Downtime - Hogwarts Style

Oliver Cade Halliwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Between lessons, Oliver headed down to the lakefront to do what he should have been doing all term. On his left shoulder hung his bag, weighed down by thick textbooks. Having put off his exam preperation for the duration of the term he would now have to spend his downtime in the lead up to the exams with his head in a book. This was gonna be a fun couple of weeks. He took a seat by the lake and pulled out his history of magic textbook and pulled it open to the topic of his most recent lesson. Oliver had enjoyed history of magic over the term but none-the-less he wasn not looking forward to the exam. He did think however that History of Magic would be the exam he didn the best in. After only a few moments reading the book he slamed it shut in frustration and leaned backwards onto the grassy floor. It was a beautiful day and he just couldn't be bothered to study.
Adriana was bored. The girl was never one to study, and it just seemed that no one was around to spend time with her on that given day. Her seemingly closest friend, and they weren't even that close, Ryuuji, was busy reading or fooling around somewhere, not like Adriana minded. Getting too close to people was a dangerous thing, at least she thought so. So what did the little princess decide to do with her life? Go outside and walk around. She never was one to just wander, she would just use the most favored spot in Hogwarts (to her anyway) to just find a place to stay put in. It was then that she saw a boy, frustrated or upset, laying down. She was never one to initiate conversation, yet the thing was that this was a near crisis. She had nothing to do! So, grudgingly, she walked to him, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Hey, are you okay?"
As beautiful and amazing as Hogwarts was it seemed too easy to get bored there. Oliver knew the real reason behind his constant boredom wasn't due to the school at all, it was because he hadn't made any real friends in his first semester. He had Alice, but they hadn't spent any real time together since the night they met in the dorms. Since then its just been passing greetings and the occasional 'how are you' followed by a breif discussion about their classes. She, unlike him was fitting in very well. She even had a boyfriend, at first Oliver was a little jealous but he sooned discovered it wasn't because it was Alice it was just the fact she had someone and he didn't. As he was quite mature for his age he had a different attitude towards relationships than most twelve year olds. Alas despite his lack of company he managed to get through the days without driving himself crazy, this meant a lot of studying was done because he had nothing better to do. Today however he couldn't be bothered. With the second semester subjects starting he could slack of his studies outside the classroom a little, at least until the word exam was mentioned then his old habbits would occur. The lake was one of his favorite places to come on a day like this, usually he could pull out a textbook and read for hours, the time would simply melt away until the night fell and he would drag himself away to the comforting warmth of the Ravenclaw common room. He could also just sit there, and stare out across the lake watching the sunlight glimer off the reflective pool. Oliver had no idea he had been out there, his book still laid shut beside him and the sunlight still going strong he gathered that hadn't gotten away from him as usual. Thankfully, his solitude was disrupted by a beautiful young girl approaching him. By the way she spoke it seemed she was there out of boredome. Nevertheless Oliver was still greatful for the company. "Hello," he responded cheerfully, "I'm just fine thanks, how are you?" He asked.

OOCOut of Character:
Yeah, I doubt my next post will be as long as this one. I just kinda got carried away.
OOCOut of Character:
That's perfectly fine. :)

Adriana found herself slightly relieved when the boy said he was okay, even letting a little exhale escape her lips. Was this out of character? Yes. But at the moment it didn't really cross her mind. It wasn't that she was taken back by him as if by some magical connection, but it seemed like they could get along well, even if she didn't know why. It could have been, perhaps, that his kindness could even out her harsh and sometimes downright mean tendencies, but as stated before, she wasn't thinking about it and probably wasn't going to at all. The girl sat near him, humming a tune and looking at him. "I'm okay I guess, bored, if anything." It was quite a lethargic tone that she spoke, showing how tired she was of studying and preparing for class. Being a perfectionist as she was, it couldn't be helped that she pushed herself. It was a choice most of the people she knew found admirable, but wouldn't take up themselves. That fact was intriguing, as well as just plain strange to Adriana. After all to become the best one could be, you just tried to imitate those that were doing better than you. Well, that was what she did. Usually, she surpassed them, with exceptions to some subjects and activities. Charms weren't her forte, but she found herself easily excelling in transfiguration, which could come in handy later on. The perks of being a pureblood were that you always were around magic and learned the importance of it, the bad parts were that you wouldn't be able to do anything without magic or basic knowledge of muggles.
He was somewhat shocked when she took a seat next to him. Oliver had only just met this girl but she didn't seem to be the type of girl to strike up a conversation with a random person, he was even more surprised when he saw the serpent pinned to her chest. Oliver wasn't one to take stereotypes as gospel but he couldn't help but taken them into account when he met new people. "Bored huh, me too," He smiled. There was something about this girl that he liked. She had barely said a word to him but he was hooked, Oliver had always believed in love at first sight but had never experience it for himself, but the way the glimmering sunlight made her beautiful brunette hair sparkle brighter than a thousand twinkling stars made him wonder if he had finally experienced something he had longed for, for years. Of course he would never say what he was thinking to this girl whos name he didn't even know. After all the logical person in him thought what he was thinking was nonsense no doubt she'd think it too and be out of there faster than a golden snitch. "My names Oliver," He said hoping to turn this chance encounter into, at the very least, a friendship by the time she decided to leave. "I guess its not easy to pass the time with no one to pass it with huh," He remarked hoping to produce what would no doubt be a beautiful smile.

