Don't Worry, It Will Be Over.......Soon

Nick Feanor

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Raze (From Domino)
Nick Feanor, unlike any other twins, had always find it to be amusing to hurt his twin sister. He had always found amusement in watching her cry in agony and in looking at the injuries and the bruises that he had just caused her, yes, he was just as crazy and messed-up as what the others might think, but he didn't really care at all. After all, it was his life, no one had the right to have a say in it. Just a few weeks ago, his hatred for his twin had intensifies, she had just betrayed him and had chosen to stick up with her oh-so-called- friends, which had irritated him to no ends. How could she? How could she just go around and leave her own blood relative in exchange to that pathetic bunch of students?

Feeling the want to give her a piece of his mind, he had written her a letter, saying she should meet him in the dungeons. He was pretty sure that he wouldn't be caught if he would hurt her there, after all, the place was rarely full of people, well, aside from Slytherins like himself which he figured would not even give a d@mn even if he would beat his sister to death.

Sporting a casual black shirt and baggy pants, he leaned against the dungeon's wall, waiting in the shadows for his prey to come. He was looking forward to her begging for his mercy, after all, it was her fault that he had gotten extremely mad anyways, and she would just get whatever it was that she deserved.
Jaden watched as her friend hid before she entered the dungeon, seeing Nick in the shadows. He was never this scary. He usually punched her then left, but a look of evil on his face, was sary enough to scare 5th Years. And Jaden being a firstie, she was terrified. "N-N-Nick, w-what do you w-want?". Jaden braced herself for the powerful blows he was going to hit her with.

Nick and Jaden had never got along when they were infants. He would occasionally try to drown her in the pond, get his little gang of friends to torment her, blaming her for trouble and there mothers love taken from her by him, since Will died. That had messed there family up even more. Will was the only one who realized what Nick was doing was wrong and would spend hours comforting his baby sister, but he had to die!

Jaden took a deep breath.
Nick quickly turned around to see the owner of the voice that he had just heard, of course, it was no other than Jaden, his one and only twin sister. It was quite a surprise that she had come alone without any of her so-called friends backing her up, it might be good in his opinion though, for at least, there were no obnoxious and pretentious students around who would try to interfere with his business.

Smirking evilly as he saw his sister shiver in fear, Nick started to walk, each step echoing throughout the lone dungeon. "Won't you ever learn Jaden?" He said, venom dripping in his every word. He was going to play around with her first before he would tell her how much annoyed he was for her acting like a goody-two-shoes. He had had enough of her after all. He had had enough of her being weak. She annoys the h3ll out of him, and it was not his entire fault too. Jaden's attitude was one that he was not particularly fond of, specially if she would run to her friends and sell him out.
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Jaden felt her stomach churn. He was so tall against her. "Shut up, you piece of sh!t." she murmured to him.

<siz for shortness, I'm eating ice cream)​

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