
Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
"Well, I'm sorry. I just can't make it tomorrow, Kiera. I have a show. I wish I could be there. Give everyone my love. I'll see you in two weeks." Heels clicked on the pavement as Katheryn walked down the sidewalk, hanging up the phone. The redhead had a feeling that her sister was displeased with her for missing yet another family event, but she couldn't help it. She had a job that she loved, and she didn't wish to lose it. It would be hard to explain how she managed to get to New Zealand and back in a day. Despite the fact that she was a witch, Kat lived in the muggle world that her father had raised her in. Many wizards and witches didn't understand her choice, but it was her choice. She loved the life that she had. Katheryn was good at magic as she had been a prefect at Hogwarts New Zealand, but Kat's real magic was her talent at acting, singing, and dancing. She loved being on broadway though she was beginning to think that it might be time to start something new. The pretty redhead had been approached by a casting director who asked her if she would consider starring in a movie that was just now in the works. Kat had accepted his number and agreed to call in another week's time to tell him if she was interested or not. He seemed adamant that he had a role that she would be perfect for though she wasn't entirely convinced.

It was springtime in New York City which was one of Katheryn's favorite times of the year. She loved to walk through Central Park when the trees and flowers were all green and beautiful. A month ago, Katheryn had moved to Central Park West to a nicer apartment. Now, she had a perfect view of the park. She often went on a morning run through it. The slender woman looked at her destination in front of her. A soft smile lit her face. Kat was intending to hear a band play tonight since she had the day off. It wasn't too big of a production as it would be held in a bar that happened to have a stage. Katheryn appreciated good music, and this new band was excellent in her opinion. The redhead was alone, at least for now. She was sure that she would met people who would party with her for a night. She handed her ticket to the bouncer at the door and was escorted to a reserved table with a fabulous view. Katheryn ordered a drink from the waiter as she waited on the show to begin.
Sebastian had gone back and forth with his grandmother for the past half hour, her explaining to him why he should go to the event despite it being countries away and him explaining why he should remain by her side. The elder Rossi had undergone minor surgery a week before, though at her age, Sebastian hadn’t thought it was so minor. His grandmother was already back on her feet, something he had frowned upon quite heavily. She, on the other hand, had dismissed his concerns though she did appreciate the attention that her grandson was paying to her. She had missed him terribly while he’d been backpacking across the United States and she was glad that he had returned home. As his grandmother pushed the floo powder into his vision once more, Sebastian sighed. He didn’t want to continue arguing with the woman, knowing that was counter-productive. He reached for the floo slowly, his fingertips just grazing the lid of the jar that she kept the floo in. “Nonna…are you sure?” he asked her, his pierced eyebrow rising. “I have to work tomorrow and stop by my place to pay the rent so I won’t be back until the evening…tomorrow” he frowned, not wanting to leave her for so long. With a pat on his head, the woman assured him that she wasn’t made of delicate china and that she would be fine for an evening and even longer if he wanted to return to his home. The musician gave his grandmother a look to indicate nice try as he got up to retrieve his coat. Always a step ahead of him, the elderly woman had already summoned his coat, his wallet and his keys from the guest room where he was staying. Sebastian shook his head at her lovingly and then planted a kiss on the woman’s cheek before heading to the fireplace. “Take it easy tonight…ok?” he stated before disappearing into the floo, rocketing through to his destination: New York City.

The thing that he loved most about the city was how easy it was to blend in. New Yorkers were notorious for ignoring even the strangest occurrences and dismissing them as just being another part of the city life. As he stepped out of the magical bar and into the street, Sebastian glanced around at the tall skyscrapers, feeling closer to his old home already. He had grown up, for the first fourteen years of his life, not too far away in Massachusetts where there were buildings not nearly as tall but much taller than in the small town he currently lived in in France. Sebastian pulled the piece of parchment that held the address and glanced at it. If he was right, it would be only a short train ride away. Within ten minutes, Sebastian was near his destination. He walked swiftly and within moments he was on line waiting to appear before the bouncer. Sebastian was quickly enough, especially once the bouncer had seen that he was on ‘the list.’ Choosing to take a seat rather than get a drink as many people seemed to be doing, Bas managed to get a decent seat. It was a bit farther to the side of the stage than he would like, but it would do just fine. As he waited for the show to begin, Bas glanced around the room and people-watched. He spotted the boyfriend of one of the band members and waved to him when he caught his eye. The two were fairly friendly and Bas had even stayed in their apartment for a few days when he’d first settled into the city. The man mouthed that he would catch him later and Bas nodded his understanding. Continuing on, his eyes briefly glossed over the people at the bar, most of whom seemed to be engaged in conversation. It was a good environment and Bas was sure that it was going to be a good night. He couldn’t wait for the music to start.

OOCOut of Character:
I hope it is ok that I joined. I couldn't resist joining an RP in NYC. :p
Katheryn nodded and thanked the waitress kindly as she brought her the cocktail that she had ordered. She picked up the drink and took a sip of it before beginning to look about the room as her mind turned to the idea of being on the big screen. Katheryn had a successful career in the city on Broadway for the past few years. She had moved to New York City only a few months after graduation. She had struggled for the first year or two until landing her first starring role. Ever since then, Kat had always moved from one show to the next, never staying out of work unless she wished it so. Though she was well known in the Broadway circuit, she was still able to go out and about without being recognized. If the redheaded beauty agreed to this film, she had the sickening feeling that such anonymity would no longer be possible. And in truth, that was what was really holding her back from committing to the movie production. The witch knew what her sister went through with the press, and Kat honestly wasn't sure if she could handle it. It would be a big change for her. Yet, it was a wonderful opportunity for her, but she had to consider all the possibilities before giving her answer. She still had a week to decide whether to show up for the audition or not.

While Kat didn't typically take advantage of her status or contacts, she was certainly glad that she had for this event. The place was filling up quickly and pretty soon it would be standing room only. The redhead's table was not too far back from the stage and near the center of the room. It was a great table, and she almost felt guilty to be occupying the table all by herself. She should have invited Flynn or Brody or Maia to share this with her though she was not all that sure than any of them would enjoy this music. Kat's range of musical interests was exceeding wide and diverse. It was a love that had grown over the years. The young woman glanced down at the table which had a schedule on it. She glanced at the watch on her wrist. It appeared that in about ten minutes or so, the opening act was scheduled to appear. It was someone she had never heard of before,but that didn't matter. She was always interested in hearing new talent. Katheryn's piercing blue eye scanned the crowd once more, almost glazing over a familiar face who also appeared to be sitting alone. The redhead grinned brightly as she recognized Sebastian Rossi. He was a friend, only she didn't see him all that often anymore. They had been reacquainted at a coffee shop a year or so ago. The young woman beckoned the waitress over, quickly pulling out a slip of paper on which she jotted down a quick note. "Will you please give this to that man over there?" she asked, pointing to Bas. "If he asks who it's from, you may tell him it's me." Kat said with a smile. She offered the woman a tip for carrying her message. It said, I believe we have met my dreams. It was just meant as a joke though it might give him a bit of a shock. She waited with a smirk on her face to see what he would do when he got her note.
Busying himself by looking at the schedule that was in front of each place, Sebastian noted that the opening act would be starting in just a few minutes. As he glanced up at the stage once more, he saw a roadie come out and check the acoustic guitar to be sure that it could be heard. His green eyes watched the man move about the stage with an ease that let Bas know that he had been doing this for years. It brought a smile to his face, making him briefly miss his days of being on the stage. Although he still played when one of his musician friends needed a favor, Bas was happy where he was at. He still had many of his connections and there seemed to always be someone who was willing to help him if he ever did choose to go back into performing, but for now he was enjoying simply writing music for others. It didn't bring anywhere near the amount of fame that performing did, but it left him with the free time that he needed to care for his grandmother. Bas looked up as two people joined his table. It was obvious that they were a couple and they were only just able to tear their gazes from each other to smile in greeting. Bas grinned at them as he shifted his seat, though he needn't have bothered. Their seats were pushed so close together that the woman might as well have sat on her boyfriend's lap.

