Dooodling away!

Caysi nodded. " I want it to happen right now!" She giggled. " I seriously can't wait either." She smiled.
Harri giggled glad to see Caysi was looking forward to it as much as she was, "This terms going so quick though!" she said "I don't want this year to end! I love having HS here!" she said sadly.
Caysi nodded. " It's fun with them here." She said. " But it will come an end someday." She giggled. " But Christmas break will be the best." She said.
Harri looked down "Suppose," she muttered then looked up grinning "I know I can't wait! We have to explore Scotland a bit too! I haven't been there before!" she said excitedly.
Caysi nodded. " Not Scotland Harri, Ireland!" She giggled. " Did I tell you Scotland before? I might have because my mom's from Scotland and dad from Ireland." She said.
"Yeah you did!" Harri siad laughing "Wow! I love Ireland!" she said excitedly, "I went before with my dad," she said trying to keep the sadness from her voice, "Well that'll be good! Nice and romantic there!" she said winking and laughing.
Caysi giggled. " Oh yes, very romantic!" She smiled. " It's just so beautiful over there!" She smiled.
Harri nodded "Yeah it's truley beautiful!" she said, "Not long till the holidays now is it!" she said excitedly, "How will we get there? magic or muggle way?" she asked.
Caysi smiled. " Well, we could fly there, floo powder, or we can take a muggle plane." She said.
Harri smiled "Tis up to you!" she said, secretly hoping to use floo powder. "It'll be strange spending christmas somewhere else!" she said, "But fantastic!" she added, she would have to make sure she saw her dad and uncle before the holidays came.
Caysi sighed. " Ever since my parents started fighting, I think that they might split up again, I really don't want to live with either of them, it would be too hard to chose one over the other." She said sadly. " I would rather live with my sister." She added.
Harri nodded, she knew exactly what it was like "Atleast you have a sister you can live with!" she said sadly, but she knew she would choose her dad over her mum. Her mum who hadn't bothered to get in contact with her. But it would still be hard to have to admit it out loud.
Caysi nodded. " I guess so, I like having a big family though. It's alot of fun!" She said. " You will have alot of fun too!" She said.
Harri nodded "I would love to have a big family!" she sighed, "Yup I think I will!" she said happily "So does Alex live on her own?" she asked.

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