- Messages
- 635
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Wand
- Knotted 11 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
- Age
- 5/2034 (19)
I found peace in your violence ,
I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long ,
Say Hello to
Derek Wati Tahana!
I'd rather be a lover than a fighter ,
Cause all my life, I've been fighting ,
I found peace in your violence ,
I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long ,

Say Hello to
Derek Wati Tahana!
I'd rather be a lover than a fighter ,
Cause all my life, I've been fighting ,
Derek Tama Tahana
Derek - In English the meaning of the name Derek is: Gifted ruler. People ruler.Old German TheodoricFamous bearer: Derrick was a 17th century hangman at Tyhurn, whosename became synonymous with 'gallows' and now refers to a type of crane.'Gifted ruler.'
Tama - Means "son, boy" in Maori.
Tahana - Tahana is a Maori name for boys meaning A chief of Ati-Awa
Given Dereks mixed heritage his parents had fought quite heavily over what they could call Derek, his father had wanted a traditional name, remembering both his magical and Maori heritage, but his mother wanted to name Derek after her grandfather who had been a large influence upon her life. Eventually they did settle on his name, he was named Derek after his mothers grandfather, his middle and last name were both references to his heritage. His father had eventually caved at the suggestion of his own father, who had reminded his that it was important for Derek to be proud of both lines and to carry both lines. So, he had ended up with that name. Derek is proud of his full name, he loves the way it sounds he loves that all of the parts of them are of something important. He always tried to do well to uphold the legacy of all the names he holds. He does love it.
Derek does not believe in nicknames and so does not have any. He might respond to one if someone else were to give him it but he would not go out of his way for it. He wouldnt want people to use nicknames with him, he wouldnt encourage it, he wouldnt stop it really.
27th May
Derek has one younger sibling, a half brother named Henry. He is fiercely protective over his brother, though they had quite a gap, Derek will threaten and hurt people if they dare lay a hand on his brother. It is the only situation where Dereks go to would be violence. Even though they dont share the exact same lineage, he still believes in protecting his brother to preserve their family
Derek is very close to both sets of grandparents which he is directly related to and also to his step-fathers parents too. His fathers father was his tutor before Hogwarts and was also fundamental in teaching Derek about loyalty and about family. Derek enjoys spending time with all of them, in either the grandparents shop or just learning sports with other. They are all very close to him and he has a good bond. He is surrounded by loving family, either directly connected to him or by extension.
They have a family Owl.
Derek is mixed blood. His fathers family are from an old pureblood line which eventually brought in other blood types and were very liberal with who their family associated with. On both sides theres been a lot of mixture and both of his parents are mixed blood, making him that too.
Derek understands that blood can be important and he agrees that there should be some respect given to those that are of pureblood but he also thinks that its a maybe more archaic way of looking at the world, and as along as everyone is respectful of others then its fine. Blood doesnt make any one person better than the other. He doesnt have desire to be pureblood nor is he jealous of those that are. He still knows that his family is a respectable and proud family without needing to be pureblood. He is loyal to his family and knows that being loyal to family is the more important part.
Golden Bay
Golden Bay
Derek has always loved living in Golden Bay, his family have a large and spaceous home, its a beautiful part of the country, and he likes seeing this area of the world. He has lived in New Zealand his whole life, a large part of his heritage is from that country, theres no place that Derek would rather be than there.
Derek is quite young and so is unsure of what he might be, but he likes people, and he likes spending time around both girls and boys. He has a rather large crush on Emilia Manning whom he has been on a few dates with.
Hasnt happened yet
Hasnt happened yet
Too young
Too young
Never felt a feeling of comfort,
All this time, I've been hiding
HAIR Never felt a feeling of comfort,
All this time, I've been hiding
Derek has very dark brown- almost black hair. It is soft and usually well combed. His parents taught him the importance of presentation, no matter what he was wearing or where he was going that he should always trying to look good. Part of this is his hair. If he didnt look after it, it could easily become unruly and messy and be presenting himself in a way that isnt becoming of his family or his family name. He likes his hair, and likes styling it so that it sits right. He often ends up with it getting quite messy whenever he goes to play sports, but always takes the time after that to fix it. He likes the colour and the feel of it, it is very like his fathers hair.
