Open Doing a Shuffle Dance

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Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser was not bothered by the fact it was a dance for couples and he was turning up on his own. He knew from what others said that it was fine to just be alone. He had been alone to all the dances so far and though he had nothing to compare it to, he still thought this was the favourable option. Fraser arrived at the great hall, wearing just a suit, having not yet graced the school with his kilt, and was dancing. Happily just having a blast on his own. He didn't need someone to dance with or to chat with, he was happy to just dance himself and chat to no one. This would be amazing fun anyway. Though really, Fraser was not a great dancer.
hugo wasnt sure what he felt about the school dances. three a year seemed like a lot of dressing up. halloween was fun. yule was elegant. but valentines was not really his thing. romance and valantines day were thiings that he had a complex feeling towards though he wasn't quite sure he would be able to describe it or why. he did still put on something somewhat smart and make his way down to the hall. he may not like valentines day but he did like party food and hanging out with his friends.
he reached the great hall and was making his way to the food table when he saw someone he knew having fun on the dance floor. hugo wasnt much of a dancer. but he paused and watched fraser for a few moments. he wasnt a natural dancer but seemed to be having so much fun he wanted to join in. Hello fraser" he said as he got nearer and started to move a little slightly awkwardly bobbing his shoulders to the music glad that he at least vaguely recognised the song that was playing.
Fraser was dancing easily, and having fun while doing it. He didn't know what song was playing and wasn't really a very good dancer, but he was moving easily, happily. He was pleased when Hugo joined him. He liked spending time with the other boy though he didn't often. Fraser just shifted a little to dance more obviously with him. "Hi Hugo," he shouted loudly over the music. He didn't comment on how he was dancing, seeing absolutely no reason to. "You good?"
Hugo wasn't really someone who made friends easily, growing up he had spent most of his time on his own. he had only ever had a couple of close friends and a few acquaintances. But he knew he needed to make more, or at least get to know the few people he did know better. hanging out with fraser at the dance would hopefully help with that.
He smiled as the boy greeted him. glad that he remembered his name at the very least. trying not to get in anyone else's way, or at the very least not step on their toes or dress or hit them accidentally. he nodded as Fraser asked if he was okay. "Yeah, i'm fine. how about you?" he asked as a change in the beat got him moving his arms a little. it wasnt really much for dancing but it was more than just bobbing his head and shoulders to the music.
Fraser seemed to care a lot less about the fact he might end up dancing in people's way, he was just dancing about and having fun. He nodded at Hugo, "That's good," he said, as the beat changed enough to make his dancing become a little more erratic. But he was bobbing along. "I'm good, it's all good." he replied with a wide smile. Though he still wasn't feeling great about not making the quidditch team, he was still enjoying the rest of the school. "Are you going to sign up for duelling?"
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