Do you believe in Magic?

Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Faxen Lowart was dressed casually and comfortably as she made her way down to the the great lawn. It was a bright sunny day outside which pleased her. The young Gryffindor loved the sun and wanted to soak up some vitamin D while she was caught up on her school work. Faxen still hadn't made many friends though she was quite a friendly girl. Out on the lawn, she spotted a bare place were she thought she could practice her guitar. It was a place called the cliffs, which she knew was supposed to be off limits. Therefore, it was naturally the place that she was going.

Faxen had started her gutair lessons two years ago. It hadn't been hard to pick it up since she had mastered the piano. Her piano was her prefered instrument but it was too large to bring with her to school. Faxen had a natural aptitude for music as did her brothers and sister. It was something they had gotten from their father, according to mum. Faxen's memories of her dad had already begun to fade since his death several years ago.

Faxen looked around her, to make sure no one was about to get her in trouble. She was alone. A gleam entered her honey brown eyes as a smile spread across her face in glee. There was no one about! She found a comfy patch of grass, sitting down on it indian style. She swung her guitar up and into her lap. She played a few chord progressions to warm up. Then she began song, singing as she played her guitar.
(( OOC: I suppose we will start this RP in time where they are back into school now ))

Having been back from his break, it was great for him to see his sister again, Jia and his baby sister Eva. He was already starting to miss them because he loved his family. A part of him was glad to be back in school because he wanted to learn, but a part of him wanted to go back home so that he can enjoy his time with his family. Walking through the lakefront, which was his favorite place in all of hogwarts, he really wanted to meet some of his old friend's again, which he hadn't met yet, though he had just gotten back, so he was giving himself some time to settle down again, after all, this was his first year. Reaching the cliffs, he walked slowly, then raising his head only to see a familiar face. Walking a little closer, he saw that it was Faxen, his friend that he met back in the Abandoned classroom. He hadn't seen her since that day, but today was a chance for Hamza to catch up with her. Walking up to her, trying not to startle her, he said with a mild tone, "Hey there Faxen. It's been a while." Hamza smiled as he greeted himself. "How was your break?" said Hamza with a smile.
Faxen looked up , hearing a familiar voice behind her. It seemed that she always ran into Hamza when she was practicing her guitar. She sat the instrument down across from her as she grinned up at her friend. They had grown fairly close in the months since she had met him during the first week of classes. He was now one of her closest friends. Maybe even a best friend.... "Hey Hamza!" she said brightly, pleased to see him. "Break was okay. I just stayed here though the castle was pretty much abandoned." she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "What did you do?" she asked him curiously. Faxen motioned for the boy to sit down by her in the grass. After all, it was fairly comfy down here.
Seeing a smile growing on Faxen's face, it made Hamza that more comfortable around Faxen because it told him that he was doing a good job with their friendship. Feeling comfortable around Faxen was a feeling that Hamza liked, it was as if he can be open to her, be himself around her, without having to hide anything for anyone's sake. He was beginning to think of Faxen as a really good friend, perhaps even best friend's with her with the way he felt around her. "Stayed in the castle? Did you not go to visit your family?" asked Hamza with concern. It was surprising for him to hear this because a lot of his other friend's went home, most were glad to leave Hogwarts because the were tired of studying, but why did Faxen not go? Moving closer as he sat down to Faxen, Hamza wanted her to feel a bit more comfortable around him, be at ease. "My break was pretty good. I got to see my parent's, my siblings, and had fair amount of fun." replied Hamza with a smiled. Looking towards the sky, Hamza said, "Are you glad that Hogwart's is back in session now?" Hamza smiled as he asked the question. He was glad to be back at Hogwarts because he had goal's to complete in his life, but then again, he missed his family too.
Faxen relaxed a little as Hamza sat down, close beside her. She grinned at him, liking their friendship more and more. Though she was a friendly girl, she hadn't gotten to know too many people here at Hogwarts. There seemed to be several cliques and she just wasn't the type to be in one of those groups. She nodded her head at the questions. "Yeah I stayed here. The twins really are a pain when they get together and Rosiie was coming home from Scotland so I stayed here. She's a bit of a diva." Faxen said rolling her eyes. Her older sister could be very dramatic. She nodded her head as she paid attention to what he said about break. "Sounds like you had fun." she commented with a smile on her face. "Yeah I guess so. I like the classes and I heard we have all new ones this term! Are you?" she said brightly. Faxi was excited to learn more and new things! She could hardly wait!
Hamza knew how Faxen felt when she said that he twin sister's were really a pain and her other sister as well. Hamza, having 2 sister's, he knew how annoying and irritating siblings can get. Having experienced the itching powder prank that his little sister pulled on him while be was visiting them, a part of him wanted to be away from the family, well, at least from his two sisters. His other sister, Jia, who attends Durmstrang is really irritating as well, since she likes to brag about knowledge, how smart she is and what not. Though, his younger syster, Eva, was a very lovely sister, but she pulled too many pranks on him. "Trust me, I know how bad siblings can be. I have two sisters, one of which pulled a prank on me while I was visiting." said Hamza looking towards the sky. He really did enjoy his time with the family, but a part of him wanted to be back at Hogwarts.