Looking around the room for a waitress, Bas realized now why everyone had gone to the bar first. With people drifting to their seats now that it was close to show time, the floor was crowded. So crowded that he knew he would have to wait for the show to begin before he'd be able to get a drink. With a small frown, he glanced at the schedule once more. As someone tapped his shoulder, Bas turned his head, surprise in his green eyes at his luck. Thinking that the waitress was going to ask him what he wanted to drink, Bas was stunned into brief silence when she held a paper out to him. "For me?" he asked as she nodded in confirmation. While his table mates ordered, Bas unfolded the slip of paper and read the note. I believe we have met my dreams. An amused look crossed the man's face as he read it over several times. The waitress was already walking away when Bas jumped up from his seat and reached for her arm. She paused as if she had been expecting the words that were going to come out of his mouth. "Who is this from?" he asked curiously but she was already pointing over her shoulder, a smile on her lips. Bas followed her finger, glancing around the crowd. There was no one of note there. A group of women who looked to be in their late twenties and not giving him any mind, a man who was tapping his fingers against the table impatiently, a redhead, a group of businessmen.

Looking once more, Bas' green eyes fell onto the redhead once more and recognition crossed his face. The waitress had already moved away but Bas didn't even notice. He had forgotten that she was in the city and wouldn't have expected her anyway. A grin crossed the man's face and without another glance at his table mates he was making his way slowly towards her. After side-stepping man, Bas was in front of the redhead. "That's one hell of a line, Ms. Kingsley" he said as he shook the note, a laugh on his lips.

The redhead picked up the glass in front of her and took another sip. Katheryn resisted the urge to look over at the table where the waitress would be handing the note to Bas though she had a very strong desire to do that. Instead, she focused on the stage, watching the preparations that the crew was making for the bands to play. She saw the crew bring out a very nice guitar along with several microphones. It was different, being on this side of the curtain, even though this was not the type of show she performed in. Behind her, the redhead heard a familiar voice. Katheryn's blue eyes looked up and into the green ones of Sebastian Rossi who had come over to her table, just like she thought he would. It had been a while since they had last seen each other, but to Katheryn it didn't feel like any time had passed between them. Bas looked good, really good. Kat grinned at her friend as he told her it was a good line. Her blue eyes flashed wickedly. "I thought you might like it." she said to him. "C'mon. Sit with me. Please?" she begged him. "I have the whole table to myself. Don't make me sit alone." Katheryn said, knowing that he wouldn't. She would have been very surprised if he didn't sit next to her. After all, her view was also a slight bit better than where he had been sitting, and it did not have the awkwardness of a cozy couple.

Katheryn looked over at Bas, truly glad that he was here. Whenever they hung out, they always had a great time. Last time they were together, they had gone to this little karaoke bar when they had sung several songs including a great duet that brought a standing ovation from the audience. Their two voices alone were beautiful, but together they were a perfect harmony. Kat would sing with him again in a heartbeat. Not a compliment that everyone received. The redhead thought her friend was a killer singer and performer.

"So what have you been up to lately?" Kat asked him. The redhead was interested in what had been happening in his life recently. It had been a few months since their last meeting. "Girlfriend?" she inquired curiously. Sebastian was a really handsome guy with a lot going for him. She wouldn't be surprised if he was seeing someone these days. A girl would have to be blind not to see how great of a catch he was. As Kat waited on her answer, the waitress reappeared with a new drink. Kat nodded her head, "Thank you." she said kindly. Many things had changed over the years as Kat had grown up, but thankfully she had never lost her kindness or her compassion which were her two most important character traits.
Sebastian didn’t need to be asked to take a seat twice. A quick glance at his table showed him that he didn’t want to go back over there. The couple who had been just sitting incredibly close before now seemed to be even closer. Bas didn’t even want to know what might be going on under the table. He looked back at Kat, with her pretty blue eyes that had a wicked glint to them, and Bas pretended to ponder her request. “Well, when you put it that way…I guess I can do you this favor, Kat. I probably owe you one anyway.” The man pulled out the chair beside Katheryn and took a seat, quickly resting his right ankle across his left knee. He glanced down at his arms briefly, realizing that he hadn’t had quite so many tattoos last time he had seen Katheryn. He could remember that night vividly because it had been one of his more fun nights. There had been singing, dancing and laughing. Three of Bas’s favorite things. Of all of the people that Bas had met in recent years, it was Kat who he seemed to get along with easiest. She was easy to talk to and always seemed up for fun. And, she was an amazing person. He admired that she was a star and Broadway, yet she was still humble about her celebrity status. It made him wonder why he hadn’t sought her out more often.

As Kat asked about him, Bas thought for a moment. “France is home base again. I’ve been helping my grandmother out. She just had surgery” Sebastian explained and then continued, “And I’ve been writing some songs.” He added the last bit with a small smile. Katheryn was one of the few people in recent times that he’d shown his writing journal to. It had a plain blue cover and was indistinguishable from any student’s notebook, but his was filled with song ideas, guitar chords and partially written songs, and only a few people had ever seen it. It was one of his most prized possessions. Taking a glance at the stage, Bas saw the crew leave the stage and knew that it would only be a few moments longer before the music would begin. He gave Kat a sideways glance as she asked if he had a girlfriend. Thankfully, he was briefly saved by the appearance of the waitress with a new drink for both of the table’s patrons. The man thanked the waitress before taking a quick sip of the drink he had ordered. It had a strong, bitter taste to it.

Sebastian chuckled to himself before replying. “I was going to say that I’m dating my music but I’ve been having some trouble with a song recently. It’s not really going where I want it to.” He shrugged and then smirked. “I guess it sort of is like a girlfriend.” Truthfully, Bas wasn’t really dating anyone, certainly not in a serious way. He went on occasional dates but nothing was panning out. He didn’t know if it was French women in general that he wasn’t fond of or what. “What about you?” he added before taking another sip of his drink. He was really asking how life had been for her and it wasn’t until he was mid-sip that he realized she might think he was asking her if she was dating anyone. Bas was curious about that too, so he remained silent, allowing Kat to answer the question however she saw fit.
Katheryn grinned up at Sebastian as he teased her a bit about sitting down at her table before he actually did. "Oh right! I forgot about that favor. Guess we are even now." she said, jokingly back to him. Not that there had really ever been a question in Kat's mind that Bas would join her. He was her friend, and they always had a great time when they were together. Katheryn really enjoyed his company. The fact that Bas was here was a much welcome surprise. Her blue eyes glanced over him, noticing a few pieces of artwork on his body that had not been there the last time that she had seen him. She didn't mind tattoos though she didn't have any of her own. She had considered it in the past, but she had worried about how it would effect her career, and in the end she had chickened out. Kat took a sip of her drink as she waited for an answer to her questions.

