Didn't Know It Was So Easy

Jazmine Della-Robbia

part-veela ♦ concord inc. president
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2018 (37)
JazzyMae was bored. She had decided to take a stroll around the castle. she hadn't been doing very well in her classes and this disappointed her. Every time the teacher called on her the answer didn't want to leave her mouth. If something did come out her mouth it was a whole bunch of nonsense. In Muggle school she had done so well, but here she was just horrible. "You have to do better or else Kennedy and Klaus will make fun of me forever!" JazzyMae told herself. JazzyMae stopped in the middle of her stride. Her legs were getting tired and starting to hurt. JazzyMae found a bench and sat down. She took out a ponytail holder so she could pull her hair out of her face. When she was getting ready to wrap the ponytail holder in her hair it snapped out her hands and across the corridor. She heard a small "Ow."
Hariah decided she spent far too much time in the Gryffindor common room. It was lovely in there, but there was only so many Gryffindor's you could take. She seemed to always find herself in there, not that it was unusual. It was the common room, so it would be expected. But it got a bit boring after a while. Hariah liked to roam the castle and speak and see other people from the other houses.

She stepped out of the portrait hole and looked around wondering where to go when something small hit her hand. "Ow" she said rubbing her hand. Hariah looked round to see what it was and saw a small object on the floor. She picked it up and looked round for the person it might belong to.
JazzyMae covered her mouth with her hand. She got up from her seat to go aid the girl. "Are you ok? I am so sorry." JazzyMae apologized. From the girls robes she was in Gryffindor. Since this was the seventh floor of course there were going to be Gryffindor's. "I am JazzyMae. What's your name?"
A girl came over who looked genuinely shocked and sorry. "Yeah i'm fine, don't worry about it" Hariah said giving the girl a small smile. "Bad luck" Hariah commented "it's kind of drawn to me" she joked. "Nice to meet you, my names Hariah. I see your in Hufflepuff" she said pointing to the Hufflepuff badge that JazzyMae was wearing. "I think i've seen you before, probably in classes." It was meetings like this that Hariah loved, she met the most interesting people this way. "What brings you up here?" Hariah asked JazzyMae.
JazzyMae sighed in relief when Hariah said she was okay. JazzyMae took her ponytail holder back. "Yeah, I am in Hufflepuff. Now that you mention it I have seen you in some classes." JazzyMae realized. Then Hariah asked her what brought her here. "I was just walking around the school to pass time. I was sitting down cause my legs were tired." Hariah seemed like a very nice girl. She obviously enjoyed meeting JazzyMae. "Where were you getting ready to go?" JazzyMae asked Hariah.
Hariah smiled at the girl she seemed nice enough, obviously didn't mean any harm. "Oh I was just getting bored in the common room. I'm always in there. So I just came out to stretch my legs, I was heading outside actually. But it seems nice enough here." she said to JazzyMae. She looked around they seemed to be the only people here at the moment. Hariah went to sit where JazzyMae previously vacated and gestured her over to sit back on the bench. "Do you normally come up here?" she asked the Hufflepuff.
When Hariah gestured JazzyMae to sit with her she happily obliged. Her legs were still so sore. "No, I don't usually come here. I am using in the Hufflepuff common room or the student lounge." JazzyMae said. JazzyMae put her hair up in a high ponytail. "Do you have any siblings that go here? I have two older brothers, Kennedy and Klaus." JazzyMae said, trying to start conversation.
The student lounge was one of the places that Hariah went quite often. "I've never seen you in there, but then again it's always full of students" she said to JazzyMae smiling. Hariah shook her head. "Unfortunately not. I'm the first one in my family to come HNZ. My mother and sister are muggles and my sister goes to this private school back in England." she explained to JazzyMae. "What houses are your brothers in?" Hariah asked, she wondered if they were in Hufflepuff too.
"You're the first? You must feel really special!" JazzyMae exclaimed. She asked if JazzyMae's brother were in Hufflepuff too. JazzyMae nodded. "Yeah, they are 4th years. They tease me a lot about my height." JazzyMae gave some extra information about her brothers. "My mom was in Hufflepuff too." She decided not to mention her father yet. She didn't want to come out and randomly say that he's deceased. She didn't like surprising people like that. She'd rather they ask first.