Thinking of Professors, Hamza forgot that he will be having his mother for Charms this semester. He was going to talk to her when they were at their beach house, but forgot about it. Hamza always tried to keep his mind away from studies when he was on vacation. "Yes, we are all having new professor." Hamza took a small pause and continued, "And my mother will be teaching me this semester as well. You remember Professor Khalid right?' questioned Hamza. He wasn't too sure if Faxen knew about his mother or not. Recalling before their break, Hamza remembered that he had told Faxen about his mother, only now he just wanted to see if she remembered or not.
((she has twin brothers not sisters.))

Faxen nodded her head, understanding completely what he was talking about. She shruged her shoulders."I think that's the way all siblings are. Just plain annoying." she said frankly. "What kind of prank did they pull on you?" she asked curiously. Faxi wondered if his sisters were as bad as her twin brothers. "What did you do on break anyways?" she wondered outloud, not realizing that it might be rude to ask so many different questions. Faxen nodded her head at his question. "I remember you talking about her but I haven't had her." she said with a smile on her face. "What does she teach again?" she asked, not quite remembering. "How do you feel about her teaching you? Will it be weird?" she asked, her brown eyes sparkling with questions.
((OOC: Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know.))

Remembering the time when his mother got mad at him because he talked back to his older sister, it was an embarrassing moment. Sometimes, he just wished that he was the older one in the family, so that he could actually get some respect from everyone in the family. His older sister never really gave him respect, unless she wanted him to do something for him, and that really ticked Hamza off because his older sister seemed selfish, but really, at heart, she wasn't like that. Only in physical appearance would someone judge her like that. Even though his sister's annoyed him all the time, he still loved them. "I agree. They are annoying all the time, but you know, no matter how much they tease you, you love them anyways." said Hamza with a smile on his face. He faced Faxen as she asked him what kind of prank did her sister pull on him. It was a little embarrassing for Hamza to share, but then again, he was comfortable around Faxen. "Well, we were in the muggle world at our vacation spot, and my sister got itching powder and she put it in my robes. I was itching all day when I got back to Hogwarts. It took a while to take the powder out, but I got it out eventually." said Hamza all at once in one breath.

"Well, we went to a vacation spot near a beach in the muggle world. My dad took off a few day's from the Ministry and my mom did as well. My parent's wanted to have some quality family time." said Hamza. Hamza wanted to have quality time with his family, but he knew what would end up happening to him. As he said before, one was the prank, and the other was that his older sister was trying to be bossy to him. "I enjoyed it very much, maybe next time, you should come with me." said Hamza with a smile. Hamza disliked someone being bored doing nothing and rather would go all out to provide lots of fun for his friend's. "My mother teaches Charms, years 1 to 3. She is teaching me this semester and it makes me nervous." said Hamza shivering a little bit. It wasn't that he didn't want his mom to teach him, it was just that she was really strict on him, which he disliked sometimes.
Faxi nodded her head. It was true. No matter how much her siblings annoyed her at times she loved them all no matter what. She understood completely how Hamza felt. She smiled as Hamza explained what prank had been pulled on him. "That's very unfortunate." she told him frankly. However, Faxen didn't laugh at him. She knew how it felt to be the butt of the joke and she wasn't going to make him that. "Lets make sure not to mention that around my brothers. It might give them bad ideas." she said laughing this time.

A grin spread across Faxen's face as he began to tell her about the place he had vacationed with his family. It sounded very beautiful. Then he invited her to go with him next time. Faxi lit up with pure excitement. She had never gone on any type of trip with a friend. She nodded her head eagerly. "That sounds awesome!" she said, entergetically. "Could I really go? Would your parents mind?" she asked quickly.
Hamza remembered the earlier day's where his little sister was very young and that he enjoyed being around her. It was as if life itself was very enjoyable, but then all that changed once she started to go to a muggle school and she learned a lot of new tricks. She practiced those tricks on Hamza, not so much on his older sister. Hamza listened as Faxen said to not mention the trick around her brothers. It was really funny to hear that because whatever trick's Hamza's little sister learned, she always kept them to herself and Hamza didn't bother telling anyone because he felt too embarrassed about it. "Not to worry, I won't." said Hamza with a chuckle.

As Hamza had offered for Faxen to come along, he saw a positive response from Faxen, a response of excitement. Hamza was glad to hear a positive response from her, it told him that she enjoyed his company and really wanted to see adventure as well. "Yup, you can come." Hamza looked towards the sky as he heard some noises and then looked back down at Faxen, then continued, "Nope, my parent's won't mind. They actually like company, so the more the merrier." A smile grew on Hamza's face. Hamza was really getting to know Faxen a lot better and felt closer to her as they talked more and more. It was as if she was getting close to him and soon they would be very close friend's, well, they were already really good friend's.

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