
Sebastian Rossi

Well-Known Member
Straight 14" Rigid Aspen Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Sebastian would have been a fool to think that he wouldn't get in trouble for leaving the country to go visit some friends in New Zealand. When he had arrived back in France, it was to the realization that it was much later than he had anticipated arriving back. He had only set out to see one friend- Willow- and instead, he had made a new friend and met up with another old friend. Not thinking about the consequences at the time, Sebastian had instead chosen to take the time to shop and chat.

He had been met at the gates by one of the professor's who had marched him directly to the headmistress' office. Sitting down and readying himself for a long lecture on the behaviors expected at Beauxbatons, Sebastian was not expecting the headmistress to contact his grandmother. With eyes widened, he had been forced to hear her scream at him for ten minutes, ask the headmistress to give him the harshest punishments possible and then tell him how dissappointed she was. Please...not dissappointed, he thought to himself. That hurt more than anything, and Sebastian had rubbed his eyes, not wanting to show anyone he had nearly been reduced to tears by an old lady.

In the end, Sebastian had left the office and been told to report to the main hall every Saturday and Sunday morning for the next month. He had also been denied village privileges for the rest of the year. Arriving at his first Saturday of torture, Sebastian had met up with the groundsman who had handed him a brush and a bucket and told him to get started. It turned out that Sebastian was expected to clean the entire main hall every weekend with no magic. He was forced to watch the others run in and out of the castle as he cleaned.

After filling the bucket with water, Sebastian dunked the brush in and dropped to his knees so he could begin scrubbing. He could hear the chuckles of several of the male students and the giggles of the females.
Alex was no stranger to detention, he was infamous at Beauxbatons for it so much so that the professors were always trying to conjure up new ways to dole out his punishments. Nothing phased him though and whatever work he had to do he just got on and did it. Today he was supposed to be cleaning today but would have some help apparently. As much as he had liked this idea he also abhorred working alongside anyone else. His detention time was usually just a chance for him to have proper alone thinking time, not to review his behavior but to capitalize on why his brother never got caught like he did.

He saw the boy he was supposed to clean up with and grinning at the groundsman he chuckled loudly as he was tossed a sponge and pointed to a bucket. The groundsman and himself were now on first name terms. Not the best of achievements to be proud of but the guy was good and downright intelligent no matter what others thought of him.

"So Rossi isn't it?" he grinned feigning wetting his sponge as he watched the boy begin to scrub. Alexius and Maximus had once had an arguement regarding Trilby Kiedis, Alex had wanted to chance his arm with her while his brother had warned him to leave her be. She was completely unaware of this of course and over the past few months it had actually rattled him how close she had gotten with this new boy. The two seemed inseparable and now the rumors were flying about some time they had spent out at one of the greenhouses. Apparently there for hours while half the school searched for them, convinced they had been lost in a snow storm or some such nonsense. Alex knew what he would have done if he had been left alone for any length of time with Kiedis and grinning wickedly to himself could not resist taking a verbal jab at the younger boy.

"Well you gonna spill the beans then?" he pushed the bucket along with his foot, "you and Kiedis what's the story there?"
"Yea, and you're one of the Strauss twins, right?" Sebastian asked with a nod as he saw the guy who would be joining him in this detention. It was one of the Strauss twins, though he didn't know which one this was. He knew their names were Max and Alex as he had heard their names being spoken in the dorms. They were both a year older than him, so he had never had an opportunity to actually talk to them. He went back to scrubbing without engaging the boy in any conversation. He wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible though it wasn't as if he had anything better to do afterwards.

When he heard the boy ask what had happened between him and Trilby, Sebastian rolled his eyes. Rumors had been running rampant about what had happened in the greenhouse during the storm. He hadn't told anyone anything and didn't think Trilby had either, but all that had done was increase the stories that were being told. He could tell that some of the girls going by had heard the question and were slowing down to try and hear his reply.

