Don't Tell a Soul

Kira Wolf

Sweet- Bookworm- Content- Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ebony, Dragon heart-string, 9 1/2 inches
5/5/2034 (25)
Kira sat on top of the astronomy tower, her eyes red and her cheeks wet. She had managed to fall asleep studying in the common room, only to wake up again with a screech. The nightmares...

She rubbed at her eyes, her knees pulled up to her chest. How long would it take for the nightmares to fade? The accident had been years ago. They should've been gone by now.

Kira shivered in the cold night air. She probably should have grabbed a coat before running out of the Ravenclaw tower in nothing but shorts and a tank top. At the time, however, she just wanted to get away from people. She had hardly made any friends this semester. If word got around that she was a crybaby with sleep problems no one would want to talk to her.

Kira looked up to the stars, looking for peace she didn't feel.
Peyton and Hunter didn't deserved to be taken out from their dad's will and taken out of inheritance just because she called their step mother a wh*re. It was true though but their dad caught her saying it in front of her face. Now, they live with there mum and their step dad who by far the greatest step dad in the world. She wished he'll be just their dad instead of their blood. Sleepless and frustrated that their dad had managed to contact them in school telling her that they had to sign something? She had had it and made a howler.

In the middle of the night, she sneaked to the owlery to send the nasty howler with words Hunter will not need to hear. Upon making halfway to the Owlery, Peyton spotted someone, a girl wrapped up on herself. The Gryffindor approached her with a smile. "Hey, aren't you suppose to be in your common room, sleeping?" She stated to the girl as she knelled down in front of her. Peyton tucked away the letter she was holding into her sweater pocket.
Kira jumped a bit as a voice spoke up. Her head snapped up and her wet ocean eyes met those of an older girl. "Oh, uh, heh," Kira swiped at her eyes. "It just got really, uh, really stuffy in the common room, I uh, I needed some air," She lied feebly.

Kira gave the older girl a small smile. She had never been good with personal things, and she felt awkward as hell at being caught up here.
The girl reminded of her of Hunter, her little brother. He's not the most brave boy in the world but she still loves him. "Okay, what house are you in and I'll walk you to you outside your common room. How's that?" She wanted to reassure the kid that she will be safe when she gets back to her own common room. It would be dumb of her if the girl was actually a Gryffindor but Peyton hadn't seen her before around the Gryffindor common room. "I know it's not good to be out this late and I'm neither a prefect but if you want to stay for a little longer I'll keep you company?" Peyton offered. She was bored anyways and wanted to send out a letter to her mum.
Kira brushed her bangs behind her ear. "Oh, um, that's very sweet of you to offer." She fidgeted a bit, not quite ready to be cooped back up inside the tower again. The girl offered to keep her company and Kira glanced up at her from under wet lashes. "If, um, you'd like to stay you can. I... I don't want to be too much of a pest." She smiled softly at the older girl. "My name is Kira."

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