Do I know you?

Sam Mintkin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
What a day! Sam had been busy all morning sorting out things at the garage and he was nackered! He strolled along Obsidian harbour feeling satisfied he'd done all he could. He went to brush his hair out of his face, when he noticed his hands were covered in oil, looking down at the sides of his jeans, his pockets where his hands had been half in, they were covered in it too. He gave himself a one sided smile and shook his head with a sigh.
It wasn't a particularly warm day, muggy would best describe it, only just warm enough to walk around in a t-shirt. He heard someone walking up behind him, he turned to see who it was.
Woody walked along Obsidian with a smiled on his face. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time. There was still things getting him down but he was mostly in a very good mood. He saw someone stood in front of him looking quite mucky. He walked over to the guy. "Looks like you need it to rain. Save you a shower." Woody smiled at his rubbish joke. "I'm Woody by the way. Woody Green. I would shake your hand but I want to keep mine clean." He laughed slightly.
"Jee, thanks." Sam rolled his eyes sarcastically, he looked back at his hands and laughed again. "I'm Sam Mintkin. And I think it'll take a bit more than rain to get rid of this muck." he smiled and shook his head knowingly.
Woody looked at the muck on Sam's hands. "What is that stuff anyway??" Woody knew absolutely nothing about cars as he had been brought up in a wizard family so he had no idea what the horrible black stuff was on Sam's hands.
Sam looked at Woody, he though it was obviouse what was on his hands, and it was quite recognisable, he found it hard to understand other people's way's of thinking, or in this case knowledge of Muggle ocupations. "Its oil, you know... from a car." He held his hands upright and wiggled his fingers, then rubbed them together, making some of the other indescript dirt fell of, "Ew."
Woody shrugged. "I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to muggle technology. I've been brought up in a very wizarding family." He smiled. "My dad's not exactly a fan of muggles and with what's been happening to my family in the past because of them I'm starting to dislike them myself." Woody didn't hate muggles as of yet but he was starting to dislike them more and more every day.
Sam gave an expression that simply said 'humm' "I don't really have an opinion on the muggles themselves," he glanced sideways and then back to Woody, "Exept I LOVE their cars." He said through grining teeth. "Its really quite cool once you get to know some stuff, like phones, (mobiles are great), i pods, laptops... the internet is amazing! But cars are really my thing." Once Sam got going on stuff like this, there was nothing that could stop him! (Maybe thats why Saphire changes subject so often - usually failing!)
Woody shrugged. "I have two aunts and both of them were killed ten years ago because of muggles. Their husbands died as well. My cousins had to come and live with me and my family and none of them have been the same since. They try and hide it but they don't do very well." Woody remembered messing around with Paul and Jasper when they were kids but the two of them were completely different ever since they saw their parents' bodies.
"Oh, umm... I'm sorry. I didn't realise." That changes things, he thought. He'd never realised that muggles could be a thret to the wizarding kind at all. He sort of saw himself at the top of the 'food chain' in a way. "Anyways... Where be you going on this bright fine day?" he said in a farmer's accent, looking up at the sky to see dark clouds smothering the sun - dramatic irony!

**I'm getting technical now HELP! ;) **
"Just heading back home." Woody smiled. "I haven't got anything else to do so I was just going home to get just as bored as I already was." He looked around at the horizon then back at Sam. "I wouldn't exactly call it a fine day but then I'm from Sydney. Well...London originally but Sydney after that." Woody had lived in London with his family until he was four so he didn't remember it much. They had moved to Sydney after that and then about a year ago they moved her to New Zealand.
"You lived in England? Wow, me too. In fact I lived in London too, but we moved here when my..." Sam seemed to dry up "Sorry... Before my parents and little sister passed away." Sam hadn't thought about them in a long time, it was his way of dealing with things: not to deal with them.
"Sorry to hear about that." Woody was never good with the comforting thing but he tried his best. "My cousins moved to our house in Sydney when their parents died. Only one of the five of them have moved out so far." Woody laughed slightly. A few people had been moving out but only one of his cousins were gone.
"Well, if you've got nothing else to do, you wanna come for a drink?" Realising this sounded like an invitation to a pub, and Sam being only 17, he quickly added "Coffee I mean... Coffee. I'm not in for the whole under age drinking thing." Whow embarising, shut up Sam, the voice in his head told him.
Woody laughed when he realised Sam was a goody-two-shoes. "You need to loosed up a bit mate. Believe me, breaking the law a little bit is fun." He shrugged. He didn't make a huge habit of it but it was fun every now and then. "I'm up for it though. Nothing else to do so might as well."
Sam had tried alcohol before, but only on days when it was special occations, like christmas, birthdays weddings and stuff. His parents used to let him drink then, but since he moved in with his uncle, things had gotten a LOT stricter, he wasn't even allowed to be out after 10 at night. And it was even worse for his little brither Caleb, when their uncle found out Caleb had a girlfriend, he went crazy at him! He got grounded for two months, only allowed to do school work and read, and he was made to dump her! Luckily for Caleb, he was at Hogwarts now, Sam wasn't so fortunate! "Well, you wanna go somewhere for a proper drink then?" meaning something stronger than coffe, And just hoping his uncle didn't find out!
Woody grinned. "That's more like it." Woody had spent his whole life influencing people to go against the rules and have fun. His mum had come down hard on him because he'd dragged his twin brother into everything he did. David was much better behaved than Woody and he only agreed to help Woody with whatever he wanted to do because then Woody could have someone to stop him from going too far. Woody just loved having fun and people ended up looking at his side of things all the time.

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