Looking up from his scrubbing, Sebastian smirked and then said in an even tone that clearly suggested he didn't want to talk about it, "Not that there's a story to spill, but if there was, I wouldn't be telling you." He was lying but it wasn't as if he were going to confide in someone who hadn't paid him any attention before this moment.
Alex seemed more intent on smiling at the passing girls than actually doing the job at hand but Sebastian Rossi's reply held his attention more so. He glanced down at the boy with a slight frown though his lips were twisted in a sardonic smile. The guy was going to be easy to wind up that was for sure.
"Well I hear she's quite the goer" this was totally untrue and he knew it but jealousy made a guy say and do daft things. He wasn't that interested in her anymore, in fact there was no girl that really held his interest for long but the fact that Kiedis was one of the ones that had gotten away bothered him no end. Especially after finding out through the rumor mill which was in full swing at Beauxbatons that Xavier Snow had snogged her. Maybe he should try the same thing, just go up to her grab her and kiss her. Alex could actually visualise the girls kissable mouth, those lips had been made for kissing.

"So either she's putting out and you ain't getting any or the two of you are at it something awful man" he couldn't help but chuckle then seeing a professor on her way down towards them knelt down and feigned polishing the floor until she continued on by, then resumed his chuckling with gusto.
The days were slowly blending into each other and still she could not speak to Sebastian, her heart felt completely heavy and tortured as she went about her usual activities all of which felt pointless because she could not or more would not share them with him. What had happened at the greenhouse was still much too fresh in her mind and she was so confused by it all still. As she walked down the steps to another class she saw non other than Sebastian cleaning manually along with Alexius. She only managed to hear the what the older boy said and her face paled considerably. Gathering her books tighter to her she fought back the tears that threatened and once she had finally made the corridor ran down to her class without saying a solitary word to either of them.

So Sebastian was speaking about it with Alex of all people, not just speaking but laughing about it, making fun of her. Her heart constricted painfully and she tried desperately to pay attention to what her professor was saying but found it all impossible. Instead she wanted nothing more than to put up her hand and say she needed to see the nurse but that would mean passing them in the corridor again and that she would not do. Any trust she had in Sebastian left at that moment, she didn't realize she was wronging him but most certainly was not willing to talk to him now to find out otherwise.
Sebastian knew the boy was trying to goad him into revealing some bit of information about what had occurred that day. Even though he knew he should ignore the Strauss boy and simply keep on scrubbing, he was finding it difficult to simply act as if the boy wasn't saying anything. Sebastian could feel the eyes of the many students on him who had heard what had just been said.

Looking up from the floor, Sebastian's eyes locked on the first person he saw, which so happened to be Trilby who had just appeared as the Strauss twin said something extremely crude about her. He saw the expression on her face as she walked past without a word to either of them. It hurt Sebastian that she no longer acknowledged him, but the look on her face hurt even more. She looked as if Sebastian had just betrayed her even though he hadn't done anything.

His eyes quickly swung away from her as she reached the end of the corridor and narrowed on the boy who was now chuckling. "You'd better watch your mouth. You don't know anything" Sebastian said through gritted teeth as he got to his feet with the sponge still in his hand. His grip was so tight that the water that was left in it was slowly pouring out onto the floor. The groundskeeper who was watching eyed the two teenagers, but Sebastian was struggling to control his temper. "You're an a******, you know that?" he yelled angrily as he reached for the wand in his pocket.
Alexius glanced up and saw the very person he had been teasing Sebastian about and he wanted nothing more than to kick himself. Why had he done it? Why had he said any of it? The simple answer was because he was a jerk and enjoyed being one but he had meant only to be a jerk to Rossi, Kiedis hearing him had not been part of the agenda at all. He saw how she had looked at them and part of him believed now that any thing that may have gone on between Sebastian and Kiedis was definitely over now. Why he felt like smiling as a result of that he could only put down to the fact that he was no longer jealous, there was nothing to be miffed about.

Rossi was watching her walk away as well, Alex couldn't help but admire her figure as she walked down the corridor. Not being able to resist he wolf whistled after her getting glaring looks from the a few professors as he did so. He smiled sheepishly before getting back to the job at hand of course trying now to ignore Rossi's little tantrum was hard and in the end Alex didn't bother even trying. He turned to look at the kid and chuckled.

"I figured as much, you want a piece of her but she just has no time for you does she?" he patted his pocket checking for his wand incase Rossi fancied his chances at taking him on, "man you really were reaching too high. She's a looker and come on take one look at yourself, did you really think she'd like you?"
He couldn't help but laugh harder now, much harder.
Sebastian knew that this was not the time for him to do anything that would cause him more trouble. He was already in huge trouble for sneaking off and his grandmother was probably just waiting for him to get home to ground him or something. All of that was quickly going out of his mind though as Alexius continued. His control over his temper, which was sketchy at best, was quickly disappearing.

