Open Don't Flinch

Doyle Mooney

quiet 🎧 confused
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Spruce Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
03/2052 (11)
Open after Daphne posts with Logan Ashworth

Doyle still felt like he was in a dream most days. But then he'd stub his toe or burn his tongue on breakfast and remember that all this was in fact very real. In some ways it was easier to actually be here at school. The waiting and wondering at home had been like torture at least here he could touch and see things for himself. He was still getting used to it all, the candles, the parchment, the ghosts! Doyle felt a shiver go down his spine and he looked over his shoulder quickly but there was nothing there. At least his roommates seemed nice and the food was pretty good. Neither his dad or his grandfather were particularity good cooks so it was nice, even if he did miss his constant access to snacks, and his video games, and his music. With a sigh he looked back to the portrait on the wall he was certain was staring at him. He had seen some of the other ones move but this one seemed to be still except the eyes. He narrowed his eyes and leaned in a little closer. But before he could see anything move he felt something or someone slam into his side and suddenly he was being knocked off his feet.
Logan was always full of energy, but these early days of Hogwarts were worse than ever. He felt like he could run up and down the tower steps five times and still be ready to fight a dragon. Or maybe a basilisk. After eating breakfast, Logan was ready to go and explore the castle once more before he went to his classes. He rushed through the hall, practically running. He pushed past a group of older girls and turned his head to them with a grin. "Sorry!" He said, not really meaning it. But when he looked ahead again he realized too late he hadn't noticed a boy standing there. He tried to should some sort of warning but before he could, he crashed into the boy's side. He managed to keep his balance, but the other boy wasn't so lucky.
One moment Doyle had been standing and the next he was on the ground. He landed pretty hard and his hands stung from where he tried to save himself. He blinked slow a few times before rolling over to sit properly. He looked at his palms and the scratches were faint but stung pretty bad. "Ouch." he groaned and looked up at what had rammed into him. He wasn't sure what he expected but seeing a boy who seemed about his age was a little surprising when he felt like he got hit by a bus. "Didn't know we were playing rugby." he said as an attempt at a joke even if the humor didn't really reach his voice.
Logan's shoulder kind of hurt, but at least he hadn't fallen down. He wasn't sure where the kid had suddenly come from, and if he was honest, he was kind of blaming him. He grimaced. "Sorry dude, you were suddenly there. This is a corridor where people are moving, why were you just standing around?" He asked, a little accusingly. After a moment, he realized he probably should help him get up. He held out a hand. "C'mon, it wasn't that bad."
Doyle frowned. Was the other boy actually blaming him? "I was standing out of the way." he said defensively, not sure why he even needed to defend himself. He didn't do anything wrong, he was literally standing still. He wanted to shoot back and ask why the other boy hadn't been watching where he was going but he bit his tongue and accepted his hand. "Easy for you to say." he muttered under his breath as he stood up and straightened himself out.
Logan let out a little laugh as the boy said he wasn't in the way. Surely he was joking. If he hadn't been in the way, how could Logan have knocked him over? Logan laughed again as the boy said it was easy for him to say, pulling him up to his feet. "Oh come on, don't be a baby. It hurt a bit for me too, right? You don't see me whining and crying about it." He said, rolling his eyes slightly. "There, nothing broken." He said, patting the boy's shoulder a tad condescendingly.
Doyle bristled at being called a baby. He was dealing with a lot being at a new school and completely out of his depth. He thought he was being rather well adjusted about the whole thing. His better judgement was telling him to turn around and walk away, but he was in the right and he wanted to make sure that was crystal clear. "Well you weren't the one on the ground." he insisted, his jaw clenched. He stiffened as the other boy patted his shoulder and he quickly brushed it away. "I don't need your help." he said firmly.

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