Katheryn listened as Bas told her that France was once again his home. "I'm sorry about your grandmother, Bas." she told him, placing her delicate hand on his arm in a gesture of comfort. Once again, she realized what a special guy he was to give up his life to take care of his grandmother. It was a very kind, loving thing to do that not everyone would be so willing to do. Kat admired her friend for his unselfish behavior. The tone of the conversation changed when he said that he was writing music again. Kat's blue eyes flashed with excitement at the news. She had been privileged enough to see the inside of his journal that contained all of his songs. They were amazing; Sebastian was a very gifted songwriter. One night, Bas had shown it to her when they were hanging out. He had allowed Kat to sing some of the songs as he tried to rework them. She wasn't much help with it, but she had enjoyed the night. A smile graced her lips at the memory. In fact, when she thought about it, Kat had never not enjoyed the time that she spent with Sebastian Rossi.

A sly smile graced the redhead's lips as she heard his answer to the question as to whether or not he had a girlfriend. She understood what that was like. Her last few years at Hogwarts she had been dating someone pretty seriously. However, within a year, their relationship had fallen apart. Jacob broke up with her, and ever since then, Kat hadn't dated anyone seriously. She went on a few casual dates here and there with different men. The only serious relationship Katheryn had been in was with Broadway. "I can understand that." she told him with a laugh. As she took a sip of her drink, Bas asked her about her life. It sounded as if he meant her relationship status. Kat shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not seeing anyone right now. I was last month, but he didn't understand me. So, I ended it." she said casually. Katheryn just hadn't found the right guy yet, and she wasn't going to be pressured into a bad relationship. "I'm still starring in Wicked, but that casting ends next month. I am thinking of taking a break." Kat said with a smile. "I was offered a role in a movie. It makes me nervous, but I think I'm going to take it." she told him. She was still concerned about the impact that it would have on her life, but her career was really all she had. She had to grow with it.
Sebastian smiled cheekily as Katheryn proclaimed them even. “Don’t you forget it” he let out with a chuckle. Glad that he had a small drink in front of him, Bas wiped some of the moisture that had gathered on the outside and lifted the glass to sip at his drink. He hadn’t had a drink in a while and feared that this one would go to his head fairly quickly. As Kat spoke, telling him that she was sorry about his gran, Bas put his drink down and smiled. He noted that her hand was on his arm, right near his first tattoo, a series of music notes. He patted her hand with his own. “Thanks, Kat. She’s home resting now” he stated, a friendly smile on his face. It was nice to have a friend to be able to talk to about such things. Most of Bas’ music friends had no idea what went on in the man’s private life because they didn’t ask and Bas wasn’t interested in sharing. Kat had such an open and friendly face, and she seemed to genuinely want to know how he was doing, so he had no reservations in telling her about his personal life. Bas had always been in the habit of having close female friends, something he had once complained about but now rather enjoyed. These days, it was nice to have any friends. After he’d left Ares Moon, he had quickly seen his circle of friends shrink. He knew that most of those people hadn’t been real friends, but it still made him sad that there were few people he could trust.

As Kat answered his question, Bas studied his friend. His green eyes searched her face for any sign that she was upset about the end of the relationship, but neither her words nor her expression showed that. Bas could certainly understand that. He nodded sagely, feeling camaraderie with the redhead over her statement. The musician knew what it was like to have to explain to someone why you couldn’t attend an event with them or why you couldn’t have a date night because you had a gig. Everyone wanted to date an entertainer, but when it came down to it, few people knew how. Putting his drink down, Bas continued to listen to Kat speak. He had gone to see her in Wicked when she’d first taken the role. She’d been amazing and he knew back then that she was going to grow to become a huge Broadway star, if that was what she wanted. As she spoke about her movie offer, Sebastian grinned widely and sat up in his seat. “That’s amazing!” he exclaimed, genuinely excited for his friend. He had always thought that if she wanted to be bigger that she would be. Her talent was obvious to him and he knew that it had to be obvious to the people who mattered too. The guy was glad that his friend’s talents had been noticed.

“Your hair is going to look fabulous on the silver screen. That’s what they call it, right?” he joked. Kat knew that Bas had long admired her red hair. He’d even ‘tried’ it on before, taking the ends of her hair and placing them over his own head to see how he would look. It was during one of those silly nights that they’d had. Bas had quickly discovered that, unlike Kat, he was not meant to be a redhead. It just didn’t go with his complexion. With a cheeky grin, Bas added, “And you will too. Is it an action flick? Please tell me you’re going to be kicking ass” he laughed. Sebastian didn’t go to the movies often, but when he did he favored action movies with tons of explosions and good guys taking out the bad guys. Though he would find it hard to imagine the beauty with explosions behind her as she walked away from some destruction, Bas had to admit that he would thoroughly enjoy watching that scene. Glancing back to the stage, Bas noticed the M.C. moving towards the microphone to welcome the crowd.

Kat smiled at Sebastian as lightly patted her hand. It was a friendly gesture as he said that his grandmother was at home, resting. "That's good to hear, Bas." she commented. She was glad that his grandmother didn't seem to be in pain. Katheryn had a sweet soul that couldn't stand to see people in any sort of pain. There were many traits that would have made Kat a superb healer. She had always been the most compassionate one in her family. Definitely the most forgiving. Unlike her sister and brother, she was slow to anger with a cool, even temper. Kiera and Cameron both had a tendency to overreact in her personal opinion. Kat was the least likely one to hold a grudge. In many ways, Kat was much more like her father than any of her siblings. Of course, her half-sister, Natalie, also inherited many of her father's best traits. It was still weird for her to think that she had a sister that she didn't know about for so many years of her life. Natalie and Kiera looked so similar, but Kat's personality more closely aligned with Natalie's. It seemed that her family kept on growing without any help from her.

Her blue eyes glanced over at the stage, seeing that they were only moments away from the show before returning her bright gaze to her friend. She couldn't help but smile at him. There was something so easy about their friendship. Bas really understood her and her crazy life. He didn't question her about the break-up which was a relief. She didn't want to pretend to miss something that never really meant anything to her. Katheryn really hadn't had much luck with relationships because she just hadn't met the right guy. Sure, she had loved Jacob once and thought he was her soulmate. However, that was untrue. She had been young and foolish to think that they would live happily ever after. These days, most of her dates were muggles. Katheryn just didn't feel comfortable with concealing half of herself from them. Maybe that was part of the reason she liked Sebastian so much. He knew all sides of her and understood the crazy life she led.

Katheryn laughed as Bas told her that her hair would look fabulous on screen as she knew about his obsession with its fiery red color. She nodded her head to his question. "Yes, that's what they call it." she confirmed for him. She grinned wickedly at Bas as he asked what sort of movie it was. She wasn't supposed to mention the specifics of the movie, but Katheryn would make an exception for Bas. "Thanks." she said to his compliment. "I'm not supposed to discuss the movie, but I believe that I am going to be the role of a super hero's love interest, if I take the part. They haven't let me read the entire script yet. So, if that's the case then I am positive there will be some ass kicking going on. I'm just not sure I will be the one kicking ass." she said with a laugh. What she had read of the script so far looked very promising. Katheryn found Sebastian's excitement contagious as it further strengthened her resolve to call the director back and accept his offer."If I do this, promise me that you will come with me to the premiere as my date?" Katheryn said, knowing that she could never get through an event that big without a friendly face.
Sebastian listened to Kat's response and smiled, thinking back to long forgotten memories of his muggle upbringing. He thought back to the Superman cape that he had warn day in and day out until it had mysteriously 'disappeared' in the washing machine. Now, he knew what his mother had done but he certainly couldn't fault her for throwing out the stained holey cap. Bas was pretty sure that old album he had held a picture of him in that cape. "That's great, Katheryn" he responded warmly. He knew that superheroes were a huge part of muggle life, so he knew that the movie and opportunity were equally huge for Kat. He really did hope that she would take the opportunity and run with it. From hanging out with her, he knew that if anyone could go Hollywood and keep their wits about them, it would be Kat. She was too good of a person to allow the thrills of Hollywood to get to her head.