The blood rushed to his face as Alex taunted him, saying that Trilby would never want him. Is he right? Bas thought to himself as he stood there contemplating whether to remain seething in silence and do nothing or to take out his anger and sadness on this guy. Trilby's walking past without a word had said more to him than anything and he knew that their friendship had been changed forevermore.

For a second, Sebastian was about to ignore him and continue scrubbing. He knew it was what he should do, but Bas didn't care. Sorry Gran, he thought to himself. With that thought in mind, Sebastian muttered under his breath, "Maybe this'll shut you the hell up" and then he pulled his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at Alex, muttering a quick Silencio spell, which he had just learned in class last week.
Alex should have known something would be aimed at him, he barely went a day where he was not in a duel or a scrap of some sort and right now Sebastian had every reason to detest his guts. He would most likely later tell the bloke he was only winding him up but for now that was impossible. The spell hit him and immediately it felt as if his entire insides were hushed. He literally made no noise at all. He frowned at the other boy, typical that they had only covered the wandless stuff this year and not the non verbal, he would have to wait for it to wear off in the mean time.

Alex pushed his wand back into his pocket, it was ruddy useless to him now and with a huge grin on his face he picked up the bucket of dirty water and sent it sloshing in Sebastian's direction.
'Take that smart ass' he muttered to himself, wishing for once his brother would show up and 'finite' the damn spell off him already. He threw the bucket down on the ground and moved in with fists raised. If Rossi wanted to use his wand still like a coward then so be it, but Alexius would still put up a damn good fight.
Sebastian smirked as all Alex could do was frown at him. Turning his back, Bas was ready to get back to scrubbing so he could be done with this detention finally. He had already had enough and this was only his first detention out of however many weeks there were left in school. Sebastian noticed that the groundskeeper had disappeared, probably trusting that the boys would do what they needed to without any games. As he was contemplating just leaving, Sebastian bent down to pick up his sponge. It was a big mistake to do that though because he had no preparation for the wave of dirty water that smacked him in the back.

Whipping around, the water sprayed off of Sebastian's head. His jeans and sneakers were heavy with the water and his shirt dragged down too. Seeing Alex with his hands raised, Sebastian raised his pierced eyebrow. "Seriously?" he asked sarcastically. He wants to fight? Sebastian asked himself, astounded at the day he was having. He was no coward though and turning down an old-fashioned fist-fight was never an option.

Moving forward with his shoes sloshing due to the water that filled them, Sebastian ducked low and attempted to tackle Alex to the wet ground. If he wanted a fist-fight, Sebastian was about to give it to him or at the very least go down swinging. The boy was bigger and probably stronger, but Sebastian hoped he'd be faster.
Alex wasn't sure whether or not Sebastian was willing to fight him, there were still students milling around between classes and he was well known for the various scraps he had about the school. The boys words made Alex stand up straight and put his hands down by his side exasperated. If he could damn well speak he'd be all up in his face with 'seriously'. Alex wanted nothing more than to clock the boy one but after throwing the water on him figured it fair enough for Rossi to get in the first punch at least. It didn't look like the kid was up for anything until suddenly he rushed at Alex, tackling him to the ground. As much as he opened his mouth to let fly a string of obscenities nothing was heard and Alex was grateful for once that he had been silenced.

He held onto Rossi's shoulder while his other hand reached around grabbing the collar of his shirt as both hit the ground, Alex of course taking the brunt of the fall. Pulling back his arm he tried to lay one on the boys chin but they were too close to one another, so instead Alex pulled up his legs and kneed the younger boy off him rolling just enough to throw a punch.
Max had seen his brother earlier preparing for his detention but had walked on by, his own detention was being served in the library gathering a few books from desks and putting them back on to shelves. One more stupid duel or fight with his brother would push him over the edge for sure. It was crazy couldn't the boy just leave him be. There was always something up with him, always something he had to brawl about. It was like a damn disease with Alex and Max always got sucked into it. It took him all of twenty minutes to sort the books and be on his way but when he returned to the corridor he saw a few students beginning to gather around what looked like two guys rolling around the floor.

