
Liliana Matthias

Well-Known Member
Hemlock Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Veela Hair
Holding the smooth white cane at waist level, Liliana easily made her way through the crowd and down the street of Brightstone Village. The light taps she made in front of her informed her that it was clear to keep her walking pace. The atmosphere of the town felt peaceful and happy. Happy, Liliana almost wished she knew what happiness looked like another human being. Being born blind had it is disadvantages and advantages. On the down side, Liliana was missing out on a lot and she had come to terms with that missing feeling. There was a lot to see out there but she never had a chance to experience any of it. Liliana could not see the beauty of the flowers, the ugly Christmas lights her sister had describe to her when their mother put them up on a holiday, fireworks, and she did not even know what her own parents even looked like. A person with sight could never comprehend how hard it was to imagine things when one could never see what it looked like. Whenever Liliana tried to picture something in her head she was almost ninety percent sure that her guess was off from what it looked like. Her way of seeing was based off her other senses. A flower she had never seen but she could guess by the texture, the smell, and description she was given of it by others that it was something nice to the eye. Liliana could never experience it in sight. Nothing in her life could be based upon her sight, Not even whether it was night or day for her. Her sight was completely missing and it had always been like that. Liliana had been blind so long that she no longer desired the ability to see. The only thing she did find negative about all of this was that society probably deemed her as a physical nuisance to them. Blind people little to contribute to the world and Liliana was sure that like the many others she would be cast aside completely as an outcast if it had not been for one difference in her. Liliana could not see herself but she did have another interest thing about herself. Being Part-Veela was apparently something that people appreciated in a person. Liliana was called beautiful and elegant often. Not that it would ever matter much to a person who could not see to prove it to themself. Beauty was nothing to her but why did it seem so important to everyone else?

It was a monday. A nice and sunny monday. That was what the kids in her school were saying at least. Liliana clutched her small purse to her side and felt the feather earrings hanging from her ear brush against her cheek softly as her head turned to the side. The crowed seemed to get thicker from what Liliana could feel and she grew worried that she would not be able to get through the crowd. Stopping abruptly Liliana felt a larger body brush upon hers. Liliana tensed up and let her purse fall from her hands to the ground. Liliana bent down and started to feel her hand around the street to try and feel part of the purse so it could be picked up. But she did not know how hard it might have fallen away from her body. It made her feel stupid to be crouching down and feeling around in the wrong direction. Those on the streets probably thought she looked like a mental case. No one must htink that she was blind or needed help either. No one offered so she continued to search around for it.
Tristane Matthias was a fresh graduate, somewhat at least. He recently graduated from Durmstrang with flying colors. Tristane was thinking about dropping out, but the thing was, his sister, Nadine, and the rest of his family except for his little brother, Troxa, believed that muggles and mudbloods were all equals and they loved them. Tristane was a good Durmstrang lad, who thought that they were scum of the earth, and hoped that the Death Eaters would be taking care of them. Tristane would never be one because he was too chicken to even use a curse like the Unforgivables. Tristane was currently taking care of Troxa, both having changed their last names to Matthias, to get away from the Toralba family and their muggle loving attitude and maneuvers. Tristane was actually someone who liked to travel the world, and he was stopping by New Zealand while his brother was at school, in Durmstrang. It seemed awfully warm here and he was wondering why in the world had he had wore a leather jacket. Man, if it gets any warmer here, I will be sweating pigs! Tristane adjusted his leather jacket and he smirked at the others around him. He wondered what the people were like here. He had a deep Russian accent, and some people really liked that accent. He could make others bow to his accent but that was not what he was here for. He heard that New Zealand had this awesome mall, and he was looking around a place called Brightstone Village for the mall. He had no idea what this was about. Tristane thought that he would be around this place somewhere. He could not even think that he would have been lost here in New Zealand. The country was a little small.