As Kat continued, Sebastian figured she was going to ask if he knew about superheroes. He had mentioned being raised by a muggle mother and living with muggles until he was a teen and moved with his pureblood grandmother. What she asked was most certainly not that. The man's eyebrows rose swiftly as his gaze shifted to meet Kat's eyes. He stayed silent for a long second and then responded quickly, his emotions kicking in before his logic could stop him. Not thinking about the full implications of accepting a date with a new celebrity, Bas spoke. "Me? Seriously?" he questioned, his disbelief revealed in those two words. "I mean I'd love to. Wow" he finished. Before he could anything else, an acoustic guitar came over the loudspeaker followed by the low sultry tones of the woman who Bas hadn't even noticed had taken the stage. He turned quickly to face the front of the stage, relief coming from the distraction.

Now that he'd spoken the words, he knew that he would stick to them. He worried that he had said the wrong thing. Stealing a glance at Kat, a small smile crossed the man's face. He turned back to the stage, the smile still on his face as he watched the girl perform.
Katheryn gave Sebastian a brilliant smile as he agreed to go with her to the premiere of the movie which was enough to make her decision official. It registered with her that he seemed surprised that Kat would ask him to attend with her, but she wasn't sure why he would find that unbelievable. If Bas would be by her side, the chronically shy girl would be able to handle the crowd, photographers, or reporters without someone to help keep her composure. Bas knew what it was like to be in the spotlight which might be part of the reason that she felt such a kindred spirit with him. "Thanks. Really." she said, feeling a bit relieved. Katheryn was surprised as she heard the alto voice of the singer on stage. She had been so absorbed in her conversation that she hadn't seen the band take the stage. The redhead smiled and clapped her hands as the show began.

Several drinks later, the band left the stage to the applause of the crowd. Katheryn was on her feet where she had been for the past few songs as she danced with the music. Her red curls that had been so neatly pinned back bounced freely and loosely around her face. Her sparkling blue eyes turned to look at Bas. Once or twice, Katheryn thought she had caught him staring at her only to look away when she caught his eyes. "That was great! So talented." Kat said. The young woman grinned at her friend as people began to find their way out of the club. No doubt it was late, but in the city that never sleeps there was always something to do. Kat might have had a drink or two too many. It wasn't the first time that a night with Bas had led to a wicked hangover the next day, but every night with him was worth it. The always had a riot together.

Katheryn threw her arm around Bas' waist as she stood next to him. "Want to come back to my house? We can watch a movie." she asked, looking up at him despite her heels as she was a petite girl. "Or I suppose we could go out to another bar. Maybe sing some more karaoke?" she said with a mischeivious grin. "Either way, I'm not letting you go yet." she said, tapping his chest playfully with her finger.
As the woman crooned on, Sebastian looked to the artists on stage with her. He rather liked the guitar that her partner was playing. It looked custom made and he could tell that the person who had crafted it had done so with love and care. The singer was a fascinating performer and kept drawing his eye back though. But, what was more fascinating to the green eyed man was the woman beside him. Glimpsing movement to his left, Bas would occasionally look over to Kat, her red hair moving as she swayed to the beat, first from her seat and later from her feet. It was clear that she was enjoying herself. Bas didn't stand but it was impossible to keep his boots from tapping to the beat and drumming his hands lightly on the table. Every time Kat would make to turn her head, Sebastian would divert his gaze back to the stage or to his drink. He smiled at her between songs, but actually carrying on a conversation was impossible. That was the only pitfall of the wonderful seats that they had, though at the moment he didn't mind.

As the band finished their final song and began to leave the stage, Bas got to his feet to applaud them. He grabbed his chair for some added stability when he felt his body sway without warning. The musician nodded eagerly. "They were" he agreed, a smile on his face at the evening well spent. Glancing at the table where they'd been seated, Bas was surprised to see the number of bottles and cups that had accumulated there. He remembered the waitress having come by a few times but hadn't realized that she had been replenishing their empty cups each time. How many had he had? He wasn't even sure.

Bas continued to hold on to the chair as he grinned broadly at the redhead who'd just put her arm around his waist. As people continued to leave the bar, heading out into the city that never sleeps, Bas listened to the suggestions being offered to him. He knew that he probably should head home to check on his grandmother. She told you she'd be fine. Just check on her in the morning Bas told himself. Besides, he was buzzed and apparating was not an option at the moment. He'd splinched himself before and wasn't eager to have that experience again. And continuing to hang out with Kathryn was impossible to turn down. He didn't see her often, but each time they hung out together it was fun.

"Good" he stage whispered as he looked down at Kat. "Because if you let me go now, I don't know if I'll be able to stay up" he said with a deep chuckle as he tapped her on the nose. Bas stayed looking at Kat's face while he thought. It was a bad idea because it proved to be distracting. He noticed how very blue her eyes were, kind of like the lake that was near his grandmother's house. They were rather hypnotic and it wasn't until Bas blinked that he realized what had happened. "Um...definitely not the bar. I think I've had enough to drink for a night" he laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he let go of the chair. "What kind of movies do you have?" he asked as they headed for the door.
Katheryn laughed at Bas' comment about not letting him fall down. The redhead had that lightheaded feeling that came with the consumption of a drink too many. She might not be able to keep herself up. "We can help keep each other upright." Kat said said with a giggle. "All kinds. Scary, funny, romantic, dramas. My dad is kind of a movie buff, so my movie collection is endless." she said as she stumbled out of the door. The night are was crisp and refreshing after the crowded club. The young woman threw up her arms and spun in a circle. She loved the city and everything that came with it. It was the perfect night with perfect company. The redhead stepped into the street and raised her hand to hail a cab. It was only a moment before a cab stopped. Kat motioned to Bas as she opened the door for herself and scooted across the seat, making room for Sebastian. "Central Park West, please." the actress told the cab driver.

It wasn't long before the cab stopped in front of her apartment building. Katheryn was very fortunate to live where she did. Katheryn had a very good career, but it was the trust fund that had been her inheritance from her grandparents that had bought her this apartment. The trust fund had been sealed until she turned twenty one which was went she had moved into this place. This was the only place that she had lived since she became friends with Bas. Katheryn paid the cab driver his fare before climbing out onto the street, her arm once more finding its way around Bas.

Kat stepped into her apartment and flicked on the light. She kicked off her heels by the door as they only made it more difficult for the redhead to walk straight. Also by doing so, Katheryn returned to her normal height of five feet two inches. "Go ahead and pick out a movie." she said with as she pointed to the cabinet that the television was sitting on. She twirled her way into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and finding a bag of popcorn. She stuck it in the mircrowave while she in turn got out a bottle of coke from her fridge. Kat almost reached for the wine but decided against it. She was already tipsy enough. It probably wasn't the best idea to keep drinking. She opened the soda and poured two glasses even though she didn't know if Sebastian even liked coke. She dumped the popcorn into a giant bowl that she picked up, along with the two glasses, and took into the other room. Kat put it all down on the coffee table. "So, what did you decide?" Katheryn asked as she took a sip of her drink.
The fresh night air was very nearly just the thing that Bas needed. As he watched Katheryn catch them a cab, something he still had trouble with despite having spent a decent amount of time in the city, Bas took several deep breaths. The crisp air entered his lungs, going a long way towards clearing his head a bit. He walked towards the cab, quickly taking a seat before the cab driver could drive off. Sebastian had met up with Kat in front of her building once, but he’d never actually gone upstairs. His memory reminded him just how impressive looking the building was, and as they slowed to a stop in front of the building, Sebastian got out, his eyes taking in the stonework and the sign that bore the address. A whistle escaped his lips. It was obvious that this was not a building for paupers.

