
Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
The day was slightly overcast, the threat of rain looming in the air. Professor Weasley stood at the edge of the forbidden forest, waiting to enter. She had sent a note to Mr. Adams the day before telling him when and where to meet her. The young professor had debated meeting him at the crack of dawn to force him to wake up early, but decided against it because she wasn't much of an early bird herself, and see he was the one who was supposed to be being punished, she really didn't see the point in punishing herself.

As she waited, Professor Weasley walked around the entrance way, stopping to watch a bee buzzing around a flower. Every so often, a slight wind would blow sending her gray robes swishing around her knees and her hair blowing around her face. She looked towards the school, her lips pursed as she wondered how much longer she'd be waiting for the young Gryffindor or if he'd show at all. He seemed to have listened to what Professor Fletcher had told him, but it was still hard to tell whether he'd listen to the advice.
Dan was up in the Gryffindor Common-Room, in the boys dorm. He was well aware that he had to meet Professor Weasley for his detention pretty soon, but Dan as always was running late. He had been to most of his lessons this week, as Professor Fletcher had advised him to, but Dan wasn't ready to brave Care of Magical Creatures yet. So having spent the day hiding on the cliffs, Dan had to change back into his Hogwarts uniform for his detention. He thought he'd follow the rules this time around, it was about time.

Looking around the Common Room for the note that Weasley had sent him, Dan realised that if he didn't hurry up, he was going to get himself into even more trouble. Grabbing the note from his shelf, he took a look at where he needed to be, and sighed when he read that it was in the Forbidden Forest. Today's weather was telling Dan that today was not the day for an outdoor detention. But Dan figured that if it rained, Professor Weasley wasn't going to want to be outside for too long either, which would hopefully shorten his time in detention.

As Dan reached the outside of the castle, he glanced over at Professor Weasley, who was in the far distance. Stood at the edge of the forest. He may have been late, but Dan took his time walking over. After a 2 Minute walk over , Dan finally reached Professor Weasley. "Evenin'..." He said, looking down, refusing to make eye-contact with the Professor. "So, what am I supposed to be doin' here then?" He asked, questioning the young looking Professor.
Turning when she heard Dan speak to her, Professor Weasley couldn't help but smile at him even though she knew he was here to serve a detention. He didn't seem to notice it though because he was busying himself looking at the ground. When he asked what they were going to be doing, Cyndi nodded her head, steadying herself for dealing with him.

"Good evening Mr. Adams. We're going to be heading into the forest" she began as if it weren't obvious. "I use some of the trees with my fourth years, and before we head in there, I need to make sure they are ok." She looked towards the sky again at the clouds and the setting sun. They would need to be quick about it because if she really didn't want to be in the forest once it got too dark. "So unless you have any questions, let's get moving. I'll give you more instructions when we get there. We have a bit of a walk ahead of us." The trees she used were not too far into the forest but far enough that they had better get started. Taking her wand out, Professor Weasley muttered the lumos spell.
Dan smirked as he heard what the Professor had in store for him. It seemed he would be spending his evening tree-checking. Dan wondered how Professor Weasley would have him go about this, did she really trust him that much to tell her the truth? Dan's view on this Professor was lightening a little. 'Maybe this detention could be made a little more enjoyable.' Dan thought to himself, as a mischievous look spread across his face.

"I don't have no questions for you." Dan replied, turning on the attitude. "Just Walk and I'll be followin' right in your footsteps, beware of the spiders though..." Dan said cheekily as he spotted a light come from the Professor's wand. Dan looked up at the tree's that stood before him, it was sure going to get dark in the forest. Hoping his detention might get cut short due to bad light, Dan decided to act up a little to delay tactics. "I take it you've got a hoody for me to wear if it rains..." Dan said, taking a good look up at the clouds. "Cause I ain't stayin' out if this weather gets any worse..." Dan said as he looked back down, before catching eye-contact with the Professor for the first time.
Professor Weasley tried her best to refrain from rolling her eyes when he spoke, his words full of attitude. She turned on her heels and held her wand up. "I'm not afraid of spiders, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for them for you" she said easily. Her words weren't exactly true. She really wasn't afraid of spiders, but they still weren't her favorite animals in the world. She took a few steps into the forest expecting Dan to follow her. He really had no choice in the matter. It was detention after all and his punishment would only be worse if he didn't do what was expected of him.