OOCOut of Character:
Oliver is a hopeless romantic so he gets carried away with his thoughts. Hope thats cool.
OOCOut of Character:
That's adorable. xD

"Adriana." The Slytherin looked at him, smiling ever so slightly. A smile was a rare thing to get out of her. It wasn't that she was completely miserable while at school and not at home, she just found that some people were worthy of a smile and some weren't. If you weren't worthy of one, then, in honesty, too bad so sad. There was no use in trying to change her mind, or get onto a good side. To her, first impressions were absolutely everything. If at a first glance, you seemed like a bad person, that's what you were. It went the same in the opposite way. Luckily for this boy, Oliver, Adriana found him to be quite pleasant. Though that was a rarity in itself, because he was from the looks of it a Ravenclaw. As much as she loved being in the 'purest' house, sometimes it was refreshing to get away. When he made his remark, the smile grew more and more noticeable, even a little pink on her cheeks forming. It wasn't being embarrassed or flustered, it was just out of smiling and then realizing that she might actually make a non-stuck-up friend. Because she rejected Hufflepuffs and very rarely liked lions, it seemed that the wisest house would have to be her only options besides her own house. "That's true. Don't they say time flies when you're having fun?" She wasn't sure if this saying fit, but it was relevant to time being so utterly and painfully slow.
Oliver was electric, he had initially caused her to flash what he could only descirbe as a half smile. From that he gathered she didn't smile very often. Perhaps that wasn't a bad thing, not everybody smiles all the time it doesn't make them a miserable person it just means that not everyone or everything is worth smiling about. Oliver was glad he was able to get her to smile even a little. When her smile grew, Oliver could have yelled across the lake in joy. Her smile was as beautiful as he predicted it to be, her teeth sparkled in the same glimmering sunlight that made her hair shine. He was so mesmerised by her smile he almost forgot to keep talking. "Adriana, thats a beautiful name," Oliver said, went it dawned on him what he had just said he lost all hope of befriending her. Smooth He thought to himself. When she continued to talk to him he breathed a sigh of relief. Oliver couldn't help but notice a flush of pink in her cheeks, he turned away for a moment to hide his smile. Not that smiling in front her would be a bad thing, however the timing of the smile might embarrass her and he wouldn't want that. Once he turned back he nodded, "Yeah sometimes it can seem that time flies, sometimes it can seem like time just stands still, almost as if you've slipped into a world of your own. Of course that doesn't happen with just anyway," After he realised what he said he could have pressed his palm to his forehead in frustration. He didn't know what was wrong with him, usually he could be charming but in this moment everything he said made him sound like a complete idiot.
Adriana smirked. This boy just seemed to be a potential treasure trove of compliments and flattery, which, to be frank, made the girl as happy as a small child in an all you can eat buffet of candy. She wasn't self absorbed by any means, but she did know the value of a kind word or two. It was just a reminder that she was in some ways found to be good. It was an interesting way to look at things but hey, that was that. The boy's nervousness was also a plus. Her smirk grew into a smile and she was about to do something unheard to whoever really knew her. She would be nice to Oliver. For some reason, she could see him as being a useful friend. By useful, it wasn't a possessive sense, just the fact that he could be someone to confide in and possibly after some time even trust. This was a lot for the girl to think about at a first meeting, but it seemed to be enough of a possibility for it to happen. Maybe it was hopeless dreaming on her part, but she honestly could care less. The pink faded in her deep thought, replaced by the matching paleness of the rest of her face. She hated that she was pale. It seemed that the English genes had won when it came to her skin, compared to her other features. In the sense of nationalities, Adriana was a 'mutt' of sorts. But she was most predominantly English. When Oliver was almost rambling, she just grinned and gave a small laugh once more, hoping to relax him. "I suppose that's true, Oliver. And thank you for the compliment." He also seemed quite wise, but hey, he was a Ravenclaw.
Adriana wasn't what he expected a Slytherin girl to be. He didn't like to believe stereotypes and rumours but the vindictive, self-centresd girls that he expected Slytherin house to produce was not apparant in Adriana. She was being nice to him, she seemed sweet and funny and of course beautiful. Something he wouldn't say to her, at least not yet. "Well its not difficult to compliment you," He said flashing her a smile. Adriana was easy to talk to, it was rare to meet someone and so quickly see yourself becoming comfortable with them and maybe opening up and confiding in them. The only thing Oliver knew for sure right now is that at the very least he wanted to be friends with this girl and that she could make the next six and a half years at Hogwarts very enjoyable. "So what brings you out here? No one to hang out with in the dungeon?" He asked hoping she would recieve the comment in the humurous way that he had intended it.
