Distorted Memories

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi was suffering a bit. Ever since Eden's accident Hoshi had been trying to help her and that meant she had to be in all five senses as not to mess anything else. Hoshi had given up the potions that made her wind down. She still used the ones that woke her up all day because she knew that if she stopped all at once she would go into withdrawal and be useless to everyone. She had weakened the doses though and this made Hoshi itch a bit to take more but she couldn't. If she was going to be any use to her sister she would control herself well enough. Hoshi sat in Eden's living room knowing that her sister was due to arrive from the Island of the Seers where she had been sent after what happened.

Hoshi was sure that Eden would get here well enough but just to make sure she had threatened everyone that was overseeing her sister's safety with not only them dying but their entire family tree. Aunts, cousins, even the crazy long lost blood relative that no one talked about finished, destroyed and made for the face of the earth to forget they ever existed. Hoshi was taking no chances when it came to the well being of Eden. They may have fought the last time they met because of her self destructive ways but she was working on them. Hoshi was working to make herself better in hopes that Eden too would get better. Silently she waited for her sister.
Eden looked at the house that was hers and tried to remember it. When nothing came to her Eden shook her head. Even after months of being locked away on an island with seers and the best doctors the Koshiba could find Eden still could not remember anything about herself. If anyone found that out they would send her back. Thinking about that place scared her. Being there didn't help her if anything it made her worse. Walking up the pathway Eden paused to look at the front garden. It was a lovely place but it could have been anyone's house. None of it meant anything to her. Stopping in front of the door Eden placed her hand on the knob and entered her house.

Right away Eden wanted to leave. There where pictures of her with a baby everywhere. Realizing that this baby was her daughter Aine that everyone kept talking about Eden stepped closer to look. She was a cute baby and looked very much like her mother. It was a shame that Eden didn't remember her and there was no feeling for her. Shaking her head Eden let a fake smile cross her face as she touched a picture. There let them think I am remembering my daughter. Eden thought to herself as she walked into the living room where her sister Hoshi sat Eden kept the smile on her face. "Hoshi its so good to see you. It's been ages. How are you?" Eden asked taking a seat next to her sister. Wondering if she should have hugged her or not.
Hoshi looked at Eden strangely before taking her sister into her arms and hugging her. "Eden it's me Hoshi. We basically run half the Japanese underground together don't tell me you don't remember that." She said with a half smirk on her face. They only saw each other at parties as of late but they used to be quite a pair before her addiction got the better of her. Hoshi was happy though that at the very least she remembered her daughter. Last Hoshi heard Aine had been up half the night crying for her mommy and no one knew how to tell her that mommy had to be way for a while. Hoshi herself had never really interacted with Aine. She was her niece that was true but she had never felt to urge to pay much attention to the girl.

"Sit, sit. The Seers and Healers should have treated you well while you where way. Now tell how you feel and if there's anything I can have brought to you." Hoshi said with a while smile. Money was not an object. The three headed pup she had at one of the meetings with the directors had been one example of that. It had been a show of power really and once the meeting was over Hoshi had had the thing taken to one of the caretakers for them to deal with. She could still visit it outside her house when she wanted to but there was never any intensive for her to do so. It dawned on Hoshi she didn't really want to do anything while under the influence except what she had been instructed to do and what was expected of her to do. In retrospect Hoshi found that she lead had lead a rather boring life while. The bits and pieces that she allowed herself to remember anyway.
Eden had to fight to relax when her sister hugged her. Why did it feel so weird to be touched by her family? Hearing Hoshi mention running an underground anything Eden forced another smile. "Of course I remember. Don't be silly who could I forget me and you doing all the crazy things we did." Eden said hoping that she had said enough to get her sister off the topic of them working together. Feeling her heart start to pick up Eden had to change the subject to something safe. But what was safe? Eden didn't remember anything about her life. So in a sense nothing was a safe subject for Eden right about now.