When he spoke again, Cyndi raised her eyebrow and turned back to him. She glanced up at the clouds and then scoffed. "No, I don't. But, you won't melt Mr. Adams. You aren't the Wicked Witch of the West" she said, not even stopping to consider whether he would know what she was talking about. She wasn't sure if he was muggleborn or not and she wasn't going to explain the reference. "And you will stay out as long as we need let's get going since you're so worried about a little rain." She turned again and began walking into the forest, her wand lighting the way for herself and Dan if he bothered to catch up.
Dan scowled at the Professor as she appeared to be making a joke of his comments. "I ain't scared of no rain..." He said simply before following the Professor into the forest. "What is this tree checkin' thing anyway?" Dan asked, he had never thought there to be anything dangerously wrong about tree's before now. But whatever it was, it didn't sound to interesting. So Dan being Dan, planned to play the Professor up as much as possible as they headed deeper and deeper into the dark Forbidden Forest.

[Sorry it's rubbish. :erm: ]
((no worries ;) ))

Cyndi smirked as she heard Dan make a comment about not being afraid. She hoped that he would take her comments as some sort of challenge and just follow her, and he was. Continuing to walk, the young professor glanced at the Gryffindor. "Well, my students are going to be choosing one of the trees to take a branch from, so I want to make sure there isn't anything living in the trees. The last thing I want is for one of the students to be attacked by anything." She moved her wand to the side as she heard a crack in the woods. Seeing nothing, she returned her arm to the front of her. They probably wouldn't find anything to large in the trees, perhaps an owl or a bowtruckle or something like that. But, it would be nothing that she couldn't handle easily.

She glanced at the guy as they neared the spot where she'd be bringing her students. "So, how have your lessons been going?" she asked, wondering if he had taken Professor Fletcher's advice. The fact that he was here at all made her think that he had. She could see the clearing up ahead and led him there.
Dan had climbed the tree's in the Forbidden Forest before now, and he couldn't remember having to avoid any animals. He may have seen them, but they certainly weren't about to attack some random student. But Dan knew that the Professor's had to safety check everything, even if he didn't see the point himself. "Right, so I'm looking for some sort of vicious creature?" He asked, playing the clueless student. He was stuck here now, he might aswell make use of his time.

Dan wasn't sure what answer the Professor expected when she asked him how the lessons had been going. Truth be told, Dan had tried to attend most of his lessons, but there had been one or two that he had skipped, but he wasn't going to tell her that. The last thing he needed was another detention. "They're alright I suppose...and yes I've been going to them...why'd you ask?" He said, flicking the attitude right at her. Dan would be reasonable on this dreary evening, but that didn't mean he was going to act pleasantly towards the Professor.
Professor Weasley laughed aloud at Dan's question. She had no idea what he was expecting to see but she doubted they'd see anything that could be considered vicious. "No" she said easily, "I doubt we'll see anything dangerous." She hoped not anyway. It wasn't part of the plan. Actually, it was never part of Cyndi's plan when she entered the Forbidden Forest. Even as a professor she still didn't really like coming into the too dark forest, and she was secretly grateful for the company.

As they entered the clearing, she nodded to the Gryffindor's reply about going to classes.
"That's good to hear" she actually smiled at Dan. It quickly went away with his next question. Instead of answering, she shrugged.
"Just making sure" she replied and then glanced around at the trees in the area. There were a bunch of different types- elms, ash, a willow in the corner, elder and more. "Alright. It would probably be easier if we split the trees. You'll go there and I'll be on this side of the clearing. Just go to the tree and look up to see if you see anything alive in the branches and check to see if there's a knothole." She looked around. There were only about ten or so trees so she figured they could probably get done before it started pouring.
"Oh and write down if you see anything and what tree" she handed him parchment and a quill from her pocket. "And um...don't stick your hands in anything, wandering please." The last thing she wanted was to lose him in the forest or something. With that, she crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Dan to get started.
Dan took a look around as they reached the clearing. This evening's detention wasn't going to be all that challenging for Dan. Dan felt a little relieved that it had been Professor Weasley who had caught him skiving instead of another Professor. Dan was pretty sure that other Professor's idea's about detention's would be much harsher than what Professor Weasley was making him do.