Derek would never dye his hair any other colour. He doesnt believe he would suit it, and wouldnt want to ruin his hair by doing so.
Derek has dark brown eyes. They are very much identical to his fathers and his grandfathers eyes. He was often spent time hoping that he had brighter eyes like some of the other kids he spent time with, but he has come to really appreciate the brown of his eyes and the way they suit him, his face and his features. He would rather that it suited him, that it looked particular and unique. He also has come to realise the importance of family and how it is good to pass down such genetics and the importance of family in general
He has a few freckles scattered around his body, though the most visible is a birthmark just below his left eye. He has always appreciated it being there. It is a visible one, but one that he had enjoyed being on his face. Its a unique mark and he likes seeing it. He thinks that it is better to have freckles and birthmarks and scars that to be without. Scars he has a few of, having spent a lot of time playing muggle sports has enabled Derek to amass a number of scars, mostly small scars in various places. He doesnt mind that sort of thing at all.
Derek has an athletic build despite his young age. Hes been playing sports for a number of year and has followed his families build. He filled out pretty well, and though he continues to grow, he is still playing sports, and thus continuing to fill out. He has never been thin in the way that others his age was, but he always remained healthy and within his correct body weight for his age. He is a little taller than average for his age, and this will likely continue as he grows older and achieves a similar height to that of his father and grandfather.
A (-ve)
Right Handed
To Come
Derek has a thick Kiwi accent, having been born and raised in New Zealand, by Kiwi parents this was always going to happen, his interactions with foreign people were limited until he got to Hogwarts. It is a growing deeper voice, but still very light and playful.
Derek can speak english and because of his grandfather and father, he also has learned some of the Maori (te reo Māori) language. He doesnt use it very often, and especially less so having now arrived at Hogwarts where there are fewer occasions too, but he still recognises the importance for him to do so, and the importance of carrying the language. During the time between years at school. He would be inclined to continue learning it. Of being able to speak parts of it and being able to understand when it is written.
Derek has no allergies
His style can be best described as casual, he doesnt often opt for fancier clothes, but his family, being of relative wealth has enable his casual style to also be a style that is within fashion and is well put together. He likes to be well put together even if his style is just a casual look. He believes much like with hair that it is important to present himself in one way and be able to always look somewhat well put together. He likes wearing his uniform and being able to be presentable in that. If the occasion calls for it he will dress well and likes wearing the occasional suit.
Alex Aiono
My whole life, I've felt like a burden ,
I think too much, and I hate it ,
My whole life, I've felt like a burden ,
I think too much, and I hate it ,
Derek mostly just wants to do his family right, make them proud of him and his achievements. Other than that he has very few other goals. Hes a very much in the moment kind of person.
The day his parents broke up was a rather difficult day for him. He wasnt sure what would happen, and what it would mean for him, but in the end it all worked out perfectly fine for him.
Derek is terrified of letting his family down. But he would always be sure to hide that and always avoid showing it.
Derek is very happy, he has no deep desires that he would see, or that would immediately spring to mind. He perhaps would maybe see his parents back together, but he also has a strong relationship with his step father, and adores his little brother, so he would rather have them than his parents together. He would like see him making them all proud of something hes done. He would be the focus of the attention and it would be because he had done something good for the family, something they could all get behind him for.
He would smell a rugby ball, since its his favourite muggle sport and he loves everything to do with it. Including watching it be played and playing it himself.
Derek looks up to his grandfather more than most. He has been a very strong influence upon his life, and he has taught Derek so much about the world. He is a posed and well spoken man, whom Derek has enjoyed learning from. Its someone who he can very easily look up to.
Derek holds no religious beliefs.