Linking arms with Kat once more, Sebastian walked beside his friend as they made their way to her apartment. He chuckled as the woman kicked off her heels, shrinking a couple of inches as she did. Bas kicked off his boots, leaving them neatly beside hers before following Katheryn towards the living room in his socks. He nodded his head as she left the room to go to what he figured was the kitchen. Sebastian headed to the cabinet and leaned against it as he began to look at the titles. Many of them were old films that were nonetheless classics but here and there he spotted a few that surprised him. He had pegged Katheryn for a rom-com fan, a genre he wasn’t overly familiar with. Picking a movie, Sebastian glanced at the television screen, glad that the remote control was right on top. He didn’t know how to manually use the contraption but he was well-versed in the art of handling a remote control. Turning on the tube, Sebastian looked around for the right buttons and within moments he had the disc in place and ready to go. With a glance to the kitchen, Bas took a seat in the middle of the sofa, one arm across the back, just as Kat re-entered the room, her hands full. Bas relieved her of his cup and took a quick sip, grateful that she had decided against more alcohol. It was the last thing he needed as he was still feeling the effects of the glasses he’d consumed mere hours ago.

Hearing Kat’s question, Sebastian smiled before patting the seat beside him. “C’mon. Sit” he instructed as he looked down at the remote controller. It took him a couple of seconds, both because he was having trouble focusing on the words written under the buttons and because of his infrequent use of remotes, but he was able to finally push play. Images quickly popped onto the screen, previews before the upcoming movie. “You weren’t lying about your collection. Have you seen all of them?” Sebastian had gone to the movies frequently as a child, but in the past 10 years, he’d only gone a handful of times, a consequence of living in a wizarding community. Sebastian took another sip of his drink before answering. “I hope you don’t mind” he said as the red cape of Superman waved across the screen, the marker waiting for someone to hit play which he did. “When you mentioned your movie, it reminded me of my favorite superhero from when I was a kid. Did I ever tell you that I used to run around in a Superman costume? “ he shook his head, laughing at the memory of himself as a four year old. “I think I even tried to go to school that way but my mother wouldn’t let me.” He didn't talk about his mother often and hadn't done so recently. It felt good to share a piece of his past with Kat. She knew that his mother had died many years ago. Bas put the remote down on the coffee table and sat back, making himself more comfortable for the movie.
Katheryn noted the relieved look on Sebastian's face as she handed him the non-alcoholic drink. It seemed like she had in fact made the right call. Her buzz from the club was beginning to fade, and she felt a little more level-headed. The actress sat her own drink on the glass coffee table in front of the couch. She grinned at him as he patted the seat. Kat sat down where he indicated, folding her legs up in the seat and holding the bowl of popcorn in her lap. The redhead laughed at his comment that she had not been joking about her movie collection. "What can I say? I love movies. This collection has been many years in the making. At one point or another, I have watched all of them at least once." she said, before offering the popcorn dish up for Bas to help himself to the snack."Though some of them are a little hazy in my mind. I definitely have favorites." she said with a laugh.

Katheryn grinned at Sebastian as he described a version of himself in a cape trying to fly off to save the city. She hadn't ever heard the story, but the image wasn't one that was hard to imagine. Kat thought that her dad had a few similar pictures of her brother. Sebastian had also spent his childhood growing up in a muggle home like Katheryn's. "You never mentioned it before, but I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of that!" she said with a smirk. "I think Cameron had one of those. Kiera and I both had princess costumes that we tried to wear to school. I think we even succeeded a couple of times." Kat said with a laugh. Sebastian knew some of her family background like that she had two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother, but that she had only grown up with Cameron and Kiera. He knew that her muggle father had raised her, and her purebreed mother had only come back into her life when she started to school. In truth, her family was really too complicated to get into unless someone asked specifics. Of course, pictures of her siblings, parents, nieces, and nephews were scattered all over the apartment. The muggle kind, of course, that didn't move. Katheryn was extremely careful about keeping her wizarding background hidden since she chose to live in the muggle world.

The familiar tune of the Superman theme song came through the speakers. The redhead had quite a collection of superhero movies including different theatrical versions of the same superhero. Kat picked up another remote and clicked a button causing the lights to dim. It was always better to watch movies in the dark or so she thought. Katheryn took another sip of her coke as the title flashed across the television screen. The young woman put the drink back before leaning back on the couch. She really enjoyed spending time with Sebastian and felt very comfortable around him. She rested her head on Bas' shoulder as the movie begin.
Sebastian wasn’t above making fun of himself. “They're somewhere in my closet. I’ll have to find them to show you the next time we hang out” he laughed. Hearing that her brother likely had similar photos wasn’t too much of a surprise. He figured the same could be said for many muggle males, and since both he and Kat had grown up in muggle households for a large portion of their lives, it made sense. As she mentioned the princess photos, the guy looked around the room pointedly. “Aww…no fair. Why don’t you have any of those up?” he kidded, a playful frown crossing his face. Sebastian could tell from the photos that were around the room that Katheryn was incredibly close with her family. They also happened to share a striking resemblance though their hair colors differed. It seemed that Katheryn was the only one who inherited red hair, no doubt from some grandparent.

Sebastian didn’t have many photos around his apartment, mostly because he kept forgetting to buy nails to hang them up properly. The guy did have several albums filled with both magical and non-magical photos detailing his travels. He also had the album that he’d left the United States with, the one that had belonged to his mother before him. That was the album he cherished most as it had pictures of him celebrating birthdays, him on school picture day and other photos that his mother had taken of him as he had grown up. More importantly, his mother was in many of them, the only images he would ever have of his mother. It was too bad he hadn’t known about his magical side back then or Sebastian surely would have taken some photos with a magical camera. Then, he would have had moving images of his mother.

As the movie began, Sebastian watched intently. It had been many years since he had last seen the film. He had the slight distraction of Kat’s head being on his shoulder, but it wasn’t a bad distraction at all. In fact, he decided after only a second that it was something he could get used to. While the movie played, the man’s finger dove into the bowl of popcorn on Kat’s lap, only speaking to tell Kat about parts that he really enjoyed. As the end credits rolled a couple of hours later, the guy leaned his head onto his friend’s head. “That movie is still good” he said with a sigh of content. He remained silent for several moments, happy to just enjoy the moment. He was in good company and full, and at the moment, there was little more the guy could ask for. Lifting his head up, Bas shifted in his seat so that he could look squarely at Katheryn. “I needed a night like tonight” he stated, the smile on his face reaching all the way up to his eyes. “I’m glad I ran into you” he added, the grin remaining on his face. Sebastian was glad that they had both decided to attend that concert.
The twenty-six year old smiled coyly at Sebastian as he promised to show her next time. She found herself wishing that next time would be sooner rather than later. Katheryn wanted to see Bas more often. "I'm going to hold you to that." she teased him with a playful smile. "I think my dad still has all of those. Maybe I will show you my photo when you show me yours." she suggested. Kat looked at Bas expectantly, knowing he would agree. Even though she knew him well, she found herself wanting to know everything about him.

