Do I need a reason?

Alexei Vetrov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
It was another cold day in the draughty Durmstrang castle. Most of the time it wasn't too bad, because Alexei would be curled up in the dorms by the fire, sleeping or doing something else to occupy his mind. However, Alexei had already completed all of his usual time consumers and was now out in search of something to do. As he walked along the corridor, he came to the conclusion that he was perhaps not aptly dressed to be roaming the frozen places of the school, however, he was much too proud to admit it and so left his shirt open and proceeded to pull out his comb and fix his hair as he walked. For everything that Alexei was, vanity was one of his most damning qualities. He had a girl ask him about it once. He responded by telling the petulant girl that, being the far superior person, he was to always look his best, even if he far out shone everyone else in the school anyway. It was the principal of the thing. He much preferred the muggle way of doing this, mainly because it took up time that he would otherwise be bored and also because he felt that it made him look cool. Sighing, in a way that let him watch his breath come out like steam, Alexei started to head in the only direction that would bring him any relief. Alissa's class. He had taken her out of there many times for his own pleasure, but as it happened, this time he probably wouldn't have too. If he was right about the time, and he so usually was, the class would be finished in a matter of minutes, so he could just wait for a few minutes and possibly lean on the wall and just signify sex appeal to whoever looked at him. Vanity did wonders for ones confidence after all.

Alexei wanted something to distract him. His latest girlfriend, Anastasia, dumbed him for some halfwit quidditch player who had more muscle then brain. Not that he particularly cared to be honest, but it was going to take him a couple of days to get another girlfriend. He had to find one first. It was getting harder and harder these days. He was dating his way through the entire female population of the school. He was starting to look towards the younger years now, because they were so entertaining, they barely knew what to do with themselves half the time. Smirking to himself, Alexei walked up the stairs that lead to the spiralled class rooms of the fifth years, he couldn't remember which class she was in, mostly because he wasn't interested enough to even pay attention, let alone remember. He was just going to stand in the general vicinity and just pluck her out of the crowd, which was what he usually had to do when it came to Alissa, she was such a pain in the arse. Leaning against the wall, a statue of perfection, at least according to him and every other girl he had yet to corrupt anyway. He could hear the classes finishing up around him and as the students filed out of the rooms, Alexei grinned at the sideways glances he was getting. He enjoyed attention, sometimes a little too much. Spotting the familiar body shape of his dearest twin, Alexei threw out at hand and grabbed at whatever body part he could reach, pulling his beautiful female version of himself towards him. He smiled happily down at his sister who was a little shorter then him and played with her hair. "Hello dearest. I'm bored as hell. Entertain me, you've got five seconds." Alexei began counting on his fingers, really he was quite bored.
Alissa Vetrova was definitely not a girl who enjoyed classes and school work. in fact, she often went out of her way to make sure that her Professors understood that. She despised it, and would have much preferred sitting in her dorm painting her nails or curling her hair. The fact that she was being subjugated to sitting inside this miserably classroom and listen to this fat old Professor dribble boring nonsense about star constellations and moon cycles made her want to hit someone, and hit someone hard. She longed to be done with this terrible school, and the masses of idiots that seemed to occupy it. There were a very select few people that she could even stand to be in her presence, and majority of those people were her family. The others were a very select few people that either weren't total morons, or were bearable enough to deal with whilst manipulating them. Alissa sighed to herself lazily as the Professor dribbled on, and raised her hand up to view her nails, spreading her fingers out wide. Her fingers, of course, were well pampered and looked as soft as satin. Her nails could have done with a new shade of polish, but besides that, they were well groomed and looked after. Alissa came from an upper class family, and she simply would not be seen in public dressed like a homeless person.

Finally, the class ended and she stood up out of her chair. With a bored roll of her eyes towards the Professor, she picked her hand bag up and slung it over her shoulder. Heading for the door, she noticed a girl heading for it, trying to get through before Lissa did. "Don't even think about it." her voice threatening as she stared maliciously at the girl. She noticed that it was a girl she had had problems with a while ago. The girl was a mudblood. If looks could have killed, the scum would have been dead and on the floor within seconds. However, Lissa wasn't stupid enough to start a fight with a girl in front of a Professor. Glaring at the girl, she walked through the doors, and felt a hand instantly grab her wrist, pulling her forward. She didn't even have to look to know who it was. She could smell her brothers cologne miles away, and no one in the school would have dared touch her other than him. Alexei knew that Lissa hated it when he played with her hair. Smacking his hand way, gently but enough to tell him to stop, she rolled her eyes as she stood next to him. "Alexei, haven't you got some innocent little girl following you around that can entertain you? I'm not in the mood." she said, looking around for the mudblood girl who had crossed her just minutes before. No sight of her. That annoyed Lissa more than Alexei playing with her hair. 'Great, she's gone. Now how am i supposed to punish her?' she thought to herself, an annoyed expression overcoming her face. Looking back at Alexei, she noted his lack of clothing. "Where on earth are your clothes?" she asked him, her tone unimpressed. She hated mothering him. She was the eldest twin by mere seconds, but she liked to enforce the fact. However, in instances like these, she hated having to look out for her twin brother. He could be a pain at times.

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