In ancient Greek mythology, Geminis ruler Mercury, was the light-footed messenger of the gods who darted back and forth across the heavens delivering news which might explain why those born under the sign of the Twins are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. Its just that variety is the spice of their lives! And no one is better at multi-tasking than the quixotic Gemini. Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that dont have the gift of the gab are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, theres one thing worse than people talking about you, thats people not talking about you. Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually talking about them. Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large. Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making itand spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Geminis can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.

I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long ,
I've been quiet for too long ,
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: A complex wand capable of the most advanced magic, Elm does not often make a mistake or fuddle a spell - it is highly dependable to a well matched master.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
Derek had been looking forward to getting his wand from the very beginning. It was the most exciting part of the process of getting things for the school semester. His wand was everything he had hoped it would be. It was sleek looking, it had a good wood, and an amazing core. His father was rather impressed that his core was the acromantula web, but he knew that it had to mean that his son was destined for great things.
Hogwarts New Zealand
Derek had known what to expect both of his parents had attended Hogwarts Scotland, and they were able to tell him a lot about that, which helped him know what to expect of this school, but he was not underimpressed by the school, it lived up to the expectations he had for it.
Derek was very excited to be sorted. He was looking forward to it. He wanted to know where he would end up. He knew he would be suited where ever he did end up and was excited to just make some new friends and spend time with other people. His parents said that hed likely end up in slytherin, but Derek wouldnt mind at all. He was just happy to be at school.
Having made friends on the train ride already, the young boy was in good spirits, he was in high spirits. He had heard about this ceremony and he was happy to finally be attending. it didn't much matter to him the house where he ended up, he would do his best to uphold the traditions of the house while trying his best to have fun and do things that he wanted to do. He was looking forward to all the clubs he could join, he was looking forward to all the events he could get himself involved in, there was so much to look forward to about this school, and Derek was keen to get started upon it. The boy had been looking forward to this day for years, the first son of his family to be attending the school, and he had spent much of this year learning the basics of magic that would be useful to him moving forward. He wasn't overly interested in the classes, but he wanted to be great at magic so he would have to make an effort for it, but, he was far more interested about all the fun that was going to come his way the moment he was sorted and free to engage in the things the school had to offer. He just wanted to experience everything, specifically he just didn't want to become bored in the school and have nothing to do. He'd make friends sure, but he needed things he could do with his friends.
The boy was pleased when the hat's song came to an end and the real sorting began, he had met a few people on the train and eagerly watched as they were sorted before him, as many of the students were sorted before him. Derek knew his name would come fairly near the end, and he was actually enjoying the sorting of others. It was interesting to see the faces of different people as they walked forward and got sorted. It was interesting to watch how they reacted to the house they were placed in. He found himself mentally trying to sort people just based upon what they looked like, it wasn't very right, but he found it fun and it was something to do in the time he was waiting. It wasn't that long a wait, it was just quite boring to him and so he gave himself something to do. He didn't mind where he ended up so he wasn't nervous about his own sorting, he was calm and ready for it. The boy's name was finally called and he stepped forward, holding his head high and taking the steps quickly, his calm movements showing his confidence, he didn't give one hint of being remotely about this. Seeing the hall from this perspective was interesting to him, all the little faces, all the people he might interact with while at the school. The hat was placed on his head and Derek mentally thanked the hat before it even got started. He knew to be respectful of such an amazing piece of magic.
Seventh Year
First Year: Dereks first year has been great for him. Hes loved everything that hes done so far. He enjoyed halloween, the yuleball and the valentines dance. He got a rose from Emilia, one of his closest friends at the school. Someone he has thoroughly enjoyed spending time with. He helped her dance at the yuleball, and then attended the valentines dance with her. Shes a good friend to him, even if a little quiet. He has done relatively okay in his class, not excelled but not failed anything so fair. He has loved Hogwarts so far, but wishes there was a rugby club.