Dan began to wander towards a tree as Professor Weasley finished speaking. "I won't be wandering anywhere, do you really think I'm that stupid?" He asked, giving one of the lower branches a quick shake to see if anything would fly out. It wasn't exactly what the Professor had told him to do, but it was worth a shot. And it gave Dan something to do, instead of just looking at trees for the rest of his evening. Dan laughed as a bird flew off and out of the tree. He turned to the Professor with a smug grin on his face. "Nah Weasley, there ain't gonna be nothing in these trees when you've got your lesson..." He said, trailing off as his attention was caught by another tree. He repeated the same procedure as last time, hoping to find something a little bigger than just a silly old bird. Dan let out a sigh of boredom as he took a look around. This was going to bore Dan to death if he didn't do something out of order pretty soon.

As Dan approached the next tree he took a run at it, as the lowest branch was quite high up. As he took off through the air, rebounding from the tree trunk, Dan grabbed onto a nearby branch and swung his feet up as he attempted to climb the tree. Dan may have not wanted another detention, but even though he knew that was exactly what he was going to get, if he continued to climb, Dan carried on, laughing a little as he moved up to the next branch. "Sorry Weasley, but there ain't nout but bark in these tree's..." Dan said, smirking away as he stood up on the strongest part of the branch, holding onto the tree-trunk as he gained his balance.
Cyndi chose to ignore Dan's comment as she watched him get started. When she was satisfied that he was going to take the detention seriously and actually do what he asked her, she turned and went to start looking at the first tree on her side. Immediately, she heard the croak that could only belong to a frog. She couldn't see it but she knew it was somewhere on the tree branches above her head. Jotting it down, she moved on, glancing back as she saw Dan shoo a bird out of a tree. She knew it wasn't really worth the effort. If the bird wanted to come back, it would. And since it was harmless, she didn't care so much about that as anything that might actually scare or hurt one of the students. "Good. That's the whole point."

She moved onto the next tree, finding nothing. When she turned around because Dan had spoken to her again, she didn't see him on the ground. She pointed a finger towards the ground. She looked up and slightly above his head was a group of bats. Since the sun was dipping down and the sky was growing dark, she knew it would only be moments before they woke up and flew off, and Dan didn't seem to notice them. She didn't want them to startle him and cause him to fall out of the tree. Taking out her wand, she pointed it towards the bats in case they moved. "Dan...start moving. Now" she said forcefully, wanting him to get started moving towards the ground.
Dan hadn't noticed the bats. So when Weasley told him to start moving, Dan just assumed that he was in trouble for climbing the tree. "You want me to move? Yeah right?" Dan said, with a small laugh. Dan wondered why Weasley was pointing her wand slightly above him. She certainly wasn't about to cast a spell on him, that would put her in a humongous amount of trouble. Dan slowly looked above him to find that she was infact telling him to move away from the bats.

Dan needed to move alright, but he wasn't about to climb down. Carefully walking along the branch, Dan crouched down so that it was easier to balance. Dan was playing dangerous now. He may have been able to climb tree's pretty well, but Dan was no Professional. As the branch began to feel his weight on it, Dan came to a halt as he let the branch stoop down. He carefully reached over to another nearby branch, hoping the branch he was on wouldn't snap. After all, it was a long way down if it did.

Dan grasped the edge of the branch tightly with his hand, but was forced down as his feet slipped off the branch that he was on, and Dan felt himself falling at speed. He hit the ground with a loud thud. Dan hoped he had landed on some soft bark, but no, Dan had been unfortunate enough to land in the solid mud. Dan led there for a couple of seconds, before trying to get up. "Oww." He said quietly, as he held his ribs. Dan hoped that Weasley hadn't heard him letting his attitude pass. Even now Dan was still trying to keep up his hard act.

OOCOut of Character:
It was only time. ;)
She only half expected that he would simply listen to what she said, so when he didn't she wasn't too surprised. "Dan!Stop!" she yelled, thinking that it would be the only way to get his attention. As he looked up, she saw that he was realizing for himself exactly what was about to happen. Cyndi knew that the moment that it was more dark than light, the bats would awaken and fly out likely in a swarm and she didn't want them to attack the student, whether or not he might deserve it.

If it had been her in the tree, she would immediately have begun descending down because the more distance she could put between herself and those creatures, the happier she would be. Dan was obviously not her. If she could have anticipated what might have happened, Cyndi might have been able to get her wand up in time to send a charm to slow Dan down as he fell. She didn't. Luckily, he landed in mud. She raced towards him, cursing aloud. She stepped into the mud without concern that her shoes were being ruined. "Don't move" she said firmly, putting her hand on his shoulder to stop him from getting up. He was going to listen to her now. "I wish you would have listened" she grumbled, "Is anything broken?" It didn't look that way but she wasn't him so she needed to hear from him that he was ok.

