Does it hurt to get to know you

Seth Makwa

Well-Known Member
Seth was walking the copper stone of Brightstone village. It was a warm and brightly sunny day. Something felt different for the boy though , but he couldn’t really pin point it what it was. His best friend from Drumstrang had told him about Brighstone village. Many lads and girls their own age like to hang about that area. “Jake you better be right about this” he whisper. If he wasn’t than Seth would have to deal with him later. Actually he was suppose to meet someone here, his best friend cousin. It wasn’t really a set-up, Jake just gave Seth the heads up, on were to meet her. “Just don’t be late” was the last thing Seth remembered while he posted against a street lamp waiting for the girl to show up.
Sarita had been browsing the shop looking for anything that would interest her.
So far she didn’t find anything, nothing in particular capture the young girl interest.
Everything in New Zealand had seemed so dull and boring. Kind of like her social status at the moment. It was going down hill, something she wasn’t use to, back in Spain Sarita had been fairly popular with kids in her neighborhood. How can she not be. She was likable and friendly but most of all she didn't take anyone chit. That was for sure, no one ever got the chance to run Sarita. While she was deep in her thoughts, Sarita was walking out the shop when she happen to notice some guy staring at her. He sort of look like a dorky type of kid, the ones Sarita would make fun of back home. Well when she was younger. While she was walking pass the boy, Sarita met his gaze for a second than look away. “Weirdo” she muttered.
Great, Seth thought. Another one of those girls. Seth was just here to have fun he just hoped that Jake would actually show up and not leave him alone with his crazy cousin. "Excuse me? Sarah is that your name?" he jogged a little at her side keeping up with her pace. "Your cousin Jake he mention you to me didn't he?" Seth wonder if this had been a one sided blind shot. If this was a joke? Man was Jake dead meat when he catches him. "Are you meeting Jake here today?
Sarah stopped dead in her tracks.
"Jake you mean Jay as in Jacob Hollawarth?" she question the boy. It had to be, he was the only Jake she knew but Sarita still called him Jacob. "I didn't even know about him meeting me today" the last time she spoke to him it was more like have you seen Jessica? Don't you both have the same class together? How's she doing? Etc...It was getting very annoying so Jake would be the last person she would want to see. "No I'm sorry I didn't know he was going to see me today. I think you've just wasted your time coming down here." Sarita ran her fingers through her thick luscious curls, bouncing at the side of her face as she wondered. "What's your name? Are you both from the same school?" she asked him, gaze lingering from his face down to his torso. Not bad she claims.
Oh he is so dead meat Seth grunted between piercing teeth. "No its okay I think he still coming" when he did Seth was going to ring his neck and made sure he break it into pieces. "I'm Seth. Seth Nez Perce" Seth responded his tone of voice hid a little disappointment when she claim that he wasted his time coming here. Time was something he wasn't worried about. Seth was seventeen so he could pretty much apparate back to his school with no big hassle. "Jake told me you go to Hogwarts? That's true or another lie?" Seth kept staring. Jake was right she may act shallow however she was very pretty.
"Yeah I go to Hogwarts. Hufflepuff just transfer back recently.." More like ages sarita thought over than looked away. "well your welcome to hang out I guess." she said in her spain accent a smile already appearing from her round umber complexion, sarita was alot more tan than her cousin Maddiie. "I was just about to walk around the village, the shops don't really catch my interest shrugged while" she shrugged while curling a finger around the end of her bouncy locks. "Your not familar with this places? Sort of like me. I know how it is" she continue to conversate while twirling her hair some more. "I be glad to be your tour guide if you like?" she suggested at once.

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