Closed Denial

Ember Michaels

Blunt- Sarcastic- Open- Musician
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
10 inch straight, slightly springy Vine with Fwooper Feather Core
4/18/2031 (31)
When Ember had heard that Jamie and Onyx had moved out of the flat in Marseilles, she'd immediately approached the pair to buy it. She'd always adored Jamie's flat, and jumped on the chance for not only an adorable seaside residence but also a very much needed change of scenery. Onyx had been teaching her French for the past year, in what she believed was an attempt to make Jamie feel more welcomed in the family. She was glad for it now, and she knew Morie's French was passable from his work.

They'd moved in two days ago, and were still in the process of unpacking everything. After... what had happened, Ember and Morwen had agreed that it was finally time to take the next step and move in together. Any doubts Ember had been harboring about Morie and their relationship had been washed away. The man had stood by her, through her moodiness, through her fear, through the tragedy of losing their unborn baby. Morwen was really in this with her, and she was ready to take the next step of committing to him.

Ember had been trying to unpack their clothes when another wave of nausea hit her hard. Dropping the sweater from her hands, the woman made a mad dash for the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit into the toilet. Ember cradled it for a good while, becoming reacquainted with everything she'd eaten that day- and meeting some new things for the first time. When had she eaten carrots? Shaking and pale, Ember sat back, slumping against the tub and shutting her eyes.
After months of grieving, Morwen and Ember decided to start fresh and move in together. With choices between Paris and New Zealand, he gave it to Ember. She needed the change more than him and Evelyn had been generous enough to have his assignment transferred to the European office.

They had moved in two days ago, there were still boxes to unpack and he had told his girlfriend that he'd do them when he got back from the office. He promised her he would show up there for some input for the upcoming shoots and come back home right after. He was not due to report but he owed it to his boss for being understanding of their loss. The meeting went by in a breeze and the next thing he knew, he was out of the office with two hours to spare to grab lunch for them. He was unsure if the woman had lunch prepared but if there was, there's always dinner.

Soon enough, Morwen came through the door, making his way to the kitchen to set the bags. "Em?", he called out. There wasn't any cooking done so he was sure she was just in one of the rooms unpacking. "Emmy, I'm home!", he called out again. "I promised I'll do the unpacking but wanna eat first?", he added, whisking his wand to get the table set. He glanced back in the direction of the bedroom, ears straining to listen for any sound.
Ember hadn't moved much when she heard Morwen calling out for her. "Only if you brought soup," She yelled back, grimacing as the movement caused her to get sick again. Ember wasn't sure there was anything left in her to expel, but that wasn't stopping her stomach from trying to protest. She groaned and summoned a cool rag, wiping at her face. The stress of all of this was going to kill her. She hoped this move helped. Onyx had gone on and on about how amazing this flat was. She could only hope. They needed the fresh start.
Noelle mistakenly apparated in an unfamiliar house and disapparated again. :D
Morwen smiled as he rummaged through the bag and took out the soup. "Chicken and macaroni soup okay?", he yelled back, stopping short as he heard her throw up again. A rag whizzed by in front of him, making him stop what he was doing altogether. "Em? Are you okay?", he asked, concern growing. He found her on the floor against the tub. "Hey, what's wrong? Do you want me to call Cassi or send for a healer or shall we go there instead?", he rambled on, kneeling next to her.
Ember groaned, leaning her head against the tub. "I'm fine, Morie, it's just stress, really," she tried to reassure him, waving a hand dismissively. "Just- get me some chicken broth or something and a blanket, we can cuddle on the couch maybe, I just need to destress and these knots will go away." She mumbled, taking a few breaths to steady herself.
Morwen's brows furrowed as he listened, scanning her body, hoping he could spot something amiss with her. "Alright, let's get you settled.", he sighed, taking her in his arms. He carried Ember to the living room, getting her comfortable. He picked up his wand to summon her blanket before walking to the kitchen to get what his girlfriend requested. He brought the bowl and some garlic bread on a tray. "Here you go.", he sat down beside her, pulling the table by his foot. "Want me to feed you?", he offered with a smile.
Ember sighed softly, letting Morwen move her to the kitchen. She settled in, wrapping up in the blanket. She felt terrible. She shifted more towards him as he sat down again, giving him a small smile. "Would it be cheesy if I said yes?" She asked him with a small smile. She was feeling oddly weak. Too much stress, probably. She hoped the change of scenery did her well.
Morwen chuckled as he shook his head. “Not cheesy, adorable yes.”, he replied as he handed her the garlic bread, stirred the broth once then spooned out some with chicken bits, blowing on it gently before offering it to his girlfriend. “Say ah…”, he jokingly said. It was perfect timing that he finished his project earlier than usual and to be there for her the moment she needed him.
Ember rolled her eyes, but opened her mouth obediently for her boyfriend. When the soup was gone, she leaned against him, groaning. "Morie, will you set up a healers appointment for tomorrow?" She asked, closing her eyes and curling into his side. "I don't feel too hot," She murmured, starting to drift off now that she'd nestled into his familiar warmth.
Morwen just chuckled and continued feeding Ember. When the soup was gone, he placed the spoon back on the bowl before wrapping an arm around her. At her request, he did not know why he was feeling nervous all of a sudden. "All right, I'll send them an owl.", he managed to get the words out. It could not be, could it? He looked down to see her settled and drifted to sleep. He adjusted his hold on her and carried her to the bedroom. Once she was settled, he quickly penned a letter to send to St. Mungos. He also sent another one to his sister about the appointment.

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