Hariah grinned "Wow so all your family are Hufflepuff's that's amazing!" it was just like her own family. "My father was a Gryffindor and so was my grandmother! I like how it runs in families" she said to JazzyMae. "I'd love to have siblings like that" she said smiling. Truth was she didn't talk to her sister and she had no intention of doing so any time soon. "How tall are they?" Hariah asked JazzyMae wondering if they were only small or really tall.
"My brothers are tall! They are almost six feet tall. They're like giants. My mom says they're growing up too fast." JazzyMae told Hariah. Ever since JazzyMae was little she always wanted to be tall. She always wanted to be able to tower over people. Kennedy and Klaus were even tall when they were younger. "I remember I used to always ask Klaus to carry me on his back and I would be able to look down on Kennedy." JazzyMae giggled. "It would be a ton of fun. Do you have any favorite family memories?" JazzyMae asked curiously.
"Wow! Already? I'd love to be that tall. But my family has small genes" she said laughing. "You'll probably get to that height eventually though." Hariah smiled at JazzyMae she seemed to have a really nice family life. Something Hariah would love to have. "Erm, truthfully? Not really. We don't get on" Hariah explained. "Me and my dad are really close though. We always used to dedicate a day every year where we would just get in the car and just go somewhere. A spur of the moment kind of thing. Last year we ended up at a themepark, it was one of the best days i've ever had" she said to JazzyMae grinning.
It was hard for JazzyMae to imagine not being close to any of her family members. That's why it hurt so much when her father got into that accident. But not everyone's is as close to their family as she is to hers so JazzyMae could respect that. "I have never been to a theme park even though my father was a Muggle." Her father had promised to take her to a theme park, but now he would never be able to. It didn't bother her much now. "Have you made many friends?"
"Really? Wow. You need to go at some point. They are tonnes of fun!" Hariah said grinning. "I have actually yeah, a few acquaintances but a couple of good friends who are in my house!" she explained. "What about you? Seeing as Hufflepuff is classed as the 'friendly house' I imagine you have quite a few?" she asked JazzyMae. If Hariah was in any house other than Gryffindor she was sure it would be Hufflepuff. She felt she had the qualities that house was famous for.
JazzyMae laughed nervously. "No. I don't have many friends. I have met like one other person and that's about it. I am usually doing homework or being a loner." JazzyMae admitted. She was very shy and self conscious. It was ridiculous. She tried to give herself encouragement but it didn't last very long. Her Muggle teachers had said she needed positive peer pressure in order to get out of her bubble. JazzyMae just hadn't found the right set of peers to help her with that yet. "What is Gryffindor like? Is everyone like, "I am braver than you!" and stuff?" JazzyMae joked. Gryffindors seemed like a House that was very hard to approach, but to JazzyMae anyone was hard to approach.
A small smile appeared on Hariah's face, it did seem that work took up a lot of their time, she wasn't used to it, back home she had all the time to herself. Hariah laughed at JazzyMae's assumption "Far from it actually, everyone's rather friendly, maybe a bit reckless at times and getting into trouble sometimes but I haven't witness any conflict yet" she explained to JazzyMae. Hariah had met some good friends in a short amount of time since being at Hogwarts. At home she only had a couple of acquaintances and that was it. That was a positive about the school, making friends and meeting people was rather easy if you were prepared to be outgoing.
"At first I was worried about coming to Hogwarts. Mostly because of my mom because she's been going through a hard time. I also wasn't how I'd be around tons of people that are alder than me." JazzyMae stated. JazzyMae was always at her mothers side, helping her try and be happy again. Since the accident she's been in and out of depression. Always worried about her mother she din't have time to make many friends. But JazzyMae dealt with it. Now she was at Hogwarts and she had many opportunities to make friends and try and worry about herself. She needed that. "What were your thoughts about coming to Hogwarts?"
