Do I know you?

Blaise Masters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blaise walked along the shallow edges of a riverbank, completely lost in thought. He had been wandering out here for a few days, and he didn't even know why he was here himself. Blaise didn't want to be found by anybody, that he knew really, but knowing his luck he would be found by an Auror, and a serious one. Blaise wouldn't mind though, company was good for somebody to find, and that would make it interesting enough for him.

He sighed, and looked around the place, there was nobody around except a few animals. Starting a light jog he set off into the forest, not exactly caring about where he was going, or what he was doing, he was here for now, and he would try and make the most of the time he had. He chuckled softly as he ran, stopping at the other side of the forest, not bothering to look around he settled infront of a tree. Glancing at the area within his peripheral vision.
After a long day, researching and doing some paperwork, Amauri decided to go for a long walk. The wind caused the trees to whisper, and it ran through Amauri’s short, caramel hair. His vibrant blue eyes revealed nothing short of lack of humor, and the man was a serious one, much more serious than when he was in school, as Ravenclaw prefect and Head boy. Back then, he wasn’t as serious, even when his father died. But it was not until he lost his mother and his wife when he became like he was. Amauri is not one to be messed with or joked around with. Amauri was often joked about the office that he did not have a humerus; because he lacked humor.

His hands went into his pockets of his muggle jacket. Amauri had nothing left to do, and his mind went to one woman. Nastasia. He had no idea where she had gone to, and just hoped that she was all right. He would have to send a letter to her one of these days. Amauri heard some footsteps, and his vibrant blue eyes landed on a younger man, one recognizable from the office. Another auror? Perhaps. Amauri normally was not the type to approach someone, familiar or no. Amauri could not recall the name for the life of him.
Blaise turned to look next to him, he saw somebody that looked familiar to him, he was sure he worked with him. Though he had no idea who it was. He was hopeless with names, a fact that nobody should forget, even though he did sometimes. He searched through his mind trying to think of who they were. He stood up, trying to get a better look at them. He couldn't picture it in his mind, so he gave up for the time being, he was out here, and that was good enough for Blaise.

Walking over to him, even though he wasn't entirely sure if that was such a good idea, he drew his wand. "Howdy, friend. What brings you out here?" He asked, making use of the word 'friend', in order to mask his own horrible memory. He didn't know what the other Auror was doing here, maybe he lived around here, maybe he just came wandering like he did. He didn't know, but he was determined to find out something. He kept his wand obscured from view, in case there was anybody else lurking nearby.
Amauri heard footsteps, and his hand did not reach for his wand that was in his pocket as he would if this was not a familiar stranger. Amauri was more or less a stranger in this country anyway, having transferred from the French Ministry to New Zealand on the count of the fact that Amauri needed to get away from his life there, because of all the bad memories. Even there, his name seemed to be known. It was not a life he liked very well, having to worry over his only son because Vincent bore the last name the same as he. It was because of him – Amauri – being an Auror and his wife too, got her killed because of some past events.

The words seemed friendly, even for someone who worked on the same level as he. Amauri presumed this younger man to be an Auror as well, and that was one thing that Amauri was sure of. This man worked as an Auror. “Just walking,” answered Amauri in a low, soft voice. Amauri was terribly quiet, and it was just the way he was. Even at school, he was the very same way. “I live not far from here.” But where, Amauri would not reveal. There was a neighborhood close by – perhaps five minutes away via apparating for he living very close to Brightstone. A brick house – small and cozy – was his. It was a change from a large mansion he lived in before. Amauri preferred the smaller life. And now, money isn’t as sufficient to the Chevalier’s anymore. "I do not recall your name, I am afraid," his French accent now stood out firmly.
Blaise hadn't known this guy to live anywhere near here, but then again, most Auror's liked to keep the exact place they lived a big secret. There was a big chance there could be spies in the Auror office, but nobody knew exactly who those people were. Blaise shrugged it off, and turned back to him, he still couldn't remember his name, and by the look on his face, he didn't even remember his. Blaise didn't mind this though, he was used to people forgetting his name, he couldn't say anything bad about it though.

Blaise frowned a little when he said he forgot his name, and he realised he had been right about it all. He chuckled slightly at the man, and said, "I'm Blaise, and I must admit, and I don't recall yours either." Blaise admitted, a little bit embarassed by the fact, but not overly perturbed. He had a legitimate reason for not being able to remember this guys name, he hadn't really spoken to him at work, let alone outisde it. But the guy seemed nice enough, so he would make a good effort to make a good first impression on the man.
Amauri was embarrassed as well, that he could not remember the name. However, he did not feel bad or even remotely angry that this younger male did not know his name. He only really hung around Edward Stanton at the office, seeing that both were schoolmates, prefects (though Edward was a Gryffindor) and Amauri won Head Boy, but that did not separate the friendship that ended up forming after a while when both sought out being Aurors. Amauri’s blue eyes blinked once, and he heard the man’s name.

