Down by the Lake

Adam Simons

Well-Known Member
It was weird, meeting Shaylah during the day. Most of the other times they had meet it had been dark or close to it. But that was what he was doing now down by the lake at midday. He didn't mind, he wanted to meet her so he had found a nice shade tree to wait for her. Adam didn't mind the sun it was just it had been so long since he had been in it for a long time he was afraid he would turn into a lobster. He wondered what he and Shay would talk about. He figured he should tell her that his band was getting back together. What with Alfie and Atticus moving back and there new drummer his cousin Tyler they had a full crew. He was excited to see where it went and if there fan base still cared, or if they would mind the new addition. It was the most exciting thing to happen since he had met Shaylah and then the news he was moving. It seemed like she had started a chain reaction of good things in his life, and he was glad for it.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thank you for being patient :hug:

Shaylah walked down to the lake where she was going to meet Adam. It had been ages since they had last spoken outside of the class when they were alone. She was looking forward to having some personal time for once. Perhaps they could have some proper bonding time instead of being distracted by teachers or friends every time they tried to talk. It was annoying but she guessed it was the life she would have to put up with at Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to finish their though. Get a house of her own and do what the hell she wanted. That was, of course, after she got a job.

Shay smiled when she saw Adam stood in the shade of a tree. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hello handsome" She kissed him then smiled into his amazing eyes. "It's been a while. How have you been??" She knew how he could be when he was alone so she just hoped his answer was a good one. At least then she would be able to stay in the good mood she was in and not be upset by his pain.
OOCOut of Character:
No problem :hug: I hadn't realized you had replied soz :(

Adam wasn't surprised when he felt Shaylah behind him. She tended to do this quite often, and it didn't surprise him as much anymore. She kissed him and he felt all his tensions leave him. He had been feeling better since the last time they had met. Adam had even seen his cousin Tyler on the last Brightstone Weekend. He was glad to be moving in with him and his Aunt Crystal, they were a lot nicer than Darian and Adrianna. Even if Adrianna had tried to be nice it just wasn't in her nature. "Better than normal." He smiled at her, she looked happy and he was glad to be here alone with her for a change.

He looked into her eyes, "And you've been good I hope?" He wished they had more time to talk, but he had really been trying to stay on top of his homework and not get as far behind as he normally did. Now that he had made it into his sixth year his dreams of being expelled had vanished and he was trying to repair the damage he had done his first two years at school. In between he hadn't tried to fail but he hadn't tried to pass either, barley getting by, but all that was changing this year.
Shay beamed when Adam said he was better than normal. She could finally stop worrying about him and his mood swings. Shay wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed tight. "I'm so glad you're feeling okay. I kept getting worried that you would get a change of mood again." She grinned and then shrugged at his question. "Yeah, I've been good. Just can't wait to finally get out of this place. I want to go and get a job already. Live the life of a normal adult instead of being stuck as a student. It sucks having your life controlled by teachers." Shay hated the fact that someone could become a professor and immediately be in charge of you regardless of the fact they didn't even know you. It bugged her all the time. It's why she was such a trouble maker all the time.
Adam nodded at what she said, he knew he was damaged goods. He had some really messed up things going through his head at times and it messed his personality as a whole when they did. It all could be traced back to his parents. They had never wanted him and if it hadn't been for his Aunt's caring too much he would probably be on the streets till he turned 18 because he couldn't get into his trust fund. "I've had a lot of things to be happy about lately." He said grinning.

Shaylah started talking about wanting to get out of school. Adam felt the same, he liked the building Hogwarts had always been a kind of safe haven for him, but the teachers and classes and homework were just things that he wasn't apt to mix well with. "I know what you mean." He thought about the band as he had been lately and how after he graduated they would be able to start recording again. Remembering this he pulled out a CD. It was a burnt copy of every love song he had ever written all on one disk. He pulled it out of his jacket, "Happy Anniversary." He said smiling.
Shaylah raised an eye brow and smirked as her mind drifted to the wrong places. "Like what?? What's been making you so happy while I haven't been around??" She was just teasing him of course. Shay knew he would never do a thing like that. She was still curious as to what it could be though. She knew how difficult it was to cheer him up. She had the advantage of being his girlfriend so she found it easier than others but she hadn't been with him.

Shay looked at the CD in Adam's hand and smiled. "I didn't think we were going to do anything today." She knew it was a year today but she didn't think they were going to do anything about it because they weren't married. She took the CD from him with a grin across her face. "What's on here??" She guessed it was probably some of the music from the band Adam used to be in. She hadn't heard anything about the band in years so she guessed they weren't together any more.
Adam laughed at her joke, he knew she was only kidding. He smiled when she said what he had been thinking about. They had agreed not to do anything today, but he had made the CD a while ago and he was a very impatient person. He had been wanting to give it to her for a while and had decided he could wait no longer. "I know we weren't but I couldn't wait." He looked at the CD again as she asked what was on there, "It is possibly every love song I have ever written." He smiled at her hoping she would like it. It was the most romantic thing he could think of, and he was pretty proud of his idea. "Spin it, it's a magical CD." He wanted her to hear it, and wanted to hear her reaction.
Shay smiled up at him when he said what was on it. Words couldn't describe her feelings right now. She couldn't believe she'd actually managed to get such an amazing guy. She loved him so much. Shay spun the CD on her finger and listened to what started playing from nowhere. "Oh my God. It's amazing. Thank you so much." She felt close to tears of happiness as she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight. "I love you. I don't deserve this." She looked into his eyes with a beam on her face then kissed him.

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