
Amy Stone

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Amy hadn't really known what to do with herself lately. She had been sitting in the common room but had abruptly got up and taken herself up the many stairs to the owlery. Amy didn't know why she was going up here, the only person she wanted to hear from more than anything was her dad. But deep down Amy knew that would never happen again.

As Amy approached the top of the stairs she peered into the owlery, wondering if she really wanted to go in. After a minute or two she walked gingerly into the room, looking round at the many owls hooting and flying.

She walked carefully over to the window, and stood there, simply looking out at the grounds, a few tears sliding out of her eyes as she thought about never hearing form her dad again.
Charlie had been so worried about Amy. Over Christmas she had shut herself away and had spoken to neither himself or Callum. Now Charlie not only had to deal with his own grief for his father but also the worry about Amy. He had spoken to Callum about it, and Charlie had insisted on going out to New Zealand himself, to be closer to Amy. Callum of course, could not go, due to his dedication to work but Charlie had a little more freedom. They had arranged for him to stay in New Zealand and also to get the schooling he required.

He had only just recently arrived, but wanted to write to Amy as soon as possible. He therefore, sat himself down and began to write, to tell her that he was there when she needed him.
This is just a quick letter to inform you of my where abouts. I have spoken to Callum and he has agreed to letting me come over to New Zealand, so as to be closer to you.
I've been so worried about you, and I want to help you. I lost him too, so did Callum, but please, don't shut yourself away.
I'm always here if you need me, please don't hesistate to write to me or anything. If you want, I'll come down to Brightstone when you're allowed down and I'll meet you, it would be good to see you again.
I hope to hear from you soon,

It was a short letter, but Charlie didn't know what else to write. As he tied the letter to the leg of the owl, he hoped Amy would understand that he was here for her.
Amy stood gazing out the window. She paid no attention to the goings on around her; the constant coming and goings of different owls. She therefore had not realised the large brown owl that came soaring through the window, landing onthe ground next to her. Nor did she feel the gentle nudging on her ankles. It was only when the owl flew right next to her on the window sill and nudged her again did she pay attention.

Looking down she recognised it as Charlie's owl. Taking the letter she slowly read its contents. Her breathing quickened as she read over the letter, once, twice, three times.

He had come her to be closer to her. Amy broke out into a small smile, not feeling so alone anymore. She was sorry for the worry she must have put Charlie under, in order for him to feel he needed to come over to New Zealand to keep an eye on her. She hugged the letter tightly in her hand, bringing it closer to her body.

Almost instantly, some of the weight of lonliness seemed to lift from her shoulders, and for once, in a long time, Amy felt slightly, ever so slightly more content.
Amy trudged up the stairs to the owlery. She had put off writing to anyone for a while, but now with the up and coming Brightstone trip, Amy thought that she would inform Charlie. It had been several months now since...the accident, and Amy was actually quite looking forward to hopefully seeing him. They had met under dire conditions, and then Amy had kept herself ot herself, not wanting to be around anyone else; enjoying her own company much more.

As she finally approached the top, she glanced down at the letter in her hand, re-reading to make sure that it sounded okay, and that there were no grammatical errors of any kind.
Hi Charlie,
Sorry for not writing to you sooner. How are you keeping? I hope that you're okay, with, well you know, everything.
I just thought I would write to let you know that there is a Brightstone trip coming up, so if you wanted to meet me or something? Well, let me know if you would like to!
Hopefully speak to you soon

Short, to the point. Amy hoped she hadn't made Charlie too worried with her behaviour, and was keen to see him soon, to let him know how she was coping but also to make sure that he, himself was okay.

Looking round for a school owl, she managed to coax it down to her level, and tying the letter to its legs, watched as it took off out of the open window.
Charlie had been worried about Amy. He had sent her a letter yet had not received a reply. Charlie knew that the shock of losing her father had hit her hard; at Christmas she had shut herself off. But in his heart, he hoped that Amy returning to school would help her to try and understand, and maybe even begin to move on. It would be a long process, but Amy hadn't known Charlie for very long, she had known her school friends longer than she had known him.

He sighed, as yet another day passed with no word from her. Charlie had hoped that him coming over to New Zealand would help her, just knowing that he was close to her. He was just about to head inside from the garden when he heard a sound. Charlie looked up, hope in his eyes, as the source of the noise grew closer. An owl was heading in his direction. Of course, it could be for someone else, but he was happy when it headed straight for him.

Reaching up he grabbed the letter from the owls leg before it had a chance to land. He ripped it open, and a smile spread across his face as he read it. Amy wanted to see him, and hopefully soon. Charlie always had a piece of parchment on him, and now he dashed indoors to grab a quill, so that he would be able to reply straight away.
It's great to hear from you, I'm okay, as good as can be at least.
I would love to see you on the next visit to Brightstone! Just tell me the date and when and where and I'll be there.
I'll see you soon

The letter didn't contain a lot of information, but he would be able to speak to her in person soon. This would be much better, he thought than writing it in a letter. He coaxed the family owl down and, tying the letter to its leg, watched as it soared off to deliver the post.

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