The people here seemed to be a little warmer as he walked down the streets with his hands in his pockets, his black sneakers pounding the cobblestone. Tristane sometimes worried about Troxa, seeing that the boy was a little out of it, but no one would really notice. Tristane didn't notice for a long time actually. Perhaps it was the whole 'abandoning the family and for your own views' thing hitting in. Tristane did not pressure it, and it was not his fault that his little brother wanted to be so much like him. Troxa was just fifteen anyway. He was pretty young. Well, he was young to Tristane. The sun shone, and the rays bounced off of his brunette hair, and his ember eyes shone with brilliance. He did not like the sun that much, because his eyes looked even more gold than ember, which was what he liked. Tristane glanced over at the other side of the sidewalk, over the road, and he saw some very pretty, and young, blonde girl drop her purse. Tristane then thought that everyone was rude because they were not even helping her! Tristane was kind of an ass himself, but man, this was a pretty girl, he could not turn one down! Tristane went over to her, and he bent down. He wondered what the white stick thing was for, but he ignored that, and he reached for her purse. He spoke, holding it out to the girl, "Um, here, you dropped this." Tristane tried to get a good look at what her eyes looked like because he had seen many colors in his life. His own was weird, and he wanted to see what colors hers were. It was funny too, the way he spoke because it sounded more like, "Um, here, you dropped zis." His voice was deep and suave, but right now, he was just being rather nice to someone who dropped her purse.
A startled jump left Liliana's skin when she felt someone kneel down next to her. Since she was not able to see when someone came next to her she had to rely on other senses to pick it up instead. Liliana did not know who the person was yet exactly but she could sense that this man or women was much larger in size compared to her petite figure. When the body finally spoke and Liliana was able to hear his voice she knew that it was a man, most likely in his late teen's to early twenties. Liliana turn her head in the direction of the man's voice and her hand followed right after. His accent was different to hear ears but Liliana was able to pick up from the strange pronounced words that he had her purse that she had dropped on the ground. That was kind of him to pick it up for her. Liliana figured that he must not have realized that she could not see though because he did not hand it to her personally. Many people Liliana received help from did not realize that she was not able to see them until it was too late for them to take back their moment of stupidity. Liliana never did hold it against them. Unless they have been around a blind person for awhile it is hard to tell the signs. the white can and misty eyes were usually the first sign that people who did recognize blindness learned to identify. "Thank you." Said Liliana. Her hand went out and she felt around the man's arm to see if she could feel a small piece of the purse material. No luck for her so far. All Liliana could only feel was the fabric of the man's top. This was an awkward moment. Liliana felt bad that she had to feel around him to find the purse. Until he figured out that she could not see though, he would have to put up with it. Liliana's smooth hand accidentally grazed across what she thought was his cheek. Liliana had moved her arm around too much because it went from feeling around his arm to his face. The gritty stubble against her fingers brought Liliana to pull her hand away in a rushed manner. Liliana felt the purse as her hand slipped past and she took it from the man.

Liliana's arm recoiled and brought it back to her side. She would have to be careful and not let it drop again. "I am so sorry! Blindness has its negative sides. Unfortunately that was one of them." Liliana lowered her face to look at the ground for a moment. She could not really see it but unconsciously that was where he gaze ended up going. Liliana was truthfully very embarrassed about this. Here was this nice person helping her and she had invaded his personal space. Liliana was not able to see the look on his face right now and Liliana was thankful that she could not. He could look disgusted by her behavior. "I am walking away now. Thank you so much for your help once again you are very kind." Liliana said in a rush. Liliana did not even pay attention to the direction she went into but she felt herself bump into the man assisting her. Now she was just making herself look silly. Liliana breathed out and slipped a apology to her helper. She was starting to wish she still had her big sister Zinnia to be here. Liliana was able to bring herself around so she could not bump into the man again and clutched her cane carefully so she could walk away.
Tristane was just a little surprised when this girl that had dropped her purse onto the floor, she did not seem to know where it was. It was not really that hard to figure out where it was, but it never occurred to him that she was blind. He never knew a blind person before, so he would have never seen the signs even if they had smacked him in the face. Tristane was not that much older than her, so he did not think it wrong to think that she was amazingly pretty, and had this lure about her that he just would not really understand. Being from Durmstrang, they did not see many Part-Veelas around, so he had no experience with them and their charms to seduce and attract men. Tristane continued to hold her purse in his hand, releasing his grip on it so that she could easily pick it up from his hand. Her eyes still brought concern to his amber orbs. Tristane was a music teacher, teaching teenagers like himself to play instruments. They all seemed to enjoy it, being taught by someone who could play all instruments of a hard rock band decently. But his best by far was actually the trumpet. But he did not want anyone else knowing that. Tristane was a little unnerved when she started touching his arm, as if she could not see the purse. It was not until then it hit him. Her eyes, her touching, she was blind. Tristane felt rather embarrassed and ashamed. Why in the world had he not seen it before? Well, this would be his first time around with someone that was blind. He would not know what to do or what to say. "Your velcome," murmured Tristane. Though he did not catch on to how heavy his own accent was, as he thought that he was doing everything just right and fine.

