Open Deep Blue

Ruth Redferne

sassy · excited
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Ruth was settling nicely into a routine now that classes had started, although she felt some were too simplistic as the Professors had to teach to the lowest skilled of the year. A pity, really. Her homework, when there was any, was so simple that she barely bothered to do it because she wanted a challenge. Thus far, she was feeling a little disappointed with her peers so the first year took her chess set which was a fine piece of magic as she could play against herself but could be played manually against someone quite easily. The chess set had long had her initials carved into them, a way of deterring her siblings from staking a claim on it although now it wasn't as if they were interested in any way even if they were old enough to be at school with her.

The blonde sat down and poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice before she set up the board with herself playing with white pieces. The pieces were far more simplistic than a classic set in what looked like varnished oak where some of the varnished had peeled off with use and age and she was very fond of it. Ruth felt it had character and made her look all the more mysterious, something that appealed to her about journalling although this was something that was a secret for her alone. She took a sip of her pumpkin juice and put the pebbled glass down, clearing her throat before she said quietly, "King's Pawn to four," and watched as the pawn moved independently. She then observed as the black pieces moved in turn without prompting. She took a moment to respond, thinking of what defence the board was taking.
Ambrose was having plenty of fun at school so far, way more than he was used to having back at home he had to admit. Even if he did miss playing rugby with his friends or spending time with some of the kids in his music classes. Luckily though, Hogwarts was filled with other students and there were plenty of other first years that he was sure could use a friend or two. Having planned on finishing his homework he had made his way into the great hall, walking towards an empty spot at the Ravenclaw table before noticing one of his classmates and changing course. "So are you winning?" He asked casually while he sat down across from her, already wrecking her brain to see if he could come up with her name. By now, he had hears most of his classmates called by their names and did his best to remember most of them. Those in his own house were a little easier though since he heard them twice as often. Ruth. That was it.
Ruth looked up when someone approached. She eyed him curiously, unsure how someone could look at the board as it was and see if one were winning over the other as of yet. Each had only played one move, it was far too early to say. She looked back at the board and said, "It's premature." She looked back at the boy, sitting across from her, and asked, "Would you wish to play?" It was her way of being nice, although she wasn't sure which answer she hoped for as of yet. She did not know who he was nor his skill level but she thought this was a nice way to discover such things about the other student.
Ambrose had paid little attention to what was actually happening on the chess board when he had sat down, now looking at it when she told him it was premature. It was and he should've perhaps looked at that before asking her the question. Although it had been a good conversation starter so he couldn't complain either. "I mean I enjoy watching almost as much as I do playing so whatever floats your boat." He shrugged at her offer, not wanting her to have to give up the game she had just started. "But I'd be down for that, sure."

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