- Messages
- 575
- Wand
- Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Deme Aurelious
Name: Demetrius
First Name Meaning: Earth mother; barley-mother.
First Name Origin: Russian
Last Name Meaning(Aurelious): Golden Hair
Last Name Meaning(Petrov): A Rock
Last Name Origin(Aurelious): Spanish
Last Name Origin(Petrov): Russian
Middle Name?: Not Applicable
Middle Name Meaning: -
Nickname?: Deme
Nickname Origin: The term Deme started with his adoptive mother, she first called him Deme, than his adoptive father called him Deme and now he introduces himself as Deme.

Favourite Food: Chinese
Favourite Dish: Waffles with ice-cream and hot chocolate
Favourite Season: Spring
Favourite Month: May
Favourite Holiday: Easter
Favourite Time: Six In The Morning
Favourite Country: Sweden
Favourite Animal: Polar Bear
Favourite Number: Thirteen
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Writer: Dr. Seuss
Favourite Place To Be: Anywhere Mountain-like
Favourite Smell: The smell of cooking bacon
Favourite Flower: Daisies
Favourite Fabric:Velvet
Favourite Metal: Sterling Silver

Least Favourite Food: Spanish
Least Favourite Dish: Beef Kebab
Least Favourite Season: Summer
Least Favourite Month: April
Least Favourite Holiday: Boxing Day
Least Favourite Time: Five In The Afternoon
Least Favourite Country: Brazil
Least Favourite Animal: Spider
Least Favourite Number: Eleven
Least Favourite Sport: All of them
Least Favourite Writer: Gilderoy Lockhart
Least Favourite Place To Be: In small spaces
Least Favourite Smell: Rotten Egg
Least Favourite Flower: Roses
Least Favourite Fabric: Leather
Least Favourite Metal: Bronze

Place Of Birth: Asha, Russia
Current Area Of Residence: New Zealand, Christchurch.
Birth Parents: Mark Petrov (father) and Dominika Petrov (mother)
Heritage: Russian
Starsign: Gemini
Element: Air
Ruling Planet/s: Mercury
Symbol: The Twins
Stone: Aquamarine
Life Pursuit: To explore a little bit of everything.
Vibration: Intense mental energy
Secret Desire: To be ahead of the crowd
About Starsign Gemini: Is the sign of the 'Twins', and are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives.
Chinese Zodiac: The Pig
Personality Assosiated With Zodiac: The Boar type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person, this type of people is reserved with those who they know not too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence those around may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. It is easy to put trust in pig type; he/she won't let you down and will never even try to. Such people simply want to do everything right. These people are not vengeful creatures, and if someone has tried to take and advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city. there is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause any argument and if there is any chance to avoid arguing they probably will take this occasion. They are not weak, however, and if the situation causes them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or close people.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 34, 41, 48
Equivalent Western Sign: Scorpio
Element: Water
Colour: Black
Yin/Yang: Yin
Direction: North-north West</COLOR>

Height: 4ft 9 inches
Weight: 77 pounds (lbs)
Dress Code: Deme likes to wear mostly black clothes.
Sexual Orientation: Too Young To Care.
Relationship Status: Single (Not-Looking)
Skin Tone: Pale
Skin Type: Smooth and soft.
Hair Colour: Dark blue
Dyed?: Yes
Nautral Colour: Dark brown
Hair Type: Soft and fluffy
Hair Length and Thinkness: Shoulder Length, quite thick.
Eye Colour: Honey brown
Eye Description: Deep and welcoming, Deme is known for his 'warm' eyes
Playby: Gerard Way
Distinguishing Marks: A few scars on his legs and arms, a small birthmark on the back of his neck
Health Status: Deme is currently healthy, though he could be more athletic, but he is not over-weight and eats well, and makes sure he sleeps for a healthy amount of hours
Overall Appearence: Overall, Deme looks quite feminine and young, his dyed hair give him a slight edge and his warm eyes make him appear friendly.
Allergie: Mosquito bites
Consequence: Area around bite swells and becomes very painful. If not treated, can get infected and poison the bloodstream.
Preventative: Avoid being bitten by a mosquito.
Allergie: Gravy
Consequence: Throws up for days.
Preventative: Don't eat gravy.
Allergie: Cherries
Consequence: Throws up.
Preventative Don't eat cherries.
Allergie: Animal Fur
Consequence: Sneezes continuously, face grows red and, if inhaled, throat closes up.
Preventative: Takes medication in the mornings and afternoons.
Suffers From: Claustrophobia
Description: the fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces or rooms.
Classification: Anxiety Disorder
Preventative: Avoids enclosed spaces.
Suffers From: Ophidiophobia
Description: The abnormal fear of snakes. Care must also be taken to differentiate people who do not like snakes or fear them for their venom or the inherent danger involved. An ophidiophobic would not only fear snakes when in live contact, but also dreads to think about them or even see them on TV or in pictures.
Preventative: Avoids snakes.
Blood Status: Unknown. Deme was adopted by two magical people, he doesn't know his blood status, but from memory, he knows for sure that his father was magical.
Blood Type: O negative. Deme wants to be a blood-donor when he is older because of his rare blood type.</COLOR>

