Different Personalities

Heather Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
After being lectured by father for skipping French class, Heather decided to visit her older siblings, Hayley and Casper in New Zealand. That wasn't her real reason why she was in New Zealand. She just wanted to stay away from her father for a while, she wanted a short break from attending those crazy classes. There were too many classes that she had to attend, and she had been learning since she was very young, soon she had to go to school along with her twin sister Caroline who was called Candy by the family `How come she get that nickname instead of me?` She said feeling jealous of her sister.

Summer in New Zealand wasn't too hot, at least currently it wasn't that hot. Heather walk around the brightstone village hoping that she could meet her older siblings. She hadn't made any appointment with them but she did left a note to Caroline telling her that she was going to New Zealand. Even though Heather fought with her twin sister a lot, she didn't want her to be blamed by her father just because Heather sneak out of the mansion anytime she wanted.
Caroline still had two hours more in her hands before she was to go home. She had spent the past hour with her sister Hayley enjoying some french fries, butterbeer and buying herself a whole box of sweets that had originated from the 1970's. After saying goodbye to Hayley she wandered through the streets looking at the clothing that was available in these cloth stores, it was nothing compared to what her mother sold back in Paris but as Caroline wasn't the biggest fashion person she didn't mind getting a little something from here. In some part of her mind she was thinking that if Heather was here it would have been fun but she was at home getting lectured for skipping her classes.

Caroline walked out of one cloth store with Helen, her maid, wearing brand new clothes that she had just bought. The purple dress that she had been wearing two minutes ago which her mother had got her from Paris was too celebrity type so she had decided to remain in these clothes. As she was walking, sipping a tropical juice with her sunglasses on as the sun was shining on them she spotted a familiar face, not familiar but someone who had been born with her, Heather her twin.

Walking to her sister she smiled at her and asked "Wasn't expecting you to be here, how did father let you go?"she asked Heather and showed her the box of sweets she had got from Honeydukes. "The gum balls are delicious" she told her as she opened her mouth and showed her the bright read gum that she was eating. Their maid Helen expressed her concern and asked Heather who she had come to Brightstone with.
The quality of the clothes in the stores were low, Heather would never wear clothes like those. A tiny restaurant was in front of her, she decided to go into it unfortunately, she left right after she look at the menu and the price of the food. The little girl groaned as she walk around the Brightstone village, why did she choose this place in the first place? She couldn't imagine how her older siblings could survive living in a castle and they could only go to the Brightstone village for fun. Well this place wasn't categorized as 'fun' for Heather.

What surprised the little girl was that her twin sister, Caroline was there. She twisted herself so that she was facing her and looked at the gum balls that were chewed by her sister. "Ughh you are disgusting!" She shouted a little and took a gum ball from the box. She held it and put it in her mouth and chewed it. It taste so much different than the one that she had. Heather spilled it out and looked at it in disgust. "Eeww! Why are you buying this cheap Candy?" Caroline wasn't a big fan of gum balls but she knew when it come to low quality products.

"I showed him my work, specifically, my French booklet project and he let me"
Heather said proudly, it was true that her work was very good, and she knew that her father would be proud of her. "The question is... What are you doing here?" She asked curiously and looked at Helen right after she stared at her sister in the eye. "Helen, go get me a cup of hot tea" She ordered her as the maid walk away and enter a small cafe. "I like your skirt" She eyed it. "Where did you get it?" Heather didn't remember seeing this skirt when she shop with Caroline last Sunday.
Caroline laughed as Heather shouted at her for being disguisting. "I know" she said with a giggle. She liked it when her sister got irritated with her, it was same for both of them, they couldn't live without fighting and loving each other at the same time, weird but true. "Because everyone needs a change, I was tired of eating Swiss chocolates" she told her sister with a smile. Helen stood there watching this waiting for an order from one of them.

Caroline heard her sister's story and nodded approvingly. She had seen her booklet project and it was rather intresting and impressing. "Well, I finished work earlier, I don't skip classes" she told her sister as she ate another candy, a lolipop this time. "I met Hayley she just left for school" she told her sister. The maid rushed to get Heather some tea and Caroline raised an eyebrow and asked "How can you drink that at noon on a summer day?" Some of Heather's behaviour never made sense to Caroline. "You should drink juice or buttebeer like me" she advised her sister.

"The skirt, its pretty yeah?"she said admiring her new grey skirt. "From that shop there" she said pointing to Madam malkin's. "My dress was too classic for this place and I did have much to spend so I bought these" she told her sister. "What do you plan on doing now, we could do it together. Afterall we have two more hours to spend" she told Heather wondering what her twin intended to do. Caroline didn't mind another meal because she could always eat and not get fat, it was in her genes.
Heather rolled her eyes as she listen to her sister speaking "Everyone needs a change? I don't, well awkward people like YOU need to change" She said and pointed at her sister. The maid rushed back, bringing her the hot tea. Heather didn't like the aroma of it, she knew when it come to low quality or high, how could Hayley and Casper drink and eat these kind of food? She thought as she looked at the shops. "Ughh" She groaned and took a sip at the tea before throwing it to the trash can. "Well the fruit's quality can be low and what if you got killed by drinking low quality drinks?" Heather was obviously exaggerating.

"U met Hayley?!"
Heather widen her eyes as she looked at her sister. "Where is she now? How is she?" The second youngest of the Huberta asked in an excitement wanting to know every single detail of it. "Did you get to meet Casper?" She hadn't been able to meet her older siblings for a while and she had missed them badly and was eager to see them.

The Madam Malkin's wasn't too far from where they were standing. Heather touch the fabric of the skirt, it was pretty soft but doesn't mean that the quality of it was good. "Eww" She said and let go of the skirt. "I was thinking of buying something for my ballet class" Ballet class was an option, her father didn't force his children to attend the class. Heather wasn't even sure if Caroline could dance ballet or not after seeing her eating way too much sweet.

"Whatever" she muttered as her sister blabbered about Caroline needing to change. She really didn't understand why her family didn't just let her be, do what she wanted to? She laughed as Heather threw her tea after tasting it. "I guess there's nothing here decent for you" she told her twin with a frown. "People don't get killed by drinking this, or all people in this village would have been dead by now" she told her sister.

"Yeah, she has gone back to school. Her play time was over. She's fine, misses you and parents. She'll be coming to London next week for the holidays" she told her sister as they walked through the streets. "No, I am afraid our brother is too famous to give us time" she told her disliking Casper for not showing up.

"Whoa! Hold it. Buy that from Paris, ask mother to get it for you but not from this village" she told Heather. The things here were alright for Caroline but Heather would hate them, it would just be wasting money. Their maid stood there with nothing to do. "Why don't you just get some lunch and meet us later?"she offered Helen. But the maid refused to leave them alone because that was what she was sent here for, to babysit them. "We could check out the cloth store if you want, though I don't think you would fancy anything"

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