Sooner or later, he would have to speak clearly, even though his accent was heavily on his words and his deep voice. Tristane felt her smooth hand touch his cheek, and then she pulled away in a fast motion, which he did not mind. He just smiled lightly. And then she retrieved her purse, but instead of pointing out that she was blind because well, she kind of knew that she was. He was curious, and even though he could be a downright big of an ass, he would try to be as nice as he could possible. But he was not going to fake his attitude. Tristane nodded and he smiled once more, before he stood up completely and dusted his knees off for leaning on the cobblestone. Tristane noticed that she was looking on the ground, and he said, "Hey, don't feel bad. You are getting around amazingly, and really left me fooled. Like, I never vould 'ave known." Tristane knew now, but he just shrugged as his smile faltered, and fell into an expression which was unreadable - not that she could see it anyway. Tristane was not really knowing what he should do. Should he help her get to her destination? Or should he just walk away and do his own thing as he was before? When she said that she was walking away, she bumped right into Tristane, which he had to choke and cough or else he would have laughed. But he did not want to seem rude at all. Instead, he went to place his hands on her shoulder, and turn her around but she did it herself. Tristane thought for a moment, but he went to walk next to her and he asked, "Hey, um, want to get a cup of hot chocolate or a soda? I'm Tristane by the way, Tristane Matthias." Perhaps treating her like a real person without a handicap would be a change, but he did not know or anything. He just wanted to see what she was like, and how she got around. One could not help but be curious.
Liliana was able to listen to the guy's accent again when he spoke. He told her that she was welcome. At least he did not seem upset that she had invaded his personal space by accident. Some people reacted badly to it and Liliana get a negative response from them. This guy must either be a gentleman or he figured out that Liliana could not see so she did not mean to do what she did. "I like your accent. Are you from Russia?" Liliana forced the the embarrassment away by distracting him with another conversation. Maybe he would forget that she did that and let his mind focus on what she had just asked. Liliana did not actually know where his accent was from. She guessed when she asked if it was Russian. Her father had this this thing at home that Liliana's older sister described as a box with moving pictures inside of it that had people always talking too. Once or twice Liliana thought she heard a voice that sounded like the mystery mans. It was a different sound but Liliana sort of liked it. There was something different about him just like there was something different about Liliana. They both were asked about the thing that made them special but the guy probably did not have to worry about running into objects or aggravating people with his difference. He was not always needed of assistance. Liliana always needed help when she was around something new. Something new meant that she was needing of a description before she did something. It helped her work her way around learning what it was and how she was supposed to tell it apart from everything else. Liliana could think back to the first time she tried using a pair of scissors. Her father did not like to talk about that day but it did involve her cat and some missing fur. Liliana regret what happen to poor Letty. That was where they learned the lesson not to give her scissors until she knew what they were actually used for. Liliana's two hands both gripped the top of her walking stick and she let the bottom of it rest on the ground while holding it at the top.