Educated At: Hogwarts New Zealand
Hogwarts New Zealand House: Ravenclaw
Feelings Towards This Outcome: Deme doesn't care that he was put into Ravenclaw, the only thing he complains about is that the Ravenclaw Tower is so far away from everything and he has to climb a ton of stairs to get anywhere.
Wand: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Wand Description:

Good Habits: Keeps himself neat. Polite to people he first meets. Generally a friendly person.
Bad Habits: He is lazy. Impatient. Can be a little too blunt sometimes. Gets into trouble often.
Strengths: Resiliant. Deme is very resilient and can bounce back from most situations.
Likes: Relaxing, waffles, ice-cream, flowers, animals.
Weaknesses: Deme's weakness is his family, he finds it hard to talk about them as he doesn't like the fact that he is adopted.
Dislikes: Snails. Bugs. Being alone. Being bored. Snakes. Small spaces.
Interests and/or Hobbies: Deme likes reading and going on adventures with people. He likes having good memories to share with new and exciting people.
Additional Skills: -
Graduation: Yet To Come
Current Job: Student
Theme Song: Don't worry, be happy- Guy Sebastian
Beliefs: "Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
Boggart: A giant snake. Deme is terrified of snakes.
Patronus Memory: Being adopted by Hannah and Vincent Aurelious. Deme doesn't like that he was adopted and taken from his home country, but he is grateful and relieved that he doesn't have to stay with his old family anymore.
Dementor: Falling into a pit of snakes when he was six. This was the birth of his fear of snakes. This memory supresses all other nightmareish memories of his life before adoption.
Veritiserum: That he is scared of enclosed spaces.
Animagus: Probably a dove.
Patronus: Probably a rabbit.
Languages: Russian, English.
Accent: New Zealander with a Russian twist, his words are wrapped with the power of the Russian accent, when he is angry, or over-emotional to some extent, his Russian accent over-powers his New Zealand one and it can be difficult to understand him.
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None

Since Deme feels that he is given little attention from his adoptive family, he has trust issues, he feels that people use, abuse and then throw him away, so even though he seems rather happy, outgoing and oustantacious, he would never reveal his inner thoughts and feelings to someone. He will happily act like he trusts someone, but that does not mean that he will actually fully trust them.
Though Deme does not realise this, he is a very calculating and intelligent boy, he thinks about a lot of things and picks up on random fact very well. Even in simply conversation, he will be thinking and comtemplating the other persons actions, trying to understand them and attempt to find out why they are doing whatever they are doing. Occasionally, he will open up enough for someone and allow himself to befriend them.
History(Before Adoption): To Come
History(Before Hogwarts New Zealand): To Come
History(During Hogwarts New Zealand): To Come
List Of Rps:
First Year
Cheeky Ravenclaw's Have More Fun: Set in the Forbidden Forest.
Boo?: Set on top of the Cliffs.
Sorting Ceremony
<COLOR color="mediumblue">Sorting Ceremony: Set in Yr15 Sorting Ceremony, Where Deme was sorted into Ravenclaw.
First Year Classes
History of Magic Lesson One Earned an O. Lesson Two
Astronomy Lesson One Earned an O.
Herbology Lesson One Earned an O.
Flying Lesson One Earned an O. Lesson Two
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