OOCOut of Character:
Serves him right :p
Dan, being in pain, decided to do as the Professor had told him for once in his life. He didn't think he had broken anything, but he had certainly bruised a few ribs, and wasn't moving anywhere too fast anytime soon. "Umm, I don't think so, but that bloomin hurt..." Dan said, using the Professor's upper-arm for support as he sat himself up. "Ouch." He said, holding his stomach with his spare hand.

Dan sat still for a minute as he thought. He may have been hurting, but that didn't stop the cheekiness and the attitude. "Will I get to miss lessons for this?" He asked the Professor. As much as Dan wanted to miss lessons, he really hoped he hadn't broken anything. He had far too much on his plate for anything to slow him down. Dan wondered if he could get the Professor into trouble for this, even though it was his own fault. After some thought, Dan put his heart before his head, and decided that it wasn't worth the hassle. Dan was a kind guy if you dug deep enough. He had a warm heart really, even if it didn't show very often.
Professor Weasley was rather surprised when Dan did as he was told for once, and it worried her slightly. She figured that the only reason he would listen was if he was hurt. As he sat up, Cyndi looked around at his shirt and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw nothing but mud. Mud was good. Above them, the bats had finally awakened and gone screeching into the night. She glanced up and then looked back at Dan as he asked a question which made her conclude that he was perfectly fine. If he was wondering about missing classes, he would definitely be alright.

Rolling her eyes, Cyndi stood up and pointed her wand at herself, cleaning off the mud from her shoes and robe. "I doubt it because then you'd have to explain to everyone that you weren't listening during your detention." She crossed her arms across her chest, waiting for him to get up so she could use the charm she'd just used on herself on him. "And you wouldn't want that, would you? They might make you serve another detention." As she waited, a cloud above them broke and it began to drizzle on them. She sighed. "Get up...we've got to start heading back or we'll be caught in the downpour."
Dan sighed as the rain began. He slowly got up, before clapping the mud off of his hands as he got to his feet. Dan was pleased that despite the pain, this detention had gone better, and more quickly that he had expected it too. He soon realised that he hadn't actually done much of what the Professor had asked him to do, and that was typical Dan, always busying himself doing something else so he didn't have to do the job. And that included falling out of tree's. Dan hadn't planned the fall whatsoever, but it had certainly cut his detention short. Dan smirked to himself as he thought about this.

Dan thought for a moment before replying to the Professor. "You really think I'd tell them that I wasn't listening?" He questioned, continuing the conversation, he was hardly going to walk back in complete silence. "Besides, A detention for not listening could be quite fun, seeing as you're the only Professor who seems to listen to a word I say..." Dan said, actually complimenting the Professor for a change. She deserved some respect. After all, she had saved him from what could've been a nasty bat attack, and Weasley seemed to deal well with Dan's type of character.

Dan pulled his cloak around him as they began to reach the edge of the forest. The rain was getting heavier, it was safe to say that Dan wouldn't be in this uniform once he got back to the common room. He stopped under the last tree before turning back, realising that he had been walking a few paces ahead of the Professor. "Come on, the rain's not that scary..." He said cheekily.
Crossing her arms across her chest as he rose and spoke, Cyndi expected nothing less from the Gryffindor. "Of course you wouldn't" she said sarcastically. She should have expected that. Of course he would leave out his own actions in the accident. She shook her head and a ghost of a smile crossed her lips. She pointed her wand at him and used the same charm she'd used on herself to clean the mud off of him. She sighed heavily though the smile was still there, "Lucky me...Mr. Adams, lucky me."

As the rain grew heavier, she sighed. They were going to have to head back. Everything would be muddy soon and any animals around would be taking cover in the trees whether or not they lived in them. Listening to Dan, the professor stopped an eyebrow raised. "I'm still not afraid" she declared, wondering why Dan kept mentioning it. It was almost as if he were trying to find out what scared her and somehow she knew that it was information she was going to try to keep as secret as possible. "But, if you'd like to all means" she gestured back to the trees. She was glad that she'd put her hair in a ponytail because it was being kept off of her face.
Dan scowled as the Professor started to be a little sarcastic with him. A change in character was the last thing he wanted. Dan was beginning to think that for once in his school life, a Professor was just about understanding him. He gave the Professor a funny look then moved his head downwards slightly, but his eyes still focussed on the Professor's face. "Shut-Up..." He Said, rolling his eyes, then turning casually and heading out of the forest as he listened to Professor speak again.