"Oh I see" Hariah said simply, she didn't want to pry and ask JazzyMae about her home life. She had done something similar before and she had gotten on the wrong side of that person. Some people didn't want to tell people who they had just met their life story, which was fair really. "I was really excited to come here! My dad went to Hogwarts in the UK and he told me about his experiences there and I couldn't wait to start it sounded so amazing, and so far it hasn't disappointed me!" she explained grinning at JazzyMae. "What were your thoughts?" Hariah asked. It was always interesting to see what other people expected Hogwarts to be like.
JazzyMae thought. What were her first thoughts on being accepted into Hogwarts? "Well, to be honest I hid my letter and pretended it never arrived. But then Kennedy found it and then my mom and the twins were so excited, while i was worried out of my mind. But after we went shopping I kind of got excited and I started looking forward to it." JazzyMae smiled. JazzyMae acted dramatic at unnessesary things and things that she should just let go. "I think I over reacted at first. When I saw how excited my family was when the found my letter I felt so much better. I am pretty dramatic when no one is looking." JazzyMae admitted. "When you were getting sorted what did the Sorting Hat say?"
Hariah laughed "Why did you hide the letter?" she asked JazzyMae. She was very excited to receive her letter and couldn't wait to show it to her dad. She was so happy that she could share the same experience that her dad had when he went to Hogwarts. Hariah smiled, she couldn't be dramatic if she tried, that was stamped out of her at a early age, no one listened to her anyway. "The sorting hat? He saw that all my family have been in Gryffindor and said that I would do well in Gryffindor too. So I was pretty happy to keep up the family tradition" Hariah said smiling. "What did it say about you?" she asked.
JazzyMae laughed. She laughed a happy laugh, a laugh of like pure happpiness. She hadn't felt this way for a long time. Hariah was one of teh first people she was able to feel comfortable with even though they had just met. "I overreacted I guess? The Sorting Hat said I was just like my brothers, in Hufflepuff."
Hariah smiled "That's nice. I'm the first one to come here and the only one I think" she said to JazzyMae. She was happy about that, she didn't have to live up to anyone's expectations, she could have her own achievements and not want to compete or to set the standards for her siblings. "Do you have a lot of rivalry between you?" Hariah asked her.
"Rivalry? No, we just argue and get mad at each other." JazzyMae said. She never felt that she had to live up to the expectations her brothers were held to. She never tried to compete with her brothers for attention or anything. She never really felt the need to. "I really hope to get better grades next semester. I never knew classes were going to be so hard. How are doing in your classes?"
"That's nice. All me and my sister did was argue and fight and tried to compete with each other for everything" Hariah explained to JazzyMae bitterly. She actually hated her sister, she was one of the reasons why she disliked her mother so much. Hariah was so glad she didn't live with her anymore. She smiled at JazzyMae she found classes ok, it was a bit different to what she was used to though. "I think i'm doing ok actually. I was really worried about getting bad grades, but so far so good. I've never really been in formal education before so this was a big change for me. What class do you find the hardest and easiest?" Hariah asked the young Hufflepuff.
JazzyMae was happy that all her and her brother's did was argue. If they did anything more than that JazzyMae was sure that she would probably be more rebellious than she is now.She and her brothers arguements could get pretty heated, and most of them were two against one. JazzyMae hoped that none of her friends would have to see her get angry because it would be a very scarring sight.

"I think Defense Against the Dark Arts is pretty tough, but mostly it is the professor. I guess flying would be the easiest but being in the sky isn't my thing." JazzyMae admitted. Exams were coming up too and she was completely nervous. But then after Exams there was the Yule Ball. She probably wasn't going.

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