Katheryn watched the movie, listening to Bas' comments and adding a few of her own. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen this movie, but it had to have been years ago. Probably when she was still living with her father. She had forgotten how much she really enjoyed the movie. Kat's resolve to take the movie deal was final. She did love the superhero genre, if you could call it that, and she was beginning to look forward to being a part of one. The redhead sighed as she saw the final credits roll. Sebastian had not seemed to mind her head resting on his shoulder. It had been comfortable, and she rather thought she could get used to it. "It is." she agreed, not commenting more as they sat in content silence. Katheryn was happy, more so than she had been in a few weeks. Bas shifted, causing Katheryn to shift so that she was staring him directly in the eyes. She was struck by the closeness of his body even though she had been sitting next to him all night.

The blue eyed beauty watched the smile that warmed his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. Kat dropped her gaze for a moment as he spoke, a smile of her own appearing on her lips as she raised her eyes to meet his once more. "So am I. Tonight was much better with you. It was a nice surprise." she told him with a hint of shyness. Impulsively, Katheryn crossed the little space that separated them, her lips touching his in a kiss. She wished she could blame the alcohol for her brashness, but in truth it had almost completely worn off during the movie. The normally level-headed young woman had acted without thinking about the consequences. Kat came to her senses and broke away from Bas, a horrified look on her face as she realized how badly she had messed up. "I..I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." she said, blushing furiously. Her only excuse was that the impulsiveness ran in her family. There was no way she could have completely avoided it. If she was honest with herself for a moment, Katheryn would have realized that she had developed feelings for her friend.
It was difficult to not have a smile on his face when he spoke to Katheryn. She was such a bright, cheery, playful person that she just seemed to bring the smile out of people. He didn’t even have to think before he was nodding his head in agreement. If she was agreeing to show off one of her own embarrassing childhood pictures, Sebastian knew that he couldn’t refuse. It would provide him with just another thing to tease her about, though he knew that she would also have some ammunition against him. “I can’t wait to see it” he said with a chuckle before the movie silenced most of their conversation. Watching a movie with Kat was nice. Being an actress, she appreciated things in a different way and Sebastian knew that he could easily spend the rest of the night listening to her speak about her craft. He knew that he was the same way when he spoke about music and admired others who were like-minded. It meant that they were passionate about what they did.

As they faced each other, Sebastian listened to Katheryn speak. He was surprised by her tone, a curious smile on his face as he was not quite used to hearing it as it sounded at the moment. Kat was usually confident, assertive, polite but she sounded a bit apprehensive with her words, almost shy. Sebastian almost laughed at himself for thinking such a thing. He had known Kat for years now, their relationship reaching the point where they were very comfortable around each other. In fact, he couldn’t remember a time when they had been awkward around each other. For her to be shy around him now seemed silly. Before he could stop and tease her about it, Sebastian found his mouth rather busy. His green eyes widened in surprise as Kat pulled away, the expression on her face even more confusing than that kiss had been. Sebastian just stared at her as she spoke. He could see her mouth moving, but it was as if the sound was on some kind of delay. He licked his lips nervously and looked away for a brief moment, knowing his own face must be mirroring her own. He could feel the heat coming off of his cheeks and knew that it wasn’t from the alcohol. He felt…Sebastian didn’t know how he felt and knew that it would take much longer than he had at the moment to process how he felt about the kiss. Right now, he was more concerned with reassuring Kat that she didn’t need to be embarrassed. Because she didn’t. It was just a kiss. They were friends. And they’d hugged each other, walked around with their arms about each other, nudged and touched each other on many occasions. Was a kiss really that different? Bas wanted to believe that it wasn’t. “Kat. It’s fine” he let out a nervous chuckle, his hand reaching for his ear, an old habit of his. He was struggling and failing to return them to where they had been moments before – two friends hanging out with each other.

The green-eyed guy stared down at his hands in his lap for a moment, wondering if he should go to the room Kat had offered him to sleep or if he should leave the place entirely and give them both some space to think. Bas could have sworn that the effects of the alcohol had worn off thanks to the popcorn and soda, but maybe they were both still feeling some of it. That was it. It had to be. Bas didn’t want to believe that he would be stupid enough to ruin a third friendship and he absolutely didn’t want Kat thinking that it was her fault. He could see down the dangerous, curvy road that lay before him and Kat, and he knew the outcome. Disaster. It had been that way twice before, back when he’d been a student at Beauxbatons and shortly after. Sebastian couldn’t put himself or another girl through anything like that again. Especially not someone like Kat whose friendship he appreciated so very much. Kat was too sweet, too smart, too…beautiful for him to do that to. Bas swallowed and then spoke, his eyes only lifting up to meet Kat’s blue eyes when he’d finished speaking. “I should go, right?” Sebastian moved to get up from the sofa, ready to move wherever Kat wanted him to so she could feel at ease. This was her home, after all.
A million different thoughts were running through Katheryn's head as she tried to unravel the motive behind her rash action. Why on earth had she decided to kiss Sebastian? Was it possible that the young actress had feelings for her friend? Or had it been some lingering effects of the alcohol that she thought was long gone? Or had she simply been craving some sort of human closeness? Kat was not one to be free with her kisses. This was not something she typically did, and she wished she had not once she saw Bas's reaction. It became all too clear that he did not have any feelings more than friendship for her. Sebastian tried to tell her that it was okay. His nervous laugh and fidgeting with his earlobe begged to differ.

Yet, Katheryn wanted to believe that everything could be okay. It wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with his touch. They had embraced on numerous occasions. Held hands as they walked down the streets. Kat had sat in his lap a time or two when they had gone out to drink. Still, Kat felt as though she had crossed some invisible barrier from friendship to more than that with her impulsive kiss. Sebastian was one of her closest, most trusted friends because he knew both sides of her. She valued that friendship more than anything. She didn't want to throw it away with both hands just because of a little kiss. The redhead could pretend that it meant nothing to her. That it was just a friendly gesture. Only, did it really mean nothing to her? Kat wasn't sure. She wanted to believe that, but a small part of her whispered that it did mean something. There was a reason behind that kiss. Maybe that reason was that Kat had feelings for Bas. It wouldn't be uncommon for her to develop feelings for her friend. Wasn't that how it started with Jake? She had once thought she had feelings for her muggle friend, Brody, until he had taken a photography job across the country. Still, these feelings would only cause her harm if they were unrequited as she knew they were.