Maximus groaned inwardly, he knew exactly who one of them would be and so walked forward and whipped out his wand as he did so.
"Stand back" he commanded of the students who were there, it was best to get this cleared up before any professor came around. He waved his wand and moved both boys away from each other then stood between them a hand held up to either of them.
"Both of you have detention to serve, I advice you to damn well do it without the drama" he looked from one to the other almost glowering at his brother, his infernal twin.

[sorry for minor godmod hope you don't mind, will edit otherwise]
Sebastian fell onto the ground with Alex and was quickly kneed in the stomach. Rolling off the older boy and clutching his stomach, Sebastian couldn't stop the punch that him in the chin. He grunted in pain and struggled to push the older boy off of him so that he could get in a hit as well.

Just as he reared his fist back to let a punch fly towards Alex's face, he was pushed back. Looking wildly around, Sebastian saw the other Strauss twin holding his wand in one hand and his other hand out to keep the two boys apart. He listened to the other twin speak and shrugged his shoulders. He was wet, his chin was hurting from the punch that had landed there and he was not in the mood to deal with any of this. "Whatever" he said with an eye roll, "I'm out of here."

Sebastian backed away slowly, banging into a few people who had stuck around to watch the fight, not wanting to risk turning his back on either of the twins in case Alex decided not to listen to his brother and strike back anyway.

(It's fine)
Alex loved a brawl was glad to be getting stuck in when typical that his infuriating brother would show up. He glowered at him as he seperated the two boys. Hid eyes darting back and forth from Rossi to Max. Couldn't the git just have minded his own business? It wasn't like they were going to kill each other for crying out loud, it was a fight. So what boys did it all the time, hell he often fought with Max. Sure there were people standing about watching but most fights had their groupies it couldnt' be helped.

He watched in silence as Rossi began to walk off obviously as ticked off as he was but probably with more reason to be. Alex pointed at his mouth, trying to speak and indicate to his infuriating twin that he had been silenced but he didn't need his help as suddenly his voice returned mid sentence.
".... git and all you can do is interfere..." he paused realizing his voice was well and truly back.

Pushing Max aside he walked back towards the buckets.
"Hey Rossi you better finish what you started" he said to him but it was anyone's guess how Sebastian would take that line. Would he see it in relation to the detention they had both been served, the fight that had been broken up before it had properly begun or would he try once and for all to confront Trilby and speak to her about them.
Alex ignored his brother as he bent down to his own bucket and sponge well aware that a professor was now coming down the stairs towards them. Just as well the fight hadn't been in full bloom after all.
'Hey Rossi you better finish what you started' Sebastian heard Alex say when he got his voice back. "Maybe some other time" he said with a smirk from the other side of the hall as he rounded a corner and walked away from Alex, his brother and the group that had been watching the whole scene play out.

Now that he was away from everyone, Sebastian allowed his hand to reach toward his chin, which was hurting him. The blow that he had received there had done a number on his chin, and he was willing to bet that it would leave a mark. His chin wasn't the only thing that was hurting though, and Sebastian knew that he had to find a way to get Trilby to talk to him even if he had to lock her in a room to do it. She had been avoiding him for a while now, but what she had done today had really hurt him, more so than any other time.

Walking through the hall, Sebastian saw a group of girls stop and whisper fervently to each other as he passed. With an eye roll, he kept walking towards his room. He was tired of people today and wanted nothing more than to finish school already so he could spend the summer away from this place.
Maximus seriously didn't know why he even bothered. The younger boy walked away not caring to finish the detention given to him while his brother simply had a go at him after what obviously had been the silencing spell had worn off. Max was sorely tempted to put it back on him again but a professor walked towards them casting them questionable looks as if he knew they were up to something but wasn't sure quite what that something was.
"Well serves you right you daft fool" he glowered putting his wand firmly into his back pocket, "you now have detention to serve all by yourself. See how lucky you are? Maybe next time you'll keep that big trap of yours firmly closed. Seriously, I don't want to know what you were saying to him to start that fight and yeah.. I do know it was you to start it. It always is."

Max looked about once more then shrugging his shoulders gave a final wave before walking off to get ready for quidditch practice.

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