Closed Does This Color Look Good?

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Soren was bored. He didn't have a Quidditch practice, Aurora was busy. He'd been in the student lounge, trying out new nail colors. He'd been laid out on a couch, and other people had come and gone. He had a different color on every nail, but he was debating a deep red. After several moments of staring at it, he decided he needed a new opinion. He looked around, and spotting a familiar face, he smirked, and sauntered over. "Heyyyy, Tiffany, how's this color on me?" He asked, an impish grin on his face as he fell into the chair across from her, holding out his hand to show her the many colors he had on.
Aine was deep into her Transfiguration text, now she actually felt somewhat motivated by the course. It was weird to think that a professor vanishing her desk from under her actually was motivation, in a strange way. But it was more the fact that they had actually somewhat paid attention to what she was doing. Not for the best reasons, but it was something. Plus, she was actually keen to learn to vanish things. At the sudden comment, she blinked, not knowing of any Tiffany at the school. Then she remembered, as she saw who it was. "Huh? Oh, heyyyy Jackson," she drawled, putting on a voice that sounded completely alien coming from her. She coughed, going back to normal. The painted nails on him was a surprise, she didn't know many boys back home that painted their nails. But it wasn't a bad look. "Well...looks cool, I guess. Should've gone an all in one though," she retorted, holding her hand in front of her face to show the colour changing paint she'd put on her nails, wanting to give herself a boost. As though responding to her desire to show off, the colours shimmered through in waves - even if her nails were looking a bit stubby.
Soren chuckled as she greeted him. He looked to her own nails, 'ooh'ing in appreciation. "Color changing, great idea," He told her. He looked back up, smiling easily. "I'm planning to just put on one later, but right now I'm just experimenting to see what colors I like. This red one is good?" He doublechecked offering out his hand while summoning over his collection. "Do you want to try colors with me?" He asked, turning back to her with a smile. "I think it'd be fun to hang out, see how we get on. I could always use a new friend," He gave her an impish grin. "Tiffany," He offered with a playful wink.
Aine cocked an eyebrow. Her own nails weren't in the best condition, having been bitten despite her best efforts. "I mean, you're in Gryffindor, it's kind of a no brainer. Yellow nailpolish is ugly, so I tend to stick to black because it's going to go with what I wear every day." It wasn't exactly as if the school was a fashion parade, and Aine wasn't at all fashionable to begin with. "I don't know anything about colour coordination beyond that so I'm probably the worst person to ask, Jackson," she drawled in return, shutting her textbook and folding her arms over it. "You'd be better served with someone pretty, and I don't think even channeling the spirit of Tiffany will help with this face."
Soren chuckled. "You don't like the color yellow?" He questioned, thinking it over. He frowned a little as she put herself down, and shook his head. "Aw, come on Tiff. You're super cute, don't put yourself down like that." He offered, propping his chin in his hand. "If I wasn't preoccupied with a blond of my own, I'd totally offer to take you on a proper date." He told her honestly. "But alas, we shan't be. Aurora and me have a long bit of history, I'm taking her to the ball, we'll see how it plays out." He shook his head and offered out his hand. "But a different note, let me see your hand. I'm sure we can totally find some colors that look great on you," He gave her an impish grin.
Aine pulled a face. "Yellow makes me look jaundiced. No, thank you." She relaxed, but her gaze was still a little icy as she fixed it on Soren. Her mind was a torrent of emotions at that, mostly insisting that he was lying and making fun of her in a means to publicly humiliate her somehow. And of course, even though she had no interest in Soren, she just felt once again she was inferior. She was never as good as Aurora, or Ngawaiata, or Isadora, or Margo, or Kiara... "What makes you think I would say yes?" she retorted, before shaking her head. "I hope it goes well for you both and that you send me an invitation to your wedding in the spring." Her tone was so dry you could've put cheese on it and called it a cracker. Aine wouldn't have even gone to the ball at all, but as a prefect she felt like she had to. She placed her hand on the table in front of her, keeping a modicum of personal space.
Soren chuckled. "Well, I have a lot more colors than that. And I can take them off again with a spell if you hate them," He gave her a playful wink. He wasn't bothered by her crankiness- he dealth with plenty of that at home. He let out a little laugh at her words. "You are absolutely right, Tiff," He gave her an easy grin. "You're completely out of my league. How about we be friends instead?" He offered, his teal hair falling into his eyes. "It's always good to have another bestie,"

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