Katheryn was still processing her thoughts when Bas interrupted them with a question that was spoken as more of a decision. The blue-eyed young woman was startled by the assumption that he was no longer welcome. Kat felt like Sebastian wanted to leave, and she would not stop him if that was what he wanted. Clearly, she had forced awkwardness and tension into their relationship. Feeling a bit dejected, her eyes met his for a moment, long enough for him to see the hurt behind the icy blueness. "If you think that's best, but you are still welcome to the guest room." Katheryn told him, standing up from the sofa. She would leave the decision up to him. She wouldn't force him to stay or force him to leave. Kat's delicate hand twisted through a red strand of hair nervously. If he left, she didn't know when she would see him again. It could be months, but maybe that wasn't all that bad. It would give her time to rid herself of these feelings that seemed to be bubbling to the surface of her consciousness. It was hard to work through her feelings with his handsome face and beautiful green eyes staring right back into hers.
Waiting for her reply, Sebastian continued to stare into a face that he had come to know well. The tension and awkwardness in the room was palpable despite his attempts to minimize it. He knew he was doing a piss poor job at pretending that everything was fine between them. Bas wasn’t mad at Katheryn for what she had done, but he had to admit to himself that he confused by how the kiss had made him feel. Fear had led the man’s offer to leave the apartment. His green eyes moving up to meet with Kat’s eyes, Sebastian could see the hurt there. He looked down swiftly, shame filling him as he listened to her speak. It was that sort of look that Sebastian wanted to avoid bringing to Katheryn’s eyes ever again, and he knew that would happen if their relationship ever became more than it was. Of course she’d still offer me the room, Bas thought to himself, not surprised at all by Katheryn’s kindness. It was one of the many qualities he admired about her. Sebastian thought over his options for a moment until he came to a decision. Swallowing heavily, his gaze lifted once more as he nodded his head. “Thank you then. I’ll stay the night.” Bas knew that he should leave, give them both time to sort their thoughts so that the next time they met, they could easily pretend that the kiss had never happened. There was another tiny part, the part that had ruled his decision, that didn’t want to do that. It was the same part that noticed how cute Kat looked when she twirled her red hair between her fingers. Bas shook that thought of his head and headed towards the guest room. Before he left the living room, Sebastian turned his head, his mouth opening before he had a chance to stop himself. “Katheryn…” The musician stood, running his hand through his short hair, on the verge of saying something more. He closed his green eyes and shook his head slightly, the action directed towards himself. “Good night” he uttered, his voice heavy with emotion, and then he turned and headed into the bedroom, his shoulders sagging in defeat as he walked away.

Closing the door behind him, Sebastian had the sudden urge to pick up the clock that was settled on a small table and launch it across the room in frustration. The only thing that prevented him from doing so was his continued contact with the door knob. Sebastian stared at the door as if he had x-ray vision and he could see what Katheryn was doing. Wishing that he could just fling the door open, rush to her side and trap her in a heart-stopping kiss, Bas shook his head at himself. “That’d be a stupid move, bro” he muttered to himself as he stepped towards the bed. The man flung himself on the mattress and kicked off his shoes as he stared at the ceiling. He watched the traffic outside cause shadows across the room as his thoughts raced. It wasn’t until nearly an hour later that Bas realized why he’d been so upset about the kiss. It was because he’d liked it, and liking it wasn’t something he was sure he could deal with. Bas had been far from celibate over the past few years, but his flings had been brief and meaningless. He couldn’t imagine treating Kat that way, but he wasn’t sure he could handle anything more significant either. What if he hurt her as he had Amzurah, or what if she hurt him as Trilby had? Bas wasn’t sure he could deal with either of those outcomes, the idea that things might work out just fine between them a distant, very distant third outcome. Kat was a good friend to him, and he wanted to keep her around, though he wasn’t exactly sure that would continue after tonight’s event. With a sigh, Sebastian turned onto his side and closed his eyes, drifting to sleep soon after. The man’s dreams were plagued by faces he hadn’t seen in years, faces he had tried very hard to not think about.

When next he woke, it was to sunlight streaming into the room. Bas woke up disoriented, wondering first why he was in his street clothes and next where he was. The answers came to him as his eyes opened and closed slowly, his body gearing itself for a new day. Stretching, the man sat up and ran a hand up and down his face. You really went and screwed things up yesterday , he thought to himself as he stood up and prepared to start his day. He knew that he’d have to head home to check on his grandmother soon, but first he wanted to speak with Katheryn. Sebastian wasn’t sure of many things, but he did know that he didn’t want to leave things as they had last night. He headed for the kitchen, hoping that Katheryn wouldn’t mind if he made himself a cup of coffee before he left. After the night he’d had, Sebastian knew that he would need a strong cup to get himself started.
Katheryn watched the expression on Sebastian's face very careful. She could see the indecision on his face as he apparently weighted his options. In the end, Bas accepted her guest room which soothed Katheryn's worries about their friendship. He wasn't upset with her enough to flee New York. Maybe with the morning light, things would be better between them. She could hope at least. Sebastian had stayed here before, so he was acquainted with the layout of her home. He didn't waste time as he immediately headed in the direction of the spare room. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around to look at Katheryn. He said her name, almost as if it pained him. It seemed to Kat that he wanted to say something to her, but then he thought better of it and settled with good night. "Good night, Bas." she murmured in response. The actress felt exhaustion sweep over her. She needed to go to bed. She walked soundlessly around her apartment, cutting off the lights around her. She proceeded down the hallway, pausing momentarily at the guest room door. Katheryn imagined Sebastian asleep in there. Everyone looked so much younger as they slept. Peaceful. The redhead shook her head. She would not disturb him.

Katheryn continued on to her bedroom at the end of the hallway. It was decorated in grays and whites with a very clean, calming feeling about it. She sighed as she shut the door. "Well, I really screwed that one up." she said outloud with only her own ears to hear it as she walked into her bathroom. Katheryn didn't know why she had made such a poor decision. She turned on the hot water in the stone shower. Steam quickly filled the room, fogging up the mirror. For a long time, Kat stood under the hot water, thinking, trying to unravel the reasons that she had behind that kiss. In the end, the redhead could only find one possible explanation behind that kiss. Katheryn had feelings for Sebastian. Feelings that would only create problems between the friends since Bas so obviously did not share those feelings. Maybe it would have been better for him to go him. She needed to have time to get over him. She didn't want to ruin their friendship. Katheryn towel dried her long locks before climbing into bed and falling into a dreamless sleep.

Katheryn had always been an early riser. She got up with the sun nearly every single day. Today was no exception despite the fact that she had gone to bed so late. The slender girl figured that Sebastian would be in bed for several more hours. She dressed for her morning run which was her daily routine. Katheryn tried to be quiet as she left, not wanting to disturb Bas. She half hoped that he would leave while she was out running. It would make for a less awkward morning. In heart, Kat knew that she would be crushed if he left without so much as a good bye. She went for a really long run this morning. She estimated that it was around five miles that she ran, zigzagging across Central Park. There were other runners out in the park. Some alone. Some with companions. Some with dogs. Katheryn tended to run alone as she found the time quite soothing and rehabilitating. The young woman was glistening with sweat when she arrived back at her apartment. Katheryn had hoped that Bas would still be in bed, so she could shower before facing him. However, she found him in the kitchen making coffee when she walked in. Kat imagined that she looked quite unattractive with her hair all knotted up on top of her head. Only it didn't matter. He couldn't possibly find her appealing. He didn't have feelings for her. Katheryn smiled at Sebastian, hoping to have a normal conversation. She hoped her smile didn't look contrived. "Hey Bas. I hope I didn't wake you." she said, sincerely. "Did you sleep alright?" she asked, trying to make pleasant conversation. The redhead went and helped herself to some of the coffee he had been brewing. The daylight didn't lessen her attraction to Sebastian. Those beautiful eyes. The muscles under his shirt. His smile. Kat knew she was in trouble. This kind of thinking could not be tolerated about her best friend.
As the smell of coffee began to fill the kitchen, Bas opened the nearest cabinet to look for a mug. He chose a plain blue one and was careful to close the cabinet quietly. The apartment was quiet aside from the noises emanating from the coffee maker. Bas hoped that the noise wouldn't disturb Katheryn. As the coffee finished and Bas went about preparing a mug, he was rather surprised that Katheryn hadn't come out. He knew that she was normally an early riser. A frown crossed his face as he wondered if she was avoiding him. Bas wondered if she might choose to remain in her room until she was sure he had gone. He couldn't say that he blamed her, but he hoped that she wouldn't do that. The more he thought about it, the more silly the idea seemed to him. Katheryn was much too mature for such childish things. They both were, which was why Bas wanted to be sure he spoke to her before he left. Bas still wasn't sure what he felt about the previous night but he was sure that Kat was someone he wanted to keep in his life. Bas stared down into his cup as if the answers were in the midst of the dark brown liquid. He'd been so distracted that he hadn't even added creamer yet.

