Demi Zephyr

Demi Zephyr

gearhead ⚙️ will fight back; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 18 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
09/2050 (12)
D E M I ✻ S K Y E ✻ Z E P H Y R


four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


demi zephyr


aion zephyr - father
cyan zephyr - mother
iris zephyr - older sister
echo zephyr - younger sister
ares zephyr - younger brother


best friend - none as of yet
friend - none as of yet
acquaintance - demi considers susie lagowski and william potter-cade to be recent acquaintances. she also wants to get to know maggie and bea grey and sophie shepard from her dorms better.
demi has also met tori de lacey and oliver durand but she doesn't know how to feel about them at the moment.

none as of yet

Romantic Interests

current - demi thinks william potter-cade is cute, but trying not to think about it too hard
past - none

Academic Connections
none as of yet

Other Connections
none as of yet
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four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


aion zephyr - aion is a former ravenclaw student who had a passion for ancient runes throughout his later years at school. prior to this, he was a durmstrang student but came to new zealand in the hopes of bettering his mythology career and runic inspiration. when he was a sixth year however, he began dating madeline walden who ultimately caused aion to fall in love with the study of animals including care of magical creatures. despite their relationship not working out, aion went on to find his future wife in cyan territe and between them they went on to work with animals as a partnership.

growing up demi has often been referred to be very similar to her father in that she carries herself in a similar manner academically. although they have different interests, she is also a keen learner and wants to learn as much as she can about her chosen subjects. demi's parents homeschooled her and her siblings through their early years and so she's very close to her parents, and wants to make sure she can continue striving for a life of peace that they've provided.

cyan zephyr - as a hufflepuff at school throughout the earlier years, cyan struggled with her blood status, believing that it was important for her to give the impression to others that she was a pureblood. after falling in love with aion however this changed, and she came to accept her blood status for what it was. demi has no qualms about her own mixed blood status, and hasn't been brought up to think of it as especially relevant to her life.

demi has inherited a number of traits from her mother, both physically and mentally. demi likes to think that she is outgoing, approachable and sassy because of cyan. her mother and older sister iris are also quite conscious of their appearance, choosing to dye their hair and wear heavy make up however this isn't something demi enjoys. when she was younger, demi considered whether she needed to do more for her appearance but ultimately decided that she was happy the way she was, even if she wasn't as expressive as others in her family.

Older Sister
iris zephyr - fellow hogwarts student iris was sorted into hufflepuff three years before demi joined the school. iris is considered to be a clone of cyan as she looks like a mini version of their mother. iris cries a lot and this often annoys demi, as she feels like her parents often cave to whatever whim iris asks for. if you were to ask demi whether or not she was jealous of the attention her sister receives, she would tell you no, however deep down she is irritated at the way iris manages to wrap everyone around her little finger. when iris and demi were younger their relationship was closer, but once iris moved to hogwarts and the distance became more obvious, demi no longer knows whether or not her sister is someone she can turn to.

Younger Sister
echo zephyr - growing up, three girls in the family was a lot for demi's parents, however when echo came along demi found that she was more often than not, doing things by herself. demi was only a year old when her younger sister was born, but as a middle child she finds that she's even more of the odd one out. she is not especially close to either of her sisters, and the older she got, the more time she ended up spending with her father instead. she will occasionally go to echo if she needs advice on any outfits or trends, or if she needs to borrow something, but she wouldn't trust echo with looking after any of the animals at their home. of all her siblings, demi has a tendency to be bossiest to echo and will often try to take charge of her younger sisters ideas.

Younger Brother
ares zephyr - by the time demi was two, she had also been given a baby brother much to the delight of her parents who seemingly refused to stop until they'd had a boy. ares irritates demi beyond measure because she is well aware that ares is her mothers favourite child. anything ares asks for, ares gets. as far as demi is concerned, she is the only one of her siblings that is actually trying to achieve her goals, rather than trying to demand they be handed to her which has driven a wedge between them over the years. she finds ares to be incredibly annoying and wouldn't be surprised if he tried to throw any of his sisters under the bus at any given moment. demi believes ares to be spoiled, and isn't looking forward to him joining hogwarts and getting in her way.
F I R S T ✻ Y E A R ✻ F R I E N D S H I P S


four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


As Demi was homeschooled before she came to Hogwarts, most of her friends are her family and the pets they have at home. Now that she's here, she's determined to find some companions of her own.
Susie Lagowski
demi first met susie when she popped into madam puddifoots before school started, commenting on her inability to be able to spell properly. athough susie played this off, demi wasn't convinced she was being sincere but didn't push the topic. it was the first time she'd been out and about with her parents, and she was just glad to find someone else her own age. the pair met again in the magical menagerie when susie was looking for a pet to bring to school. coming from an animal-full home, demi offered her some advice on the various pets that would the easiest and the most interesting to care for while at hogwarts, and it was here that she properly introduced herself to susie. demi was a little sad that susie was sorted into hufflepuff, as it would have been nice to know someone in her own house.

William Potter-Cade
another student demi met while in the menagerie was william, whom she came across when trying to decide whether or not to release a number of the stores birds out into the wild to live their true purpose. upon first glance, demi thinks william is pretty cute and she likes his smile, but she's trying not to get too caught up with him before school has even started. when william was sorted into gryffindor, she was also disappointed that it would mean they wouldn't be sharing all their classes together.

Tori de Lacey
demi doesn't really know tori, however she did see her the same day she met susie in madam puddifoots, only putting a name to her during the sorting ceremony where she too was sorted into gryffindor. although she wouldn't admit it, she is a little jealous of tori because she is able to spend more time with william, although she also thinks that perhaps it's a good thing he isn't around to distract her from all the homework she's about to have.

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