Derek was looking forward to this, with a few things lined up, he was fully ready to leave Hogwarts and likely never look back. Of course there would be plenty that he’d look back on with a smile, plenty of good things had happened to him, he’d made plenty friends had good experiences between these walls of the school but he was looking forward to his life outside of it, of being able to go out and just enjoy himself. He couldn’t wait to begin his life outside of school with Athena. He couldn’t wait to not have to revise and study. He couldn’t wait to be able to just go out and have fun. It was going to be good to say goodbye to so many elements that was school life. The slytherin had invited his mother and his dad, he knew his little brother, his step father and his grandfather were all disappointed to not be there, but he thought it would be better if it was just them two. He did intend for Athena to meet them, and it would be better if it was just his parents, that his parents and then a few others. Derek didn’t have time to find them but he told Athena to hold off before leaving so that he could introduce her to them after.
The ceremony got underway and Derek looked up at the headmistress. He listened vaguely to the speeches, but he didn’t really care about either or. To him it was just the last thing they had to sit through before they were able to leave. He didn’t really think they could say anything deeply profound enough to grab his attention so he was just happy to listen along and vaguely clap for them both but not really care about what exactly had been said. Eventually the speeches wrapped up and the procession begun. He watched, much like with sorting, as student after student went before him. He applauded for everyone, maybe being a bit louder for the people he knew like Athena, Sapph and Kira. He applauded for Emilia too, despite all of their problems he was still happy for her in this graduation moment. Eventually his name was called out and he heard is dad’s cheering as he made his way across the stage and accepted the diploma from the head mistress. With that he was done, could just clap for the rest of the students and then drag athena to meet his family and then it was all over.
None yet
First Year | |||
Potions: A | History of Magic: A | Defence Against the Dark Arts: A | Charms: A |
Transfiguration: A | Astronomy: A | Herbology: A | Flying: P |
Second Year | |||
Potions: A | History of Magic: A | Defence Against the Dark Arts: P | Charms: A |
Transfiguration: A | Astronomy: P | Herbology: A |
Third Year | |||
Potions: E | History Of Magic: E | Defence Against the Dark Arts: E | Charms: E |
Transfiguration: E | Astronomy: E | Herbology: E | Divination: E |
Ancient Runes: E | Muggle Studies: E |
Fourth Year | |||
Potions: E | History Of Magic: E | Defence Against the Dark Arts: E | Charms: E |
Transfiguration: E | Astronomy: E | Herbology: E | Divination: E |
Ancient Runes: E | Muggle Studies: E |
Sixth Year | |||
Potions: E | History Of Magic: E | Defence Against the Dark Arts: E | Charms: E |
Transfiguration: E | Astronomy: E | Herbology: E | Divination: E |
Ancient Runes: E | Muggle Studies: E | Apparition: Pass |
OWL Year | |||
Potions: E | History Of Magic: E | Defence Against the Dark Arts: E | Charms: E |
Transfiguration: E | Astronomy: E | Herbology: E | Divination: E |
Ancient Runes: E | Muggle Studies: E |
NEWT Year | |||
Potions: E | History Of Magic: E | Defence Against the Dark Arts: E | Charms: E |
Transfiguration: E | Astronomy: E | Herbology: E | Divination: E |
Ancient Runes: E | Muggle Studies: E |
Derek loves Potions! He loves everything about the class, he loves the professor the way the class is taught. He loves that theyll get to make potions that do different things. He just adores everything about what theyve done so far and all the times they will eventually do.
Derek doesnt particularly dislike any class. He enjoys them all.
I'm in need of a savior ,
but I'm not asking for favors
DREAM JOBI'm in need of a savior ,
but I'm not asking for favors
Derek has never really known what he wants to do with his life. He likes magical theory but he doesn't know what that would translate into. Derek would like to do more with magic and learning how magic works but he doesn't know what he could actually do.
Derek doesn't have one, he's only just graduated
Derek goes home to his family and is uninterested in getting a winter job. No one in his family would force him to do so either.
Love only left me alone ,
But I'm at one with the silence
Coding Done by me
Silence - Marshmello
Love only left me alone ,
But I'm at one with the silence
Coding Done by me
Silence - Marshmello
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