Dhivya Khatri


Name: Dhivya Aishwarya Khatri
Meaning: Dhivya - Divine Brilliance, Aishwarya - Prosperity
Birthdate: 1st of October, 2049
Zodiac: Libra
Strengths: Diplomatic - Graceful - Peaceful - Idealistic - Hospitable
Weaknesses: Superficial - Vain - Indecisive - Unreliable
Being a Libra born on October 1st, your creativity, diplomacy and warmth are the most dominant parts of your personality. You thrive in the group setting and will go to great lengths to insure harmony within a group. When this is an argument or disagreement, you often use your creativity to be a successful mediator or problem solver. In all of your social interactions, you try to maintain a warm and friendly demeanor, which is perhaps what your loved ones appreciate about you the most.

Hometown: Clyde, New Zealand
Birthplace: Clyde, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Straight 13 Inch Whippy Hazel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: 'Hazel Moans' the poem tells us, but it does a lot more than that. This wand will reflect and respond to its owner's emotional state and so should always be handled with care, and the wizard it calls should work to understand their emotions.
Core: Billywig stingers make for temperate cores, but they are mildly useful when used to heal. Wands with this core tend to what they want to do, making them good for people who are flexible in nature.
Flexibility: Whippy: A wand that is quite simple to master but lacks power.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hair: Black and very thick, with a tendency to go frizzy when left to its own devices, usually worn to about mid-back.
Eyes: Wide and dark enough brown to look almost black, with bags heavier than seems fitting for her age.
Build: Tall for her age, slim and gangly.
Complexion: A warm mid-brown, that sometimes gets ashy when she's stressed.
Style: Simple and functional, whatever gets the job done. A lot of athleticwear.
Distinguishing Features: Dhivya has something of a frantic energy to her, that stands out at first meeting.
Playby: Sunita Mani


Personality: Dhivya is an overachiever in the extreme, always feeling as though she has to push herself in everything she tries, to make the absolute most of it. She takes the worries of others as her own responsibility as well, leading her to constantly have a plate that's far too full and adding to her constantly stressed out air. Despite her constant stress Dhivya does her best to be cheerful and friendly to everyone she meets. She's extremely loyal to the people she loves, and will always be the first to their side when they need defending.
Dhivya is immensely loyal to the ones she loves, and anyone within her circle has found a friend for life, who will always be willing to drop everything to help them
Dhivya learns extremely quickly, absorbing different kinds of information easily and processing it quickly
Dhivya is very efficient and well organised, with lots of systems to ensure that things get done when and how they need to
Dhivya doesn't know how to say no or balance a schedule, leaving her constantly overworked and stressed, often adding other people's problems on to her own workload to boot
Dhivya has a bad tendency to keep everything bottled up inside, not wanting to worry people or make them take time out to help her.
Dhivya doesn't cope well with randomness or the unexpected, needing her systems and routines to keep her grounded.
Dance - Dhivya has done hip-hop dance since she was young, and uses it as her main outlet to let go and release everything that's stressing her out. She also has a little experience in ballet, jazz, and bharatanatyam, but hip-hop is her passion
Horseriding - Dhivya grew up in rural Clyde, and always found a lot of freedom in riding around the farms and vineyards of the area
Chess - Dhivya joined her local chess club young, and has always loved the analytical and strategic elemennts of chess
Reading - Dhivya will read anything and everything she can get her hands on, though she's always enjoyed nonfiction and encyclopedias most
Debate - Debate was one of many hobbies Dhivya was encouraged into by her fathers, and she enjoys the chance to practice putting together arguments and challegning her opponents
History - Of all areas of study, history has always interested Dhivya most of all

Personality Type: ISTJ (The Logistician)
People with the ISTJ personality type (Logisticians) mean what they say and say what they mean, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. With their responsible and dependable nature, it might not be so surprising that ISTJ personalities also tend to have a deep respect for structure and tradition. They are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations. While ISTJs may not be particularly flashy or attention seeking, they do more than their share to keep society on a sturdy, stable foundation. In their families and their communities, people with this personality type often earn respect for their reliability, their practicality, and their ability to stay grounded and logical in even the most stressful situations
Strengths: Honest and Direct, Strong-Willed and Dutiful, Very Responsible, Calm and Practical, Create and Enforce Order, Jack-Of-All-Trades
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Insensitive, Always by the Book, Judgemental, Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

History: Dhivya is the oldest of twins, growing up with her brother and their two fathers in the small town of Clyde. By all accounts her childhood would appear to be peaceful and idyllic, homeschooled with her brother on the family vineyard, but her fathers' overbearing habits cast a shadow over things. Far from pressuring, Dhivya's fathers were supportive to an almost toxic degree, encouraging her so much that she felt she constantly had to be doing everything at all times. It left her with a habit of taking on far more than she's actually capable of, pushing past overachiever and into constant burnout. She also feels responsible for her brother, helping him deal with his anxieties on top of her own issues.

