you're interested, I have a Slytherin first year named Cairo Savage who is more than likely to tell Hemi a whole lot of lies about magic. Cairo would probably make a game out of the most ridiculous lies he could tell, to be honest, so he would be a pretty good candidate for making fun of Hemi's naievity.

I am also going to mention that both Cairo and his twin sister, Rome are compulsive liars so if you're also interested in having both tell lies to Hemi, that can definitely happen!

Because you said you're open to rping with characters of all ages, I also have Archie Renner, my fourth year Gryffindor available for some kind of mentor/friend rp. Archie is the kind of person to take people under his wing so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to become friends with Hemi and take part in introducting him to the magical world!
Let me know if you're interested in any of these ideas :D
I'm definitely up for that, so far everyone Hemi has met has been friendly, I'd love for him to meet someone with 'other intentions'. At this stage he's going to believe more or less anything the twins say to him. Then in a few weeks when Hemi learns that they were all lies he'll come back with his revenge :D

Also, I see Archie is on the Quidditch team, I actually have a post here if you fancy having your broomstick damaged by yours truly.
If Hemi will believe anything then I an guarantee that the twins will say anything! Would you like to have an rp with Cairo and Hemi to begin with, or would you like to have a thread with Hemi and the twins straight away?

That thread with the broom is hilarious! But I can't post because although Archie is not the brightest crayon in the box, he's not dumb enough to leave his broom lying around :p Would you be okay with having a separate thread for Hemi and Archie?
Hemi Te Rua said:
Also, I see Archie is on the Quidditch team, I actually have a post here if you fancy having your broomstick damaged by yours truly.
If the conversation ever moves out of the common room, Kida may be able to help with this topic, She's a Professor second but a Quidditch Professional first, she has had a lot of experience with brooms and repairing them as well :p
Annaliese - I'm not fussy with who's involved in the thread, I'll leave that one up to whether they want to post or not. We can start with just Cairo and if it's fitting, the other twin can join. I've got heaps of free time at the moment so I can start something soon and send you the link.
And I don't think leaving a broom unattended is as stupid as trying to clean with it haha.

Ash - I will keep that in mind. Hemi is going to need all the help he can get!
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