Finding it quickly, Bas turned back to his cup and poured some in. Hearing the front door open, Bas took a deep breath. The man remained silent, his green eyes giving Kat a quick once over. He didn't know what he was expecting. Life wasn't so obvious as to display hearts and fireworks behind his friend to let him know if she was the one. He saw Kat as he always did, a beautiful red haired, blue eyed woman who knew him better than most people, loved her family and took care of herself. Clearing his throat as she spoke, Bas picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. As she moved closer, he was able to get a good look at just how well she took care of herself. His gaze went to her mouth as he recalled the kiss- sweet, warm...Bas was surprised at where his thoughts had ventured and he slammed that door shut. Clearing his throat, he moved around her to take a seat. Waving his free hand as if to dismiss her concern, he spoke. "I didn't even know you were gone. I thought..." he stopped himself, embarassed to admit what he had thought. He took another sip of his coffee and then put it down. "I've slept better" he admitted, his green eyes taking in items around her kitchen that he had seen many a time. "Listen, Kat. I didn't want to leave without talking to you. I feel like I owe you an explanation for how I acted last night."

Sebastian took a deep breath and then plunged forward, his words coming quickly as the thoughts raced out of him. " I think we need to stay friends. When you kissed me, I didn't know what to do. I've told you about my other exes and I don't want that for us. I..." Bas paused. He didn't want to tell her that he couldn't go through that again, but that was the truth of it. Bas knew that he wasn't doing a good job of explaining himself. He wished he had just left and sent her an owl. Perhaps then he could have gotten across in writing what he couldn't in person. "I'm sorry"he added, a frown on his face as he green eyes drifted to the floor. His coffee was forgotten on the table as he slowly looked at Kat. He didn't know what her reaction would be. It was one of the first times that he didn't know what to expect from her. The idea made Bas even sadder still.
Katheryn moved around her kitchen to the cabinet, taking out a light green mug that had silly little pictures that her niece and nephew had drawn on the mug. The twins had created it for her one Sunday night when she had been babysitting for Kiera and James. It was by far her favorite mug as it held sentimental value to her. Kat poured herself coffee, adding cream and sugar to it to disguise the bitter flavor. The redhead intentionally avoided gazing at Sebastian as he moved to sit down on the other side of the island in the kitchen. There were a pair of barstools there, and it was typically where Kat ate her breakfast after her morning run. She heard him say that he had slept better, and she knew that was true for herself as well. She had spent half the night tossing and turning in bed. Katheryn stood on the other side of the island in the kitchen as her blue eyes met his green ones. The young woman groaned internally as she heard that he wanted to speak with her about last night. That was the very last thing that she wanted to do especially when she had so obviously made a grievous mistake. Katheryn took a spoon out of a drawer and twirled it in her coffee, mixing up the cream and sugar within the liquid.

Katheryn's face remained devoid of emotion as she listened to what he wanted to say to her. Of course, she understood what he was trying to say. He wasn't attracted to her in that manner, and he also didn't want to risk her friendship. Katheryn didn't blame him. She blamed herself. Somehow, she knew that she had already messed up their friendship. Nothing would be the same. She had thrown an elephant into the mix. That kiss would always be there, forever lingering on her memories of Sebastian. A flicker of disappoint flashed through her icy blue eyes, and Kat quickly tried to cover up her feelings. She wasn't quite sure how to respond. "Er. Um. Okay." she said to his request of friendship. His apology made her feel guilty. He shouldn't be apologizing to her. Katheryn shook her head. "No. Don't. Don't apologize to me." she told him. "I should be apologizing to you. It was stupid of me to kiss you. I was impulsive and rash and I shouldn't have acted on those feelings. It won't happen again. I don't want to mess up our friendship. I don't want to lose you." Katheryn said, the words tumbling out of her mouth in a rush as she tried to get them out. The redhead diverted her eyes, looking down at her coffee before taking another sip. She didn't know what to do now. She felt awkward and tense, and she absolutely hated it. Still, she couldn't deny that she had feelings for Sebastian. Romantic feelings. Clearly, he wanted nothing to do with those feelings. Kat felt sadness creep into her heart, but she quickly shut it down. Never would she act on those feelings again when the idea was so upsetting to her friend.
Sebastian hated that he couldn't tell what she was thinking. At least she was looking at him. And listening. It was all he could expect, he supposed. Hearing Katheryn's response lightened Bas's mood for about a second. He picked up his coffee and even managed another sip. The coffee had cooled considerably while he'd spoken and it was easy for him to get a good swig of it down. As Katheryn shook her head at him, Bas's eyebrows furrowed. He listened to what she said, his mouth opening to protest several times but closing each time. As she finished, he realized that they indeed wanted the same thing- to remain friends. Why didn't he feel any better then? The momentary peace of mind that Bas had felt after he'd finished was now soured by something he couldn't pick out. He didn't know if it was at the fact that Katheryn felt so bad about what happened or if it had to do with something else. Silence reigned the room for several long moments after she'd finished. Bas lost in thought as he stared deeply into his coffee cup. Finally, he put it down, a soft sigh escaping him. A mixture of regret at saying anything and relief that they were on the same page filled him. It was what he wanted, after all so he knew he had no reason, no right to be upset. That still didn't stop the sinking feeling in his gut as he placed his coffee cup down and stood up.

Bas slowly walked over to where Katheryn was standing. " won't lose me" he said, forcing a smile. The words he spoke were indeed true. It was simply his attempt at levity that was forced. "I promise it won't be that easy." His green eyes took in his friend one more time, hoping that his words were true. Bas knew that try as they might and likely would, it would be impossible to forget what had transpired the night before. It would take Bas some time to realize, but he didn't want to forget. "I have to head out. I promised my grandmother I'd check in on her today" he explained. He hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to do it, but then finally did. As he gave her a one-armed hug, Bas knew that if he hadn't, it would have been just another blow to Katheryn. If they wanted things to go back to normal between them, they would have to do normal things. Pulling away, Bas headed for the door. He'd get out of the building before attempting to apparate. For some reason, he'd never been good at apparating in enclosed spaces. Looking back, Sebastian's green eyes looked towards Katheryn's blue ones once more. "And Kat? Take that role. I know you'll be amazing at it."
Katheryn pursed her lips as Bas talked. Even though they agreed on the right course of action, Kat wasn't satisfied. She also knew there was no way things would return to the way they had been. At least not anytime soon. It would be impossible for her to forget that kiss. His soft lips against hers. She nodded her head as he said he had to go. Kat had figured he would leave as soon as possible, and she understood. "Okay. I hope she feels better." she said as he hugged her around her side, rather awkwardly. He turned to go, and her blue eyes watched his retreating figure. He turned around at the door, pausing a moment. She grinned at his vote of confidence. "Thanks. I will." she said, knowing that it really was the best thing for her. Then, he was gone, and she was alone in her apartment once more.

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