Health: Dhivya struggles to sleep enough, but is otherwise healthy and athletic.

Goals: To find a way to structure her life that'll allow her to pursue her passions without letting down the people she loves.
Fears: Disorganisation, letting people down, failure, the unknown, being unprepared.
Secrets: Sometimes Dhivya wants to just tell everyone she knows to leave her alone and let them get on without her. .
Regrets: Not saying no to other people's requests.
Pastel green & pastel purple
Food: Gulab jamun
Smell: Dance studio
Music Genre: Classical

Animal: Horse
Name: Avi Khatri (nee Sharaf)
Date of Birth:
Blood Status: Mixed
Occupation: Vineyard Owner
Name: Eashan Khatri
Date of Birth:
Blood Status: Mixed
Occupation: Vineyard Owner
Twin Brother
Name: Naveen Khatri
Date of Birth: 1/10/2049
Blood Status: Mixed
Occupation: HNZ Student
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.


Dhivya gripped tightly onto Naveen's hand as the first years were ushered into the Great Hall, eyes casting around immediately for her cousins. It had been a long time since she had seen Anisha or Raafe, but she was able to spot them fairly easily at the tables. There was something comforting knowing that they weren't embarking on this journey entirely alone - sure Dhivya and Naveen would always have each other, but there were other members of their family here too to look out for them.

It made the whole affair less daunting than it would otherwise have been - Dhivya was still rolling the facts around in her head. Her dads weren't here, for the first time in her life. Noone to tell her what to do, noone to tell her she was doing it wrong, or too much, or too little, or anything else. She was here to make her own decisions, to figure out whether or not she was doing the wrong thing all on her own, and it was terrifying. As much strain as her fathers often put on her, Dhivya didn't know how ready she was to be in charge all on her own, so many decisions she had never needed to make for herself before. And Naveen - there was no question he would be coming to her for support and wisdom. It was all a lot, and her mind swirled with worry as the ceremony began, only barely listening. She only perked up when the sorting started in earnest, watching as her future classmates were separated one by one, sent away to their new homes. It felt like the K-s came far too quickly, and before long it was her turn.

"Khatri, Dhivya

She gave Naveen's hand a last squeeze before letting go and heading up to the stool, closing her eyes as the hat was lowered onto her head. The thought of having her mind read was chilling but Dhivya did her best to keep her cool, failing to suppress the trembles throughout her body or the million worries running through her head. Was there a wrong house nobody had told her about? Or were there new requirements she would be forced to live up to? What if she wound up in Gryffindor, and was expected to do all kinds of feats of bravery? Dhivya swallowed back her nerves and fears, hoping this whole thing was over as quickly as possible, and she and Naveen would be eating dinner side by side before long.

"I'm afraid this is a little complicated than some, you'd like it to be over quickly, but I can see how your desires lie, and the stress this causing you. This will be the best choice for you, and you will be fine....Hufflepuff,"
The First Of TwoWith Samantha Jacobs
Cautiously OptimisticWith Naveen Khatri, Raafe Khatri, and Anisha Khatri
New PlacesWith Tanith Whitlock, Sofi Ayre, and Camille Carter
Another OneReceiving Valentines Rose with June Davenport
Fourth For My Dear CousinReceiving Valentines Rose with Anisha Khatri
For A First Year FlourishingReceiving Valentines Rose with Marnie Frogg
Yule Ball
With Naveen Khatri
Not Quite HomeWith Naveen Khatri
A Wrestler
Yule Ball
Kingdom Of My OwnWith Naveen Khatri
The Last And It's PinkWith Lucy Montague and Naveen Khatri
Turn Into Something BeautifulReceiving Valentines Rose with Ivy Cullen
80s Girl
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance
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