"Yes everyone was great. It was Ms. Koshiba this and Ms. Koshiba that. Anything I wanted I got. Well except for letting me see Aine. They have kept her away. All anyone says is that she is with my mother." Eden said sounding irked about the whole thing. There let Hoshi think that the only thing on my mind is my daughter. That will show people I am well. Eden sat back and looked around the living room. "So I trust that everything has been running smoothly since I have been away." Eden said fishing for clues on the life she used to live.
Hoshi smiled wide but could see that there was something off about how Eden smiled. She had seen her face light up before and this wasn't it. Now could she not remember striking fear in the hearts of men and thug alike. The princesses of the underground. Hoshi was the mistress of the chemicals while Eden was the lady of the darkness. Titles that had been given to them in such a short time that they had been working on everything that they where working on. There wasn't a club in Japan that didn't owe Hoshi something and Eden, well everyone knew that if Eden was in the building someone was going to die. The sisters of Joy and Sorrow. If Eden didn't remember that it would just break Hoshi's heart. Their reputation and the closeness that she had her sister shared where the only things that where good in her life at the moment. Kimihiro was being his normal stuck up self and the family didn't care one wit about her as long as she fulfilled her roll with in the families. Eden had cared enough to yell at her when her addictions where going from bad to worse. "Good I was afraid that i had lost my best friend as well as my sister"

Hoshi looked at her strangely again. "Of course you wouldn't be able to see her. How much damage would it have brought upon a little girl if she had found that her mother no longer remembered her. No better she stay with Ms. Le Fey, her home is much more suited to taking care of Aine. The manor has nannies of course but Mom says that a real mother's touch is needed and Haruhi is much to busy with her own twin boys." She said with as she thought of her little brothers. She should have been proud of the two little boys. Hoshi knew that if the myth was true than everyone had a headache and a half to come. Hoshi wondered if it was not too late to add her influence in her little brothers. Hoshi leaned back and crossed her legs while she summoned the public planner that was now networked along most of their contacts too. "Oh of course. I put some temporary personal assistants in your place and directed them with what they had to do and say." She said looking over her work.

"Now I gave your apologies Raden and pushed back your meeting with them as far as I possibly could. You meet with him and his team. I will have clean up on stand by just in case Raden doesn't realize how last this chance is for him to shut down his exports. We don't take kindly to those that try to smuggle without paying dues first." She said with a smirk. Of course Eden knew this. They where a powerful family after all and whatever went in or out of Japan had been through their hands at one point or another. For someone to try and take things out of the country without them knowing about it was next to impossible. "That's on Tuesday. Monday your PA was to show up at a meeting of Governors for Wizarding Sports International if you feel up to it you can go but if not I will tell the PA that she still needs to dress up." Hoshi said with a slight chuckle. Hoshi turned the planner towards Eden after that. "The rest you can organize how ever you please. Nothing overly important that I haven't seen to myself." She said brightly. Hoshi had felt the difference without her downers but she had to be careful because the uppers where going to be harder to get out of her system.
Eden could tell that Hoshi knew something was different about her. This would a lot harder than Eden had first thought. If Hoshi found out her secret would she send Eden back? The answer was yes before they had let Eden come home they told her that if she wasn't all the way better they would bring her back and this time they would never let her go home again. There was nothing more dangerous than a Seer with no memory of who she was or her family. Knowing that she had to pretend for a few more hours than Hoshi would leave and Eden could start searching her house looking for clues about the life she didn't remember. "Hoshi's there no way that I could ever forget about you. After everything we have done together to forget about you would be like forgetting myself." Eden said enjoying the way the lie fall so smoothly from her lips as if she had been doing it her whole life.

The more they talked about Aine, Eden felt a breath catch in her throat. She couldn't remember being pregnant or giving birth or even the little girls life up to that point but Eden still felt something for the child. "Well now that all of that is past we will need to arrange it so that she is back in my care. What would people say if I left Aine in the care of my mother now that I am healthy again." Eden said standing up to look around. Realizing that she did't want to see more things that she didn't remember. Eden sat down and looked at the planner thing that was in Hoshi's hands. That thing was crazy looking. Did Eden own one of those? If so how was she supposed to make it work. "Have they been doing a good job while I was away?" Eden asked trying to sound like she didn't really care.

"Have Tohoru meet with Raden. I have no interest in dealing with him and his sob stories anymore. Also have Tohoru bring Lilith with him. Its high time that she starts learning her job for the family. I am sure that this will excite her." Eden said all of this smoothly. She had to fight to not smile and give herself away. See Eden no one will ever know that your still not well. Eden thought to herself. Listening as Hoshi was laying out her schedule for her Eden frowned. "Let's have a PA go for me instead. I have better things to do." Taking the planner Eden looked at it and didn't know how to make it work. Taking out her wand Eden tapped the box marked Monday. Everything went blank the planner went black. "Did I just break it?" Eden said sounding very unsure of herself.
Hoshi narrowed her eyes slightly. "I made sure of it. Any mistakes and it would mean a deal spoiled and we don't want that. She said with her hand up. She nodded though. "We can tell Ms. Le Fey that Aine can come back to you now. You may want to redecorate her room for the occasion or something like that. I'll put in the calls of course." She said testing her a bit. Eden before would insist on remaking Aine's room before she came back and then having a mother daughter day out. Aine was her life and soul. The proof where the pictures on the walls and desks some where Aine by herself all reaching for the frames or something like that while some where Eden with her daughter. Hoshi didn't know if she would be the same way with her future child but she hoped that she loved the child that much. Then again she didn't think she would spoil her own child quite as much as Aine was spoiled.

