Closed Dinner Party

James Michaels

Rebel- Photographer- Romantic- Healing- Uncle
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ten inch sturdy Cypress wood with Thestral hair core
6/30/2013 (49)
It had been a while since James had hosted a dinner party. Well, a party for four. He had spent all day cooking a nice beef roast, the meat was nice and tender and just falling apart, he had made some mashed sweet red potatoes, sauteed some fresh asparagus and onions and gotten fresh ingredients for a nice salad from his uncle Chalcedony, baked some fresh dinner rolls and croutons from scratch, gone to see his uncle and gathered a fresh bouquet of flowers for a centerpiece while he was there.

While he went about setting dinner up, he hummed softly. He was eager to have Christian and his wife over for dinner; he and Christian had worked together and been friends for a long time. While James was a little- well, a lot nervous about taking Colin back to the chaos that was a Michaels' family gathering, he felt like this was a good first step. Bringing Colin even further into James' life, showing the man he loved the people in his life while also showing off his outstanding good luck in finding someone as sweet and amazing as Colin was. James was so eager for tonight, happy and excited and nervous all rolled into one.

Their company would be their soon, and James couldn't wait for the night to get underway.
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Hosting a dinner party could be overwhelming in its expectations, both in the expectation to cook delicious food and spend the evening entertaining others. Even if that evening would only involve James, Colin, and another couple, the expectations remained the same and Colin felt overwhelmed with his own induced expectation to get along well with James' friends. As he sat comfortably on a bar stool, leaning his elbows on the kitchen island and drinking a glass of wine, he felt as if he wasn’t doing enough to help James organize the evening ahead, worried that there was something he should be doing that he had forgotten about. Colin picked up his glass and sipped from it, sighing as he watched James prepare dinner for everyone. “Love, are you sure you don’t want me to help? I feel useless sitting here with a glass of wine. Can I at least set the table?” Colin mused, looking around the kitchen. He admittedly was nervous to meet James’ friends, and fretted over getting along with them, and sitting in the kitchen drinking wine rather than helping out felt as if it wouldn’t bode well for him when the evening began. “I am excited to meet your friends, and I want to help, somehow.” He added, sipping from his wine again and hoping James would give him something to do to pass the time, and at least give him a chance to distract from his nerves.​
Teuila and Christian’s marriage had been tested recently (really, that was the best word to describe it) when his not-so-little brother had dropped in, threatened them both at wand-point, and whisked Christian away. When her husband had returned, he’d withdrawn to that space in his head where she couldn’t reach him. It was like when he was buried deep in a manuscript, except this time, he was miserable.

Their financial situation didn’t help. Neither of them had chosen especially stable careers, and now with Natia, they were stretched thin. Tilly and Sefina were growing like weeds.

So when Christian’s friend James invited them to dinner, Teuila nearly leaped at the opportunity. A sense of normalcy was welcome. She Apparated to the home in Brightstone Village, her arm linked with her husband’s. Teuila looked at the surrounding houses as she waited at the front step with Christian. It looked like a nice community.
Christian couldn’t shake the constant dread, although it had lessened over the months since he’d met with Ivaylo and Vixen. An anxiety had settled into his bones; talking about it was near impossible. Even writing his thoughts down was impossible. He felt like he was betraying his wife and his sister at the same time. But shutting himself away was a self-protective mechanism. Teuila understood that even if she hated it.

But Christian couldn’t turn down the invitation. He couldn’t hide away forever, and besides, Teuila might drown him in a cauldron if he didn’t say yes. And this was the first time James was introducing him to Colin, so he figured this was special.

Keeping his arm linked with Teuila’s, Christian knocked on the front door. He smiled at his wife. Christian was determined to enjoy himself, even for an evening. Christian carried a homemade chocolate pie, hoping it wouldn’t clash too much with whatever James and Colin had prepared.
James chuckled lightly as Colin spoke, putting the finishing touches on the roast and flicking his hand so the food and the table would set themselves. He turned to the counter, leaning on it and smiling at his boyfriend. "I have it handled, love. All we need now are-" he was interrupted by the knocking on the door. Chuckling, he leaned in, looking for a kiss. "Are our guests. Would you like to let them in while I wash up?" He asked, moving to brush Colins hair from his eyes. "Everything will be alright, love. I promise. If it isn't, I'll make it up to you after everyone has gone," he promised, giving Colin a saucy wink before turning to wash his hands at the sink.
Colin sighed quietly, leaning to prop his elbow on the counter and rest his head in one hand, while the other toyed with the stem of his wine glass. He watched James effortlessly flick his hand for the table to set itself, only turning from the food when James leaned in closer to him. Colin matched his boyfriend’s smile, leaning in for a quick kiss and a reverie from his nerves of meeting James’ friends. Although he was soon interrupted with a reminder of the evening ahead by a knock on the door. The sound forced Colin to look in the direction of the front door, then back to James. He stood up, leaning to give James a peck on the lips and leaving his wine glass behind to greet the guests. Colin squared his shoulders and opened the door, smiling at the couple standing on the doorstep. “Welcome, come on in.” He greeted. “You must be Teuila, wonderful to meet you, and you must be Christian, I’m Colin.” Colin introduced, reaching to shake Teuila’s hand and then looking to the pie Christian held. “Oh, that looks delicious, you can place it on the table, if there's room.” Colin added, smiling, and then turning to see where James was. “I have a bottle of wine open if either of you would like a glass.” He suggested, thinking the evening would begin right if everyone had a glass of wine in hand.​
Teuila smiled widely back at Colin when he pronounced her name correctly. So often, it was butchered, especially when she first met non-Samoans. “Hi, Colin, nice to meet you as well.” She shook her head when he offered wine. “None for me tonight, thanks, I’m driving,” she joked. Really, she was still breastfeeding Natia, but she wasn’t sure if this was the right crowd to share that much information with.
James had always spoken so highly of Colin, that it was nice to finally meet him. Christian nodded back to Colin in greeting and smiled. “Pleasure.” He carried the pie to the table as he was told. Smirking at his wife, he thought at least Teuila could get them home without splinching themselves. “I’d love a glass of wine, thank you,” he replied. Really, he could go for the entire bottle, but no use being greedy, now.
-godmods approved all around-

James smiled, drying off his hands and moving over to pull Christian into a hug. "Chris! Five seconds in and you already look too serious. Teuila I'm getting him drunk," He teased, turning to press a kiss to the womans cheek. "I'm so glad you two could make it," He beamed, moving over to pick up Colin's glass of wine and return it to him. He smiled, slipping an arm around Colin's waist. "You two really saved me the embarrassment of having to invite my brother over," James only half-joked, squeezing Colin lightly before moving again to get his own glass of wine and going to sit in his chair. "How are you two? Baby giving you trouble?" James teased softly, relaxing and looking to Colin with a sparkle in his eye.

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