"Aw you're so sweet." Adriana said this sarcastically, but it was clear that she was just teasing him and not really meaning anything by it. It was an interesting prospect to think of, that she was in fact making a friend by choice. What is meant by this was that most of her friends were made in a forced situation, such as just being alone except for them two. Now in this case there were plenty of students around them, but this was serene just to talk to Oliver. Adriana hated big crowds of people, but wouldn't admit it for any amount of money in the world. Just the very thought of huge groups made her squirm softly, though she tried to never let it show. It was just fake confidence hiding deep routed insecurity. "Haha, well no one I wanted to hang out with. I just wanted to get some writing done. Was there no one in the north tower?" When saying this, she used the same tone that he had, smirking sarcastically as she most often did.
Oliver shook his head, "Nah theres no one in the North tower, everyones either in class or in the library you know what Ravenclaw's are like we're always studying. This might be one of the few moments I've stopped studying since I've got to Hogwarts which makes me sound like a geek I know but try not to judge me too much," He said smiling. He couldn't help but notice her tone of voice when she said there was no one she wanted to hang out with but she was willing to stay here and hang out with him so maybe the two of them could be friends. "So how you finding Hogwarts? I mean I'm sure you've got a magical background so this isn't new but you know, how you finding it?" He asked.
Adriana looked at him and grinned, "You're a geek, but I like geeks so it's alright." She then shrugged a little bit and lent back, resting on the grass and looking up at the clouds. Moments like this she found most serene, mostly for the fact that it was now that she wasn't pestered by anything and for once anyone. She wasn't sure about letting Oliver close to her, but she was interested enough in him that they could at least become friends. After all where were you in life if you didn't have friends to stand by you? "I guess it's alright, boring if you ask me but.. That's just me. How do you like it?"
Oliver nodded, "Yeah I am a geek, I'm proud of it too. I pick things up easy too so I don't have to work as hard in class, it's pretty awesome," He was proud of how easily he able to learn. It meant that he had more free time after class, but because he was a geek he would usually use this time to learn more things outside of his years curriculum. A drawback of geek ways is that he hadn't made a lot of friends at Hogwarts so far but he hoped that was about to change today. "I'm finding it ok, classes are easy but I'm not very social so I guess thats my downfall," He said.
"What's your favorite class?" Adriana smiled, her interests sparked. She had taken to transfiguration and herbology, mostly because that came most easily to her. After all for the most part it was just listening to directions and not messing up. It was easy enough. Plus being a pure-blood, she knew from her parents the proper way to work a wand and so forth. "And I suppose I'm not too social myself. I only like you, Lilly, and Ryan." She paused, thinking about the guitar playing Slytherin boy she had just met.
Oliver had never put much thought into which was his favourite class. Each was so different and he enjoyed them for what they were so it was difficult to favour one over the other. "It's difficult to choose but I guess I'd say potions, that's the class I looked forward to coming in and it's certainly lived up to my expectations, what about you? Do you have a favourite class?" He asked.
"It's a tie between transfiguration and herbology." The girl ran her hand through her hair and yawned a bit out of amusement. Adriana loved the feeling of soft hair between her fingers, and even more the feeling that most girls were jealous of it. She knew she was pretty and in honesty would flaunt that to no tomorrow. That was the one part of her that was a stereotype of a Slytherin, and she didn't mind it at all. "Potions is alright, but I hate that we have to remember so much."
Oliver nodded, there was a lot to remember in potions but he never put much thought it to it, the subject just seemed to come naturally to him. He never questioned it. "I prefer Transfiguration to Herbology, sometimes Herbology just doesn't feel magical, I mean I know we study magical plants but you know," He said hoping she understood his point even though he hadn't made it very clear. He watched in awe as she ran her fingers through her hair, it shimmered in the sunlight as she did. He wouldn't know for sure without touching it but her hair looked like it would be soft and smooth, he watched as it fell from her finger tips and covered her face slightly. She brushed it back and he couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was.

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