“Pleasure to meet you, Blaise, formally and for the first time,” Amauri held out his hand to shake Blaise’s. The French accent had yet to wear off of Amauri, and neither has the obvious coldness and shyness he possessed. “Amauri is my name.” It was best if one man gave out his first name, then should the other one. Amauri was not the type to be rude with someone unless he had a reason to. Aurors had some suspicion against one and another, well the newer ones, but Amauri had been in this game for a while, a long while. There was enough background checks to make sure that there were none of those vile Death Eaters in the Ministry. If Blaise was an Auror, which Amauri was sure he was, then he could be trusted even for a few moments.
Blaise knew that this person was an Auror, and he could see he was a little bit embarrassed that he couldn't remember Blaise's name, but he didn't mind, and it didn't worry him at all, it happened all the time, literally. Blaise didn't hang around many people from work, and he could usually only ever remember the names of people he hung out with, or people he saw on a regular basis, he had no idea why that was though. Blaise was a simple minded kind of person, and it was that fact that annoyed him sometimes. Blaise didn't like to know that he had a weakness, but some things couldn't be helped.

Blaise turned back to him when he introduced himself, and said it was a pleasure to meet him. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, and I'm glad to be able to get to know somebody from work a little bit better. I never do get many chances to do things like that." Which was true enough, Blaise usually kept to himself outside of work, so it was usually more his fault then anybody elses. Blaise shrugged the thoughts off, and wondered what he would be doing out here for the rest of the day, he didn't care at all, but he just liked to know where he was going. Blaise would probably find out soon enough, he had no ideas, so maybe Amauri did.
Amauri realized completely and fully now that this man was an Auror. Like himself, Blaise kept to himself – somewhat. Amauri did nothing but, however he still noticed some people walking by and such. This was why he could recognize some Aurors, just never the new ones. His memory may be lacking as he aged, but at least he could recall on some hopeful de ja vu when he needed it. Still, Amauri had no idea what to expect out of Blaise, so naturally, Amauri’s guard was up, even if he did not feel anything dark from the man as he had felt from his former best friend.

“Not many people from our work do. I only have my days off – as rare as that is – to spend with my only son, but he is graduating however. I suppose getting to know co-workers is a good idea for the both of us,” Amauri’s voice was soft, almost fragile and wondering. Amauri was a soft spoken man, having lost his father to Death Eaters, having lost his wife to them as well for simply being an Auror and married to Amauri. He drew withdrawn and quiet, cold and harsh at times. There was a soft side to him, but it took a lot to bring it out. For the greater good, Amauri would even send his best friend to Azkaban if they were a criminal.
Blaise noticed him still being cautious around him, which was understandable, he didn't know much about Blaise. Blaise wasn't being particularly cautious, he knew he should be, but he wasn't. Blaise wasn't much for showing caution around people that he could tell were on his side, he was still deciding whether that was a good thing or a bad thing though. Blaise had enough enemies to know when to be cautious, and when to not be. There weren't many people who Blaise liked to distance himself from, and really the only people he did do so with were his enemies.

Blaise shrugged, Amauri wasn't his enemy at this point in time, so there was no need to keep his guard up. Blaise knew that he was probably being stupid by thinking like that though. Blaise looked up at Amauri, "Yeah, it usually is a good idea, that way we have people we can turn to in a crisis." He said, shrugging. Most Aurors would help on instinct, but you couldn't be sure about all of them.

Sorry. It's crap.
Amauri figured that he should put his guard down a bit. This man, this Blaise was an Auror, an evil-killer Amauri supposed. So, they were on the same side, and no need to be suspicious of one and another unless given a damn good reason. Amauri nodded in understanding, "That is right. I presume that Aurors are similar to a huge family, with the paperwork and such." They had to protect each other and they had to protect the community. They were huge in the society. Amauri needed to see that, instead of just looking in the dark all the time. But who could blame him after losing the love of his life?

But the future holds promises. Nastasia. Amauri still cared for her, and wondered where she went off to. He may have to send her a nice and polite letter. Meet up with him again, over a coffee or a dinner. Amauri's thoughts cut themselves short. He said, his voice not gaining an octave in dynamics, "In fact, would you like to come with me and get a coffee? Hopefully there is no excitement to be tend to today." Maybe Amauri liked coffee too much. But the caffeine is what helped him run, and the pie is what he loved for dessert on nights that were full of peace and quiet.

It's okay. I seriously don't know where this is going. XD
I presume just friendship.

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