Closed Discussions of Love

Stewart Maybank

stewie | stressed tm
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
09/2024 (27)
A year had passed. His shop had been running for a whole year. It had seemed impossible and certainly at the beginning even lasting a month would've felt impossible. But it wasn't, and the shop was doing okay a year in. They were making a tiny profit, but it was a profit and it was making things easier. The first thing he'd done was pay his assistant more, raising her wage, because really what he'd been paying her hadn't been enough. It was a little late in the day and he'd had an order for love potion and was trying to put it together. "I wonder what this potion would feel like," he said idly as he prepared the next ingredient for adding to the potion. Almost forgetting that Evan was next to him.
Evan had fallen into a comfortable routine, and she liked to think she and Stewart were friends by now. She just focused on the shop- in turn, focusing on him, as well, and doing her best to keep the both up and going. The shop was doing fairly well, she thought. They were working on some new potions- she was getting pretty good at being an assistant, and was going over a few orders, sitting in the back with him before the shop opened for the day. "Probably like being drugged," She offered. Personally, she didn't believe in love potions. "Nothing real, I think."
Stewie frowned a little, he didn't say anything immediately, he didn't know love at all, he didn't think he'd ever been in love or experienced love. Not that wasn't familial and strained because it was familial. The man sat back a little and looked at Evan, studied her for a moment. "What does real love feel like then?" he asked, wondering partly if she knew or if like him, she wouldn't be sure. Love and things of that sort had never been what he engaged with, always too busy and completely disinterested in stories about love.
Evan shrugged, still doing her work. "I'm not sure," She replied honestly. "I'm not exactly a role model for working relationships." She thought back to the two she'd had. "I literally moved countries to escape one. And the other just didn't work, in the end." She shook her head. "Have you never been with anyone?"
Stewie felt a little bad about asking given her response. He had known a little and should've maybe thought before he asked anything to her. But he hadn't. The man shook his head in response. "No, there was always something else to do," he said in response, he had never experienced love or a relationship, he wasn't sure he'd even ever experienced a crush. "Must be nice though..given that people do it often,"

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