Dan knew fully well that the Professor wasn't afraid of the rain, he was just being typical Dan, full of cheek and attitude. "I guess not, but you seemed pretty keen to get away from those bats..." He trailed off as he walked in the rain, but still talking to the Professor. "I mean, what's the worse they could do?" Dan stopped in his tracks then turned, as if to frighten the Professor with his next words. "Bite Ya?" Dan said, playing dumb once again. His detention was practically over now, there wasn't much the Professor could do, unless he did something completely insane. But quite frankly, Dan wasn't feeling up to being quite so insane just yet. He was still aching from the tree fall, but that wouldn't stop him from being his cheeky self.
Professor Weasley wasn't sure she heard Dan right, so she didn't say anything at all. With the rain falling down and the animals waking up for the night and the wind, sound was carrying differently. "You mean I was keen to get you away from the bats" she corrected. If Dan was going to say something, she wanted him to get his facts right. It was only fair. She took another few steps and then shrugged her shoulders. "They aren't worse than dragons so I doubt it would matter" she said with a smile. She'd seen her father wrangle dragons and been close enough to the animals on a few occassions, so she wasn't really scared of many creatures. Once you got close to something that could breathe fire, there really wasn't anything much that could compare. She knew that Dan was being Dan though, so she just let him carry on with his talk. She got the feeling somehow that he didn't really have too many people to talk to, and he amused her.
"Ohhh you shouldn't have..." Dan said sarcastically, and a little effeminately as she mentioned that she was keen to get him away from the bats. As much as Dan had fought against this detention, it had strangely put him in a better mood, despite his fall. If he could've gotten away with it he wouldn't have turned up, but there was something that made Dan turn up to this detention. Maybe he was almost getting along with a Professor for a change?

Dan snapped out of his strange thought when the Professor brought up the subject of dragons. Deciding to continue, Dan spoke again. "Well maybe next time around, I'll find myself some big old dragons to hang around with eh? See how you'd cope with the bigger sized animals..." Dan paused for thought, as he allowed a cheeky smirk to spread across his face. "I mean..." He Began. "If you're so keen to save me, then surely you wouldn't mind being the new, famous Dragon Slayer of Hogwarts..." Dan trailed off as he began to walk away. "Or Dragon Victim..." He mumbled to himself with a sly laugh. 'I really need to get a life.' Dan thought to himself.
"Whatever" she said with a chuckle as they walked back towards the castle. Neither one of them was covered in mud anymore, but they were getting wet and since the forest had a dirt floor, their footwear was beginning to muddy up again. Professor Weasley was glad that she had decided to wear a pair of old boots because she wasn't too concerned about the fact that they were getting messy. "Good luck with that...Professor Fletcher might be able to help. He is the Magical Creatures professor after all..." she added. Cyndi wasn't too afraid of dragons, not really anyway. She did have a very healthy respect for them though. One that was never going to go away. She knew that the creatures were beautiful but they were also dangerous and territorial and not to be messed with. "I like saving people, but even I'm not that stupid. I don't mess with dragons" she said, shaking her head. Her Gryffindor bravery only went so far.

As they stepped out of the forest, Cyndi looked around at the grounds and was glad to see that no students had stuck around. The rain didn't look like it would be ending any time soon, and it looked as if it were going to be a good night to remain indoors. "I'll send a note to Professor Fletcher that you completed your detention Mr. Adams" she told him as they walked across the grounds to the castle. "Thank you" she added softly. He hadn't been too much trouble, and in the end, his attempt at independence had only hurt himself and that wasn't even so bad.
Dan was glad when the pair reached the castle together. Their shoes may have been muddy, but they hadn't gotten to wet, nothing that wouldn't dry off in 10 Minutes or so. Dan smiled to himself as he heard the Professor thank him. As he reached the door, he turned round to her, taking a few steps backwards landing just infront of the door before stopping to speak. "Anytime Professor...Just don't trust me with trees again..." Dan said with a small chuckle. Dan had hated this Professor at the start of this detention, but now Dan didn't find her too bad. Any Professor who could hold a detention with Dan without constantly shouting at him deserved at least some respect. Dan opened the door a jar then took one step in. "I'll cya around Professor." He said with a happy smile, before heading back to the Gryffindor Common Room for the evening. He didn't have much choice with the weather as it was. Dan had left with a smile on his face, the detention may have actually done Dan some good, even if it was in an extremely odd way.

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