Closed Did You See That?

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Poppy was happy to be back at school and could feel herself slowly falling in to the comfortable routine of classes, clubs, and seeing her friends. She felt odd being a fourth year, it felt like just yesterday she had been on the train for the first time and now she was almost half way done with her time there. The thought had made her restless so she decided to go for a walk around the school grounds. The air was still a bit chillier than she would prefer, but it was nice to be outside in the fresh air. She didn't go far before she spotted her favorite tree and saw that it was currently unoccupied. She set her bag down and stretched out her legs before noticing the handful of mushrooms dotting the ground around the base of the tree, along its roots. It had been awhile since she had drawn anything and she decided it was the time to fix that. She had just pulled out her notebook and pencil and started to really look at the mushroom, just as the impossible happened and the mushroom....jumped. The sudden movement startled her so much she let out an alarmed shout and clutched her chest. Poppy froze and waited to see if it would do it again, her heart now racing.
It had been a couple of days since Issac had arrived at school and classes were about to begin soon. His break was okay, as he saw his extended family over the break, which was interesting to him because he then found out that one of his cousins was transferring into his school and was sorted into his house. Issac was excited to be back at Hogwarts and to see his Hogwarts friends, who he hadn't seen since before break. He had decided to take a small walk around the Hogwarts grounds to see if there was anything that could have changed since he was gone. But he hadn't noticed anything. As he was walking around, he had heard a shout of some sort. Issac was curious as to why someone was screaming. Issac had decided to make his way to where the shout was. He turned the corner, where there was a tree near by and had seen a familiar girl, who he thought was in his year. "Are you alright?"
Poppy jumped again but this time it was because some one had spoken to her. "I-I think so." she stammered and turned to look and it was a boy from her year. She looked back to the very normal looking fungi and sighed. "I know it sounds silly but I could have sworn I just saw that mushroom...move." she said slowly. She was known to have a fairly active imagination but she had seen it. "Come here!" she whispered now and gestured for him to kneel with her in front of the cluster of mushrooms. "Just watch." she instructed, and held up a finger to his lips to keep him from talking too loud.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Issac says apologetically. He then is confused when the girl explains that she saw a mushroom move. Well, they were in a magical school, so it didn't sound too odd to him. He is then slightly more confused when the girl told him to come closer. Issac kneels down, but all he sees is a bunch of mushrooms. "I don't... see anything?" Issac whispers with confusion. It wasn't cause he didn't believe her that there were no moving mushrooms, it was that he just didn't see anything move.
Poppy spared a glance at the boy, but only for a second. "It's alright." she whispered back. She was surprised he had apologized at all for that, and found it quite sweet but she didn't dwell on it long before resuming her observation. She frowned when he confirmed he didn't see anything either. "I heard one of the herbology professors mention something about an infestation of leaping toadstools." she explained quietly, not wanting to break her eye contact now. "I think that might be what I saw."
Issac's face slowly turned into a mixture of confusion. "I heard about these ' leaping toadstools'. They're some sort of mushroom right?" Issac says with slight confusion, as he wanted to make sure. He shuddered as he mentioned the word mushroom. He has a dislike of mushroom. He thought it was YUCK. He then saw something move out of the corner of his eye move again. This time Issac was sure he saw what she had seen. "I think I just saw one move," Issac says as he points to the area of mushrooms where he thought that he saw one move. He had hoped that it wasn't his imagination, and it was real. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that it was right.
Poppy could feel her eyebrows furrowing as she watched patiently. “You have? Have you ever seen them before?” she asked, whipping her head around to look at him, her focused gaze now broken. She didn't fret too much about that. She was just happy she wasn't the only one who had heard the rumor. “Yes, or at least I think so. I read about them in a book once but the description wasn’t very thorough. But basically they are just a mushroom that...jumps.” she trailed off at the end her sentence, realizing that she had rambled quite impressively for what was generally a yes or no question. But her self consciousness evaporated when he claimed he saw movement too. “You did?! Which one?!” she nearly shouted as she turned back around and regretted losing focus.
"Nah, never seen one. But my dad had spoken about them a few times" Issac says with a shrug. He remembered that his dad always told him and his sister about all things magical, including Hogwarts and all things mushroom - Which Issac still found weird. Why was there such a thing where mushrooms leapt everywhere? It was weird. Issac nods when the girl explains to him about the leaping mushrooms. Issac laughs as she tries to see it too. He slowly points to the moving object "Right there" Issac says with a whisper. It was still weird to him that there was any such thing as a leaping mushroom. He highly disliked mushrooms.
Once again Poppy looked away quickly at back to the boy. “Oh? Is he a herbologist?” she asked curiously. Was that why he knew about these particular creatures. Her own father was a botanist but as a muggle he not likely to have seen these before. And of course, she was again caught off guard when he pointed to the mushrooms again. “Where?!” she exclaimed, and this time was able to see it leap. In a moment of panic and excitement Poppy didn't think and reached out to catch the mushroom. Once in her hands she could feel it moving. She let out a squeak and turned to him. “Oh no! What now?!” she asked him urgently.

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