A chill went up Hoshi's spine when she said the next thing. "Are you mad? Tohoru wouldn't have the stomach for this kind of meeting and Lilith would help them get way just to spite the Families! Of course if you don't feel up to it I can easily arrange for Sunako take over. She can get the job done. I would go myself but then I would be the Mistress of Pleasures if I did. It has nothing to do with my particular brand of exports." She said looking at Eden as if she had lost her ever loving mind. Tohoru finish a protection job? They might as well get one of the slaveborns to do the job. He wouldn't know where to start. Hoshi also trusted Lilith as far as she could throw her which in retrospect could be quite far but still.

"I'll let Aimicho know that she's still needed." She said looking taking a quill out of thin air before screaming. She took back her planner with a snap and looked at Monday to see it had gone blank meaning that all the Monday squares through out their network would be blank too. "Damn it Eden that's ten different mirror calls I have to make not to mention the apologies that I have to make to the board. You know better than that!" Hoshi cried before quilling the appointment back into the square. She took out a device that looked like an cell phone only with no buttons or any of the gadgetry that a smart phone would come with. Pictures of people started to flick by one by one until she found one that she was looking for. Her deep brown eyes looked up at Eden before stating "Well you would have known better."
Eden wasn't sure why Aine coming back would be cause for Eden to change everything around. "No I am sure that Aine's room is fine the way it is. I will have someone dust it and make sure that everything is clean. There's no need to waste money." Eden said wanting her house empty so that she could just relax. Sitting her next to her sister was starting to become really stressful. Eden just wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to to pretend that everything was perfect and normal.

Hearing Hoshi snap Eden flinched. Yea pretending to be well was going to be harder than it should have been. "I'm sure that Sunako can handle it. Don't yell at me. I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. You try being on the wrong end of a curse and let me know how your brain handles it." Eden said hotly. If she just sounded hurt that Hoshi was even questioning her ideas than maybe she could get through this meeting and Hoshi would go back to there family and tell them that she was in perfect health and they could leave her alone.

Before Eden could tell her sister that she needed a nap Hoshi let out a scream and Eden screamed. "Hoshi I'm sorry! I don't remember how to work that damn thing. Why would you even give that stupid thing to me. You know I hate those things." Eden said no longer knowing what could be close to being the truth and what was so far from the truth it was just an outright lie. All of Edens plans for pretending everything was fine where gone. There was no way Hoshi or anyone else was going to buy Eden's story. "Hoshi you have to help me. I don't remember anything and I can't be sent back to the island. If I am they wont let me leave." Eden pleaded with her sister hoping she hadn't just thrown her life away.
Hoshi knew the moment Eden said 'waste of money' There was no such word for a Koshiba girl. Everything they did was to make money and the Families where richer than god. She was jabbering on a Japanese the person she had called so she put a wait finger up to Eden. She hung up then started to look for her next call. "They would let you go once you where better. But the Island would have been punishment for you at one point. That whole Selwin episode that we all wish to forget" She said shaking her head but her neatly done hair didn't more from it's spot. It was as if Hoshi where charmed to look absolutely perfect at all times. Hoshi brought the mirror back to her ear and started to speak very fast in Japanese again. The call lasted about a minute because she hung up again. Again she started to look for her next contact.

"If your really that scared of what's going to happen if you go back I'll keep your secret but you are going to have to stick close to me for the time being. One word out of line and we're might as well start packing your bags." Hoshi said looking at her sister her eyes now wide and caring. It was amazing how much emotion she had been blocking out too. She was starting to really feel things. She liked it but it was scary as well. At the moment she wished for nothing more than a calming potion so she could do things more logically but then she found that she was doing just fine at the moment. She heard yelling over the mirror which she wasn't having. A couple of well please threats and everything calmed down again. "This is what my life looks like from time to time Eden don't worry about it just sit down and have some tea. I'll make sure that no one knows you're mind is still on vacation." She said before snapping her fingers for a butler to come and serve them.

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