The guy was not angry with her. Liliana relaxed a little bit but she still kept holding her walking stick as if she were ready to start walking away from him. Liliana smiled a little. The guy told her that she got around pretty well and that she left him fooled. That was sweet of him to say. Liliana noted that she was able to fool a lot of people she met around here. "Why thank you. It is only because I know this area though. If you placed me somewhere I did not know the area of well then I would not do very well." Liliana could not really take a compliment well. She knew that she was blind and that was different to most people. They thought of her as a freak. This man was likely to be no different than the rest of them. He coughed and choked and Liliana hoped he was going to be okay. Liliana was not close to being able to fix injured people so he would be out of luck if he was. The walk away from him did not stay without him for long because she could feel a presence walking next to her. Her walking stick tapped along the ground to make sure there was nothing in her way. The guy she met a moment ago spoke to her again and Liliana retracted the walking stick to her side and turned her head in his direction. His voice signaled where he was. The guy asked her if she wanted to get some hot chocolate or a soda. Liliana was sure that she was going to blush any moment now. A boy had never asked her to do anything before until she started to attend the school in France. Now she got a lot of invite's. But they were always denied. "I uh don't know...." Liliana did not know if going with this boy was a good idea. Would getting something to drink with him be alright or should she just deny and get on home. "Tristane is a nice name. I am Liliana Chamberlin."
Tristane wondered what it was like for her to live in a world that she could not see. Colors and everything like that, the looks of a cat, the color... Mainly the colors which meant that she would not see the unique shade of his eyes. She would not be able to see how handsome he was, and he knew that he was one good looking boy too. His own little brother looked just like him too. Tristane was hot, from what all other women said, and he would never hear it from Tristane. Tristane was impressed with her knowledge and recognition of his accent. It must have been easy to tell because he spoke such heavy English. "Yes, I'm from Russia." It was really distracting him from the whole thing with her embarrassment. He added on, "Attended Durmstrang." He had to remember how to really say the word that one graduated, as he had a real hard time mixing those u's and a's together. So he just omitted that fact. He would need to really brush up on his skills. Not even Troxa could speak much English right now anyway. But they were slowly learning, and he actually used the article words when he remembered where to put them really. He just needed some assistance in speaking, but he was getting the hang of it. At least this was not when he first learned English and he accidentally insulted someone's wife. That was a horrible experience but it was funny, and if said in Russian, Tristane would have found that it was actually true. The wife was ugly, and there was no mistaking that. Her own haggard appearance made Tristane want to shower twice a day because looking at her made his skin crawl and he felt so dirty when he was around her. He did not know what to think of that woman, she had to be half troll or something. She was not even that bright. Needless to say, that person never set foot in that music class that he taught again. Tristane did enjoy the boy's artistic value at playing the trumpet, but someone better came around and then that was the end of that thankfully. He would never speak the word 'ugly' in the presence of a married man now.

It was strange that the girl seemed to want to down herself more than compliment it. He doubted that she would not really do well in an unfamiliar place. He just could not believe that. She seemed too well with that stick anyway, but there was that instance where she bumped into him and dropped her purse. Well, it was not like she could use sonic waves to locate everything. She was not part bat. Tristane almost laughed at that thought, but he did not. "Come now, I don't zink z...think that at all." Learning to place the 'th' sound with 'z' was a common mistake he had, but he always managed to catch it before he would ever the 'w' sound with the 'v'. He did not really know the difference between them just yet. He was trying not to revert back to his Russian language and confuse the girl. But he was really hoping that she would go for his invite, but he also had no idea how old she was or else he would have backed off a little bit. But it would not hurt in being friends at least. He was new around here and knew no one. And he was pretty outgoing, so he thought that maybe he could at least see how she would act around him. He liked the fact that she seemed to know where he was as she turned her head to see him. Not really see him but hear him rather. Tristane would need to learn to talk with blind people. Perhaps he was being selfish because she might be late going somewhere. He did not know nor would he. He smirked a little bit and he liked her name, Liliana. He did not know the Chamberlin family, so probably not pure-bloods, but he did not mind as long as she was not muggle-born. "I am just new to the area vith my little brother going to Hogwarts New Zealand here. Lovely to meet you, Liliana." He then stopped and asked, "Uh, how old are you?"
<COLOR color="#000">Liliana listened carefully and smiled ever so lightly when she heard him tell her that she was right and that he was indeed from Russia like she had guessed. It seemed like Liliana still had that gift to be able to tell a person by their accent. Liliana wished that she could see what someone from Russia looked like. Did they have brown hair? What did brown even look like anyways? Her father tried to describe colors to her various times but when she has never been able to see what a color looked like it was hard to imagine the description of a color. Liliana wished she knew what the color of a lemon looked like. Yellow. What was yellow like? Was it bright? Was it dark? Did it look funny? Liliana would never be able to experience colors but that was all right with her because she had learn to adjust without seeing for the colors. "I thought so." Liliana's voiced sounded cocky. "I am good at detecting accents." Liliana told him hoping that it would justify why she sounded so cocky a moment ago. Normally Liliana was quite sweet and gentle when she spoke to another. Liliana saw no reason to talk to someone like she was more smart or better. She did not even know this man. He could be more smart than she was. He could be better at knowing different accents better than she could. Liliana dearly wished she could see what this man looked like. There was a time or two when she felt like she was missing out on seeing what others looked like. She was missing out with what she looked like. Liliana remembered once when her sister had a boyfriend. His name had started with a J but Liliana could not recall what his name was. He was pleasant though. Zinnia said to her that she found him to be extremely cute. That he had the prettiest green eyes. How could one tell what looked pretty to them? Was green actually pretty? Liliana wondered to herself what did attractive look like when it was applied. How was it that people found so lovely about her.

