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Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
It's been a while since I posted here and would like to start off with some of my oldies and one new. If you have questions and/or wanted a specific plot with them just howler me on skype or PM me.</COLOR>
Teagan Maxwell
<COLOR color="#000">Currently she's studying in Ilvermorny by the request of her biological mother. Although she moved school, her home is both Great Britain (Rawcliffe, York) and United States (Raleigh, North Carolina). Teagan is still a Countess by law of the crown but as United States doesn't permit such thing, she doesn't have a title once her feet steps in land. The young Maxwell has learned a great deal of the two nations culture and has since change her attitude. It was hard for her to adjust as her biological family thinks of her as a way to go up in society. She since was more back to herself (like before she got sorted on HNZ) graceful, nice, happy-go-lucky, etc. Teagan is in a relationship as of right now with her on and off boyfriend, Liam Adams. (NOTE: She still doesn't know what her sexual orientation yet. But she's a lesbian in the near future.)

She's almost on her last year at Ilvermorny and she would like some action going on there. Friends that she could trust. Enemies that maybe knows what her status is in Great Britain and would get jealous of her. Anything that you could think of for her we can apply it in some ways. Her final has been established.

Lauryn (Lauren) Woodlock
She's the baby of the Woodlock clan inside Hogwarts NZ and is from Hufflepuff house (We only need one more Woodlock for Slytherin xD and every house has a Woodlock). Lauryn is always happy and ready to help others. She's friendly and loves to talk about Quidditch, she's a fan but she's more of a football enthusiast and supports the Croatia Football League. Lauryn is a first year and hasn't meet that much people in school. She's quite approachable and sweet. Although she hates to see her relatives being aggravated and will surely fight back. Lauryn isn't naive of her surroundings and knows current events and what not.

Like Teagan, she would need friends, enemies and maybe mentors (suggestively be an Auror). Her final has been established as well.

Amery (Ah-Meh-Ree) Helmfried
Aaahhh, little Amery, I wouldn't say she's a copycat of Teagan but she will be eventually. She's an only child of a rich power company owner in Liechtenstein. Her mum had pass on from a heart failure three years ago and it took a toll on her. She started rebelling once her dad met his current girlfriend/fiance because of her belief that her mum hadn't not been buried that long for him to find someone to replace her. Before her mum's death, Amery was quite an artist, always smiles. All in all she was a good kid, a well behave kid. It's just recently that she became prejudiced against magic (her mum wanted healing potions as her treatment and not muggle medicine nor a transplant. The potions might be powerful but it can't restore a new heart). Amery believed that magic and potion killed her mum and thus, she will create havoc inside HNZ next school year. Amery can be bossy and manipulative sometimes but that's just how she cope.

Same as the other two as she's new, she will be needing a lot. I haven't really rp her yet. As for her final, yes, it has been established but we can still talk about potential romance in the future.

They're my priorities for now and I will add more if someone wants my other characters or you can pick through my account tracker. Thanks a bunch to all the people who will want me and my characters :D

You know I have an artsy little blond that will be going to school next year, maybe her and Amery could be friends??
Hey, you could PM about her
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