December Daniels

December Daniels

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core


Full Name: December Daniels
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 2 2027
Age: 12
Blood Type: A+
Blood Status: Half Blood
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Heritage: American, Australian
Wand: Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Occupation: Home Schooled student


Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6
Build: Slim
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None


Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Food: Chocolate covered Strawberries
Favourite Season: Winter
Favourite Month: November
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Favourite Country: United Kingdom
Favourite Animal: Cat
Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Place to be: Her bedroom

A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper

Likes: Writing, Football, Swimming, Meditating.
Dislikes: Loud noises, ripped paper, spilled ink.
Erised: Herself as a successful author
Boggart: Losing her Dad.
Dementor: December is unsure what would qualify as her worst memory
Patronus Memory: N/A
Patronus Form: N/A
Animagus: N/A
Veritaserum: She hates her mum.
Strengths: Reading, Writing, Swimming
Weaknesses: Crippling social anxiety, stutter, shyness.


Sexual Orientation: Straight (Though yet to be explored)
Crushes: None
Relationship Status: Too young to care
How Long for: N/A
Feelings: N/A
Past Relationships: None
Past Flings: None
Innocence: Still Innocent
First Kiss: N/A
Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:
Ideal Man/Women:
Thoughts on Romance:

<COLOR color="#20B2AA">School|School|School

School Attended: Home Schooled
Best Subject:
Favourite Class:
Worst Subject:
Least Favourite Class:

<SIZE size="50">
<SIZE size="50">Family|Family|Family​

Birth Parents:

Ryan Daniels: - Father. Ryan is December’s magical parent and the one who home schools her. He is a freelance journalist and photographer and as a result travels the world a lot for work and chose to take December with him rather than send her to school.

June Adams: - Mother. June is a muggle who was unaware of her husband's true identity when she married him. She remained so until her young daughter began to show signs of magical potential. Upon having everything explained to her, she left her family behind unable to accept what her family was.

Pet: None

Birthplace: Sacremento, California.

Current Residence: Various

Personality: December was not socialised very much as a child and as a result has poor social skills. She can be very kind and sweet but has trouble expressing her emotions with people as she isn't used to social situations. December can suffer from anxiety in large crowds and this is one of the reasons she was kept out of school. She will not approach people and engage in conversation but she is capable of holding conversation, albeit a stuttered one, if she is approached by someone friendly.

History: December was born in Sacramento, California to a wizard father and muggle mother. December was named so in honour of a family tradition on her mother’s side that had her named after the month she was conceived in. From a young age December showed signs of magical potential, this led to her mother leaving the family having previously not known about the existence of magic and being unable to accept them with it. This left December to be raised by her father who was a freelance journalist and photographer so the two ended up moving around for his work never staying anywhere too long. When it came time for December to go to school her father decided he would keep her with him and home school her. One of the highlights of her time travelling with her father is when he was reporting on the 2038 Quidditch World Cup and she was learned to fly with the USA Quidditch team and she discovered a love of Quidditch.
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[th colspan="2"]Y24 (Home Schooled)[/th]

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