Liliana felt a flutter of butterflies explode in her abdomen when the man had told her that he didn't think that at all. That Liliana would not be able to find her way around if she was placed in a foreign area. "No I really assure you, I am not good at navigating around in unfamiliar places. Think of yourself of being in a dark room. A room you have never seen before. That is what it would be like for me." Liliana described how it was like for her. Liliana decided to change the subject though. Earlier she remembered him telling her that he attended Durmstrang. Which meant that he no longer went to school. Or he dropped out. "So you said you attended Durmstrang? Did you graduate? I am still in school myself. I was able to convince my mother to let me attend Beauxbatons. I am in my sixth year." He might not care about her life. But Liliana was going to try and find herself a connection with this man. It would make Liliana feel less awkward about being around him. Liliana brought her hand forward and brushed some of her hair back to the position in front of her bony shoulders. She hated the feeling of hair within her face. It felt strange to Liliana. When the man asked how old she was Liliana furrowed her eyebrows. Why did he want to know how old she was? Did she look young to him? "Sixteen." Liliana replied.​
Tristane did not know how to interact with someone that was blind as a bat if not blinder. He was very nervous and one could tell it with the way he was moving and walking. Not to mention how his voice sounded right now. Normally he was just laid-back and all around cool guy but this girl had him behaving like a kind gentleman. It had to be her blindness and he did not want to disrespect her in any way. He did not want to at all. But how would one get around without being able to see? He did not understand it at all. Tristane wanted to sigh, but figured that since she did not have eyesight, her other senses were enhanced. He wondered if he could teach students about music without their eyes. But he did not think that it was in anyway possible. However what took Tristane by surprising and making his nervousness melt was the way the girl sounded when she successfully detected his accent. She sounded confident if not slightly cocky. She had to be good at something cause she was blind. So that was a plus. Laughing, he said, "Da, I believe zat you are good at zat. Very precise." Tristane was thoroughly impressed even though his accent could use with a little of lightening up before he threw in Russian words in there, which he had when he said 'Da' instead of 'Yes'. He could test her knowledge and see if he came from Northern or Southern Russia but he would probably not even get that right. He had moved around so much he had forgotten where he was from. Tristane would have no idea if she was right or not on that, so he decided to dismiss that idea. Tristane wondered if she could picture someone in her mind, and if she did, would she find him desirable?

The young Musician instructor truthfully could not imagine himself in a dark room all the time, and looking around for something that he did not know what it looked like at all. He could touch and listen, but the other senses were rather useless. He just could not do it at all. He could not live in extreme darkness. Tristane would not be able to survive in that type of condition. Tristane would not be able to live, eat, well he could breathe, but he did not know how this girl was able to do it so easily. Tristane smiled, which she may be able to tell with his voice, "You are humble. But I could never live like that unless I vas born blind... Probably the vrong zing to say, but I must ask, have you alvays been blind?" Tristane might be asking a personal question, because she might not know what she was missing out on, or if she knew what colors and stuff where. Plus it would help with his communication with her. And then she started up a good conversation about schools, and then he learned that she went to Beauxbatons, and she was in her sixth year. Tristane heard that it was a good school, but different than his. "Yeah, I graduated a couple of years ago. Beauxbatons is a nice school from what I have heard." He paused for a moment before asked, "Wait, you had to ask your mum to allow you to Beauxbatons?" Tristane might be asking personal questions but it was how he worked. He usually just said what came from the top of his head and did not filter it. He also heard her age, and knew that there was definitely a gap between them. "Molodoi (young). I asked because you seemed older. I am tv...wenty-